Before Gu Ye could ask, an old man asked him mysteriously, "Young man, did you see something?"

Gu Ye was stunned and looked up at the sky again, doubting his 5.2 vision. Could there be some hidden mysterious UFO?

"Young man, have you seen a flying saucer? Tell me what it looks like? Are there any aliens? Is it a human-headed snake-body? Or is it like an octopus?" The uncle seemed to be an astronomy enthusiast and asked enthusiastically. alien.

Others also came over, wanting to know what shocking new discovery Gu Ye had made. They had just seen Gu Ye looking up at the sky like a statue for two full hours. If it hadn't been for the shocking discovery, he would never have been able to maintain this state of affairs. It's not in line with the natural science of the human body.

Gu Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, where is this?

He really wanted to tell the truth. He was just in a daze, thinking about life. But facing the sincere and enthusiastic eyes of a group of people, he couldn't bear it, so he said casually: "I saw a silver light flashing by. Wait a minute." He didn’t come back for a long time, and I don’t know if it was a flying saucer.”

"Aliens must have come to invade the earth. Let me tell you, the aliens have no good intentions. Maybe there are aliens lurking among us who want to occupy our earth. Everyone needs to be more vigilant. !”

The old man was talking with great enthusiasm, and the people around him were listening with gusto. No one paid attention to Gu Ye anymore. He pulled him out of the crowd with a smile and strode home.

Even the old man lives so energetically, what right does he have to be decadent?

If he couldn't sell it in five days, he would insist on it for fifty days. He wouldn't believe that he couldn't sell even one.

When Gu Ye returned home, he was still smiling and telling jokes to Dabao and Xiaobao. It was hard to see that his work had been affected. Chu Qiao felt a little sorry for this man. She heard some gossip during the day and knew that Gu Ye's sales were not good these days. So smooth.

Although she knew that Gu Ye would definitely be able to sell it in the end, she didn't know how long the process would take, and she still felt heartbroken when she saw Gu Ye like this.

During the day, she went to the bathroom and heard someone chatting in the water room next door, talking about the sales department.

"Section Chief Gu is really stupid. He is the only one who foolishly goes out to do sales. I heard that he couldn't even get through the door and was kicked out. How smart the others are. He went to a teahouse to have tea and snacks. It was so comfortable. You can hang out comfortably for a day and still get your salary."

"How about saying that Chief Gu is stupid? His wife Xiao Chu is also stupid. She actually made a bet that she would be able to sell it within three months. Well, she couldn't sell it in three years."

"I've heard about this too. It was ten yuan. It's a pity that I didn't go shopping with him that day, otherwise I could have earned ten yuan."

"Okay, Section Chief Gu is unlucky enough, don't say that."

"What's so bad about it? You're making 60,000 yuan, why don't you give us some points?"

Chu Qiao heard all these women's discussions, but she didn't show up and went home quietly. She had to win this bet, not for money, but for reputation.

And those employees in the sales department are really nothing. How can they get their wages with peace of mind?

It’s no wonder that the machine tool factory went bankrupt. With so many woodworms living there who are just eating but not working, even the towering trees in the machine tool factory will be hollowed out.

After preparing dinner, Chu Qiao pretended to be casual and asked: "How is the sales of the machine tools?"

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment and smiled exaggeratedly, "The progress is very good. I went to an auto parts factory today. They said they would think about it carefully and give me a reply in a few days. Just wait for my good news!"

Chu Qiao felt a little sour in her heart, she didn't want to see Gu Ye forcing a smile, but she didn't expose it and said with a smile: "Okay, when you sell the machine tool, I will cook a big meal to celebrate, you can order whatever you want. "

"Keep your word!"

Gu Ye wrapped around the retractor and said in Chu Qiao's ear in a particularly naughty way, "I don't really want to eat the big dinner. Can it be replaced by wedding flowers and candles?"


Chu Qiao pushed him away and rolled her eyes angrily, but she couldn't stop smiling. This guy thought about this every day and was so annoyed.

Gu Ye was not disappointed, so he just asked casually, asking again every day. Maybe one day his wife would let go. Men should be more shameless when it comes to such things.

"Where do you usually sell your gear hobbing machines?" Chu Qiao asked casually.

She has nothing to do during the day anyway, so she can go out and help with sales.

"Usually auto parts factories, bearing factories, gear factories, many factories use them. As long as the factory produces gears, they all need to use gear hobbing machines." Gu Ye explained patiently.

Chu Qiao asked some more about the gear hobbing machines in the machine tool factory. They were all semi-automatic and the quality was good, but the models were a bit old.

"Everyone abroad is working on full automation, but we are still too behind and our technology updates are not timely enough." Gu Ye lamented.

The current director of the machine tool factory has poor management and innovation capabilities. The machine tool factory has become what it is now. The director has an unshirkable responsibility. In the past, technical engineers also proposed improvements and even said that they would visit foreign machine tool factories to study. The director was criticized They rejected it completely, saying that the engineer worshiped foreigners and wanted to cause sabotage.

People with old-fashioned ideas are really speechless, but this kind of person is still the director of the factory. It is no wonder that Xingda Machine Tool Factory, which was originally the leader in the industry, has now become a patient with serious illness and is about to die.

Chu Qiao consoled him: "Don't think about the technical issues in advance. Let's sell the machine tools in the warehouse first to mobilize funds, so that we can have the capital to carry out technological innovations. Otherwise, these machine tools will be just a pile of scrap metal, which is a huge waste. "

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes, it must be sold."

But where to sell it?

This is a big problem.

There is a gear hobbing machine factory in the south. The technological innovation is relatively timely. It has imitated a batch of automatic gear hobbing machines and the sales are very good in the market. But Gu Ye went to see it. Although this kind of machine tool is convenient, the processing accuracy is not high, and the parameters are unstable. To be honest, it is not as good as the machine tools in their machine tool factory.

But now it's popular to follow the trend. Many factories want to buy this kind of automatic machine tools in order to increase production efficiency and save trouble. Gu Ye can't change these people's minds.

Chu Qiao knew that the machine tool factory in the south had heard Gu Jianshe say in his previous life that it used to be behind Xingda Machine Tool Factory, but now it has caught up with Xingda and has a faint tendency to become the leader.

However, it was just a flash of fireworks. After a few years of glory, it fell into decline due to quality problems. After the restructuring of Xingda Machine Tool Factory, it gradually grew and occupied the market. However, this machine tool factory failed to recover and was later acquired by a private party. It has never been more prosperous.

"This kind of machine tool factory won't last long. No matter what product it produces, quality is king. Just like a restaurant, if the food tastes bad, it will definitely open soon. Don't worry too much. Our machine tools are of good quality and they will definitely be sold. Go ahead." Chu Qiao comforted.

Gu Ye nodded, feeling a lot more confident. His wife was right, the quality was good and he didn't have to worry about selling it, but he had to change his mind, otherwise he would be left out.

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