80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 242: 5 Bandits (Thanks to Miyami Chongchong for the reward+)

People are like this. They don't see others living better than them. Although they have no grudges or grudges, they still hate others who laugh at others. Chu Qiao is young and beautiful, and can spend money lavishly. She can also wear new clothes every day, and Still a jobless vagrant, these women felt very unbalanced in their hearts. They felt that Chu Qiao did not deserve such a comfortable life, and they wished Chu Qiao would be unlucky.

Little did Chu Qiao know that these women were cursing her for her unlucky divorce and that she was out to clean up the stove. Even if she knew about it, she wouldn't take it to heart. In this life, she only lives for herself, and she won't care about those gossips.

After cleaning the stove, Chu Qiao washed her hands and then went into the house to eat. In fact, she had no appetite. After cooking so many dishes, she was full of oil fumes, so she sat down and ate something.

As soon as she sat down, Gu Ye picked up the crab with the most yellow color and put it into her bowl, "This one has the most yellow color."


Chu Qiao felt warm in her heart, and the hard work of cooking was gone. She thought of her past life again. Gu Jianshe also liked to entertain friends at home. There was a big table every now and then. Gu Jianshe said that he was more sincere at home.

But later Chu Qiao figured it out. She was sincere and wanted to use her as a free labor force. Moreover, her cooking skills were no worse than those in restaurants. Cooking at home tasted good and was cheap, and she could keep her friends entertained. Gu Jianshe had to be more careful with his abacus. ah.

Every time she worked hard to prepare a large table of dishes, those friends would be polite and said they would wait for Chu Qiao to eat together, but Gu Jianshe said it was not necessary, and then waited for her to finish her work in the kitchen and go out to eat. These people were changing cups, drinking and drinking, and the table was in a mess. Seeing these drunken men, she lost her appetite at all.

And until the banquet was over, no one thought that she, who had worked hard to cook, still hadn't eaten a bite. Of course, this was not the fault of anyone else, but her fault for being blind and stupid in her previous life. Fortunately, she was reborn.

Chu Qiao came back to her senses from the past, smiled at Gu Ye, and ate the crab in small bites. Her appetite inexplicably improved, maybe she was in a better mood.

"The cooking skills of my brothers and sisters are amazing. They are much more delicious than those cooked by the chef." Han Shizhong praised them without hesitation.

"I can make all these dishes into round balls, and I will definitely not leave any bite behind!" Xu Sanqiang's face turned red, he was a little drunk after drinking some wine.

Chu Qiao pursed her lips and smiled, "If it's not enough, I'll do it again."

I just like the boldness of these people. The greatest pleasure of a chef is to be praised for the food she makes. She doesn't like leftovers either. It's best to eat as much as you cook.

"That's enough. This braised pork is really exciting."

Xu Sanqiang took a big mouthful of meat. Baofushan next to him didn't say a word, but he ate the food at a very slow pace. Several brothers who hadn't seen each other for a long time were eating meat and drinking wine happily.

There was no food left at all, and even the last bit of vegetable soup was eaten by Qian Liujin with rice. The dishes were all gone, and the rice was all gone. The three-guang policy was implemented seriously.


Several people burped in unison, their faces all red. They all drank well. They drank two bottles of white wine, so they were not drunk, but a little high.

Chu Qiao wanted to clear the table, but Gu Ye stopped her, "I'll do it!"

"We'll do it!"

Xu Sanqiang and the others also stood up, and without letting Chu Qiao interfere, they quickly cleared the table, mopping the floor, wiping the table, and washing the dishes. The division of labor was clear, and Chu Qiao just followed them.

The grown men worked very quickly and finished the work in less than half an hour. Gu Ye put his arm around Xu Sanqiang's shoulders and said loudly: "Let's go, we've found a place to stay for the night."

"Set off!"

Five burly men came out in unison. They had all been on the battlefield and seen blood, and they had murderous intent on their bodies. The people standing in the corridor chatting together in twos and threes subconsciously took a few steps back when they saw a few of them. I felt a little scared.

Bandit Gu has attracted four more bandits. It's over, and he won't be able to offend him anymore.

Xuan Hongxia had a different idea. Xu Sanqiang was the most handsome person in her eyes. After Gu Ye and the others came downstairs, she grabbed Chu Qiao and asked, "Sister, that young man who is hooking up with your Section Chief Gu, will you marry him?" Are you a wife now?"

"I don't think so. I don't know. I'll ask Gu Ye later."

"Please help me ask. If he doesn't have a wife, I will introduce him to the young man. She is my cousin. She is 22 and there is no one yet. My aunt and uncle are worried to death." Xuan Hongxia did not hide it.

Chu Qiao nodded, "I'll ask tonight."

Xuan Hongxia asked again, "What did your Section Chief Gu take his people to do?"

"I said I found a place to live." Chu Qiao told the truth.

Several other housewives also came over. After listening to her words, they immediately shouted, "It's impossible. There are many regular workers in the factory who don't have houses. How can several temporary workers be divided into houses? Absolutely impossible."

Everyone else nodded, but that's right. Even if there is a vacant house, you have to work for a regular job first. Why should you be a temporary job?

Chu Qiao was a little annoyed. She wouldn't have said anything if she had known it earlier. She didn't know if it would cause trouble to Gu Ye.

Moreover, she didn't know where Gu Ye would go to find a place for his brothers, let alone whether the factory had arranged a house.

"Go and see!"

Someone shouted something, and everyone immediately swarmed to the corridor to see where Gu Ye was going to find a house. As long as the factory arranged a house for the four temporary workers, they would definitely not accept it. Why?

Gu Ye and the others have arrived at the door of Yang Xiucai's house. The door is closed tightly. Yang Xiucai will close the door tightly in broad daylight no matter how hot it is. He doesn't know what he is doing in the house. Many people in the factory say that he is... Doing shameful things.

"Open the door!"

Gu Ye knocked on the door hard. The corridor was full of people, all coming to see the fun and looking very excited.

One is the eccentric Aunt Yang, and the other is the ferocious Bandit Gu. It will definitely be exciting to make trouble, and they have another free movie to watch.

After filming for a long time, no one opened the door. Someone said, "Maybe Yang Xiucai isn't at home."

"Yes, I saw him entering the house during dinner, but he didn't come out after that." Another person said with confidence, and several others agreed, saying that Yang Xiucai must be at home.

"Could he be doing something shameful?"

I don't know who said something, and several men immediately smiled ambiguously and winked. Only these bachelors could understand the meaning.

Gu Ye slapped the door harder, causing the poor door panel to tremble. He slapped it several more times before Yang Xiucai came to open the door. He looked a little panicked and shouted angrily: "Calling the soul!"

"What are you doing with the door closed in broad daylight? You didn't open the door for so long while filming."

Gu Ye glanced at him suspiciously. As if he had been stung by a wasp, Yang Xiucai jumped three feet high and screamed: "I'm in my own house with the door closed and it's none of your business. Gu Ye, you can meddle in your own business." It’s too wide, why are you coming to my house?”

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