80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 238: Sell 10 machine tools and get married

At first, Qian Liujin was a little embarrassed and he ate very slowly, but then he ate faster and faster, as if he was devouring it. He took the shuttle bus in the morning and didn't even eat lunch. His chest was so hungry that it pressed against his back.

As soon as Gu Ye saw how starving he was, he knew he hadn't eaten lunch, so he asked angrily, "Why don't you eat lunch? Are you out of money?"

Liujin nodded honestly. Gu Ye had been his squad leader, so he didn't dare to lie.

"Where's your retirement pension? Not even a penny left? Did your stepmother abduct you again?" Gu Ye asked repeatedly.

Qian Liujin's head was getting lower and lower, and his guilty look made Gu Ye furious. He slapped him hard on the head and scolded him angrily, "Why did I tell you, you pig-brained person?" I didn’t remember a word of it!”

"My father is sick."

Qian Liujin argued in a low voice that he couldn't just watch his father die of illness.

Gu Ye sighed heavily and rubbed the guy's head hard, "From now on, your salary will be handed over to me, and you can only keep some living expenses. You fool, you can't get any money on your hands."


Qian Liujin happily agreed. He was relieved to leave it to Brother Ye. He grinned again and said, "The food cooked by my sister-in-law is really delicious."

Gu Ye laughed angrily, "Nonsense, my wife's cooking must be delicious. I'll finish it all!"


Qian Liujin nodded vigorously, with such a naive look that made Chu Qiao doubt whether this kid could sell machine tools.

People who work in sales should not be too naive. Qian Liujin is both stupid and honest, and he is not very lively in his mind. He is not the material for sales.

Qian Liujin's appetite was really big. He finished all the food, not even the soup was left. After eating, he took the initiative to wash the dishes. He worked very neatly and had good eyesight.

At night, Qian Liujin slept on Dabao and Xiaobao's bed. Gu Ye was able to sneak back into the back room again. Seeing his cheerful smile, Chu Qiao couldn't help but roll her eyes. She suspected that this guy asked Qian Liujin to come here just to get in. Sleep in the back room.

Chu Qiao waved to Gu Ye who was lying on the ground. Gu Ye's eyes lit up, he came over with a shy face, and asked diligently: "Is it the wedding ceremony?"

"What a big hole you have!"

Chu Qiao patted him on the head and thought about it every day.

Gu Ye was not disappointed either. Anyway, he asked her every day. At least now his wife didn't resist the kiss. Even the last step of the deep matter, she still resisted a little. He didn't have to worry, he would get the meat sooner or later.

"Qiaoqiao, why don't we agree on a time? When do you think we can get married?" Gu Ye asked.

Chu Qiao's face turned red with embarrassment. In fact, she was not rejecting the bridal chamber, but was afraid of having children. She was afraid that she would have to have children if she did that.

"Did your father induce the birth?"

"No, this has nothing to do with the old man. All I care about now is when the wedding will be. Qiaoqiao, you have to give me an accurate time. There is still hope in jail, don't you think?"

Gu Ye's eloquent words made Chu Qiao's will begin to waver. She also knew that it would be shameful to delay. After all, she had promised Gu Ye that they would spend time together.

"Then let me say it first. I don't want to have children now. I'm afraid something will happen. Gu Jianshe's wife died giving birth to her children." Chu Qiao whispered, not daring to look at Gu Ye. She knew that her request was a bit excessive.

But she was really scared. She didn't want to give birth for at least the next two years until her fear was over.

Gu Ye's heart tensed up. He wasn't nervous at first, but when Chu Qiao said this, he became scared and said decisively: "Then we won't have a baby. Anyway, we have a baby and a baby."

He had heard a veteran say that a woman had a near chance of death after giving birth to a child, with half of her foot stepping into the gate of hell. He didn't want his wife to take this risk. She could live without a child, but she couldn't live without a wife.

Gu Ye didn't have much obsession with carrying on the family line. There were so many people named Gu in the world, and they were all brothers five hundred years ago.

Chu Qiao was a little surprised, "Aren't you afraid that your father will be angry?"

"When have I ever been afraid of the old man? If I want to give birth, I can give birth. If I don't want to give birth, I can't. He likes to give birth on his own so much!" Gu Ye didn't care. He was the person in the family who least cared about the old man's thoughts.

Chu Qiao laughed, winked, and moved closer, "If we don't have a child, we have to have a bridal chamber, how about tonight?"

After saying that, Chu Qiao pushed him away.

"You sell machine tools first, and when you sell ten machine tools, then... just that..."

This was Chu Qiao's last-minute idea. She remembered that in her previous life, Gu Ye successfully sold machine tools in winter, and it should be similar in this life. She would take it easy first and encourage this guy to sell machine tools.

"Qiaoqiao, you promised ten machine tools, you can't go back on it!"

Gu Ye's eyes were bright. No matter how many stations he had, as long as he had a goal, he would definitely achieve it.

"Whoever regrets it will be punished by ten!"

Chu Qiao stared, her face turned red with embarrassment, and Gu Ye was dumbfounded. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. In order to get meat as soon as possible, he had to sell the machine tool no matter what.

"Okay, ten machine tools!"

Gu Ye leaned close to Chu Qiao's ear and whispered: "Start counting from tomorrow, Qiao Qiao, just wait!"

"Go down!"

Chu Qiao pushed, her face flushed, and she said it as if she couldn't wait for the bridal chamber. It was obviously this guy who had been clamoring about the bridal chamber.

"It's not time to go to bed yet, Qiaoqiao, let me ask you something, when did you fall in love with me? Did you like me the first time you saw me?" Gu Ye asked enthusiastically.

He fell in love with his wife at first sight, so he felt that she must also fall in love at first sight with him, which was necessary.

"When I first saw you, I looked like a fool. I like your size!"

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes. This guy was indeed a sales talent, and his face was unusually thick.

Gu Ye was not discouraged and kept on asking, "Is that the second time?"

"No, I don't like you. I'm going to bed."

Chu Qiao turned around and gave someone a slap on the back of her head. Her heart was beating very fast. In fact, she didn't know when she fell in love with Gu Ye. This guy was very shameless and always appeared in front of her without even saying hello. She was so familiar with him, she seemed to like him without even realizing it.

But you can't say this to Gu Ye, lest this guy raise his tail.

"Qiaoqiao, good night!"

Gu Ye's voice came to her ears, as if he was speaking close to her ear. The hot air made her ears itch. Chu Qiao shrank her neck, did not dare to look back, and replied in a muffled voice: "Sleep!"

Gu Ye laughed and went to sleep obediently. He soon dreamed that he had sold a hundred machine tools and then had a wedding with Qiaoqiao. Unfortunately, just when he was about to do those deeper things, he woke up. His biological clock told him to arrive. Wake up automatically at six o'clock.

He patted his head in frustration, it was like this every time, and he always couldn't have a big meal. The Duke Zhou who was dreaming was definitely a bachelor, and he couldn't see anyone being nice at all.

After breakfast, Gu Ye reported for work with six kilograms of money and signed a temporary worker contract. The salary was sixty yuan a month, and travel and commission were not included.

Qian Liujin is very satisfied. He still earns less than 60 yuan from farm work at home.

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