At this time, the sky was already dark. It was four o'clock in the morning and he could still sleep for two and a half hours. Chu Qiao yawned, but her nerves were very excited and she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in bed for a long time before she fell asleep in a daze. She was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock, which was set for half past six.

Chu Peng has to enter school before eight o'clock, and has to leave at seven-thirty. Breakfast is at seven o'clock, and half an hour is enough to make breakfast.

Chu Qiao cooked the shredded pork noodles with pickled mustard, which saved time. She rolled the noodles herself. She also fried a few eggs, cut a few apples, and heated a few cups of milk. It was nutritious.

"Eat quickly. After you finish eating, go to school. Xiaopeng, ride your bike and take Dabao to school first." Chu Qiao instructed.

Middle school and primary school are in the same direction, so she doesn't need to give them away.


Chu Peng responded lightly and yawned. He didn't sleep well last night. There was a politics class today and he could catch up on forty-five minutes of sleep.

"Do you have lunch at school? Or go home?" Chu Qiao asked again.

"School food."

Chu Peng wanted to take a lunch break at school to save time.

"Go and find a restaurant to eat outside. The food in the cafeteria is not delicious."

Chu Qiao took out five yuan and gave it to Brother Dog. She had also studied in that school. The food in the cafeteria was not much better than boiled pig food. Brother Dog's mouth was more cunning than the emperor, so he would definitely not be used to it.

She didn't feel sorry for Brother Dog, she was just repaying this guy's kindness for giving her the bungalow.

Chu Peng accepted the money unceremoniously, ate the noodles with his head down, and then drank a large glass of milk with a pained expression. The milk was really unpleasant to drink, but in order to grow taller, he endured it!

Xiaobao is in good spirits and has no recurring fever. He has also finished his bowl of noodles in the morning, as if the child who was sick last night was someone else.

"Auntie, I also want to go to school." Xiaobao begged.

He must study hard so that he can earn a lot of money to spend with his aunt.

Chu Qiao was a little hesitant. She was not reassured. What if Xiaobao had a stomachache again?

"You must be fine if you are so energetic. I will send Xiaobao to school." He is very ambitious. As a boy, he must be raised rough, so that he can be strong.

Chu Qiao smiled. She thought too much. No wonder parenting experts said that fathers play a very important role in the growth of children, especially boys. Otherwise, they will be more squeamish because mothers always worry too much. The father is more generous, and the child who has grown up stumbles is relatively less delicate.

"You go to work, I'll see Xiaobao off."

Chu Qiao didn't let Gu Ye send it off. She had nothing to do at home. She added, "Remember to ask about Teacher Dabao's house. I asked Sister Hongxia. Although Teacher He is snobbish, his teaching level is very good. Let's find another teacher." You may not meet a good one.”

Xuan Hongxia knew the school's situation well. Chu Qiao had asked clearly yesterday that Teacher He was transferred from a suburban school. He had won many awards for his excellent teaching skills. It was for this reason that Chu Qiao was willing to help.

This teacher's snobbery is really annoying, but everything has two sides. If he can curry favor with Teacher He, Dabao will thrive under the teacher's love in the next four years.

She doesn't feel that she is encouraging evil trends, and the Education Bureau doesn't care. Why does she, a little commoner, worry about that? She just wants her children to be taken care of.

"I'll definitely get it done, don't worry!"

Gu Ye agreed and asked for a lot of debt this time. The leaders in the factory were kind to him. After all, the outstanding debt of more than one million yuan could give the leaders a big meal.

These rats are indeed very irritating, but Gu Ye doesn't want to take care of them because he can't. There are too many injustices in the world, and even a Bodhisattva can't take care of them. How can he, a little human, have that ability?

Moreover, the time is not ripe now. He is just a small sales section chief. His foundation in the machine tool factory is not stable and he cannot protect himself. The consequences of meddling in others' business will be to get out of the house in despair. Gu Ye is not that stupid.

After Gu Ye went to work, Chu Qiao took Xiaobao to the kindergarten. She specifically told the teacher to pay more attention to Xiaobao and call her if anything happened.

Then he went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Chu Qiao bought a lot of swimming crabs, and the dog brother didn't even get tired of eating them. He made a large plate of fried crabs in the typhoon shelter every day, and both Chu Peng and Gu Ye could eat them all. No matter how expensive it is, Chu Qiao is happy to do it every day.

The bosses who sell seafood all know her. It's hard not to remember this beautiful girl who spends a lot of money.

"Girl, the scallops are very fresh today, would you like some?"

"Okay, let's weigh a few."

Chu Qiao picked up a scallop and checked it skillfully. It was indeed very fresh and was good for making scallop vermicelli. Seeing that the prawns were jumping around, she weighed some and cooked a plump golden pomfret to steam and eat.

Dabao also ate lunch at school. She and Gu Ye ate at noon. Chu Qiao made some casual meals and then made a big meal in the evening.

Scallop vermicelli, boiled prawns, steamed golden pomfret, steamed pork ribs, and a three-fresh soup, stir-fried garlic water spinach and stir-fried gourd shreds, filling a large table.

When Chu Peng returned home and saw so many delicious foods, he felt even more regretful. There were only five days left before returning home and he didn't want to go back.

"The house is fine. I made an agreement with Deputy Director Jin. Xu Lei will definitely have a share of the house during the Spring Equinox next year, but it only has a single room." Gu Ye told the good news, took a big mouthful of rice, and ate again A scallop fan, he added: "Let the two of them go to Deputy Director Jin's house. Don't go empty-handed. Deputy Director Jin likes to drink."

Chu Qiao was beaming with joy. It was done in one day. Gu Ye was very efficient.

"Okay, I'll talk to you in a few days."

Chu Qiao planned to leave it alone for a few days, so she couldn't do it too quickly. That would make the matter look particularly easy and not show how much effort she had put into it.

When the two of them talked about this, they didn't avoid Dabao. This kid was very clever and knew everything. There was no need to avoid him. Besides, it would be good to let Dabao know the dangers of the world as early as possible. Fairy tales are not suitable for losing a father. The child of an unscrupulous mother.

Dabao rolled his eyes and said loudly: "Teacher He adjusted my seat today. In the second row in the middle, Gu Wen is in the first row. The teacher also asked me to be the group leader, and Gu Wen is the group leader."

Today is a day when classmate Dabao is flattered. Teacher He, who used to be picky about his cross-nosed nose, is now very amiable, speaks much more gently, and even pats him on the head kindly.

In the first class, seats were changed and class cadres were appointed. When Dabao heard that he was the group leader, he was extremely excited. Although he was only a small group leader, he was still an official.

All the students in a group have to obey his orders, which is a lot of power.

But Dabao is still a little unhappy, because Gu Wen is the team leader and has a higher official position than him, so he still has to listen to Gu Wen's bitch.

Chu Qiao knew what she was doing, and she was quite satisfied with Teacher He's ability to act. She was not afraid of being snobbish, but what she was afraid of were villains who refused to do things even after receiving benefits. Since Teacher He had given her a thumbs up, she would return some favors tomorrow.

Teacher He had to know that it was useless to curry favor with Gu Jianshe. The real thigh was Gu Ye, her husband.

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