80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 255: We are both fallen people at the end of the world

When they first set up the factory, Zheng Yuqiang and Zhao Qian agreed that Zhao Qian would not care about the factory and would only provide money. If he didn't want to rely on the Zhao family to protect him, Zheng Yuqiang would not cooperate with Zhao Qian. He did not want anyone to interfere with his factory management. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Zhao Qian smiled and said, "I don't understand machine tools, but Gu Ye, the sales section chief of Xingda Machine Tools, is a friend of mine. He has helped me a little recently. If there is no problem with the quality of Xingda Machine Tools, I would suggest you consider Xingda Machine Tools." Da Machine Tool, of course I am just suggesting it, Lao Zheng, don’t think too much about it.”

Zheng Yuqiang laughed a few times, "Second Young Master, that's what happened. I have bought three imported machine tools, and I plan to buy the remaining machine tools from China. I originally planned to buy machine tools from the South, but now I am a little hesitant. I heard that the South There is a problem with the quality of the machine tools, so I plan to inquire first. If the quality of the southern machine tools is not good, I will buy Xingda machine tools. What a coincidence, Gu Ye’s wife came to our factory today to sell machine tools, and she chatted with my father. For more than half an hour, he spoke so eloquently that he even fooled my father."

Zhao Qian's laughter came from the other side of the microphone. After the second young master had laughed enough, he said, "Gu Ye and his wife are quite interesting. The Gu family is quite prestigious in Shanghai, and Gu Ye is also quite honest." , quite worth making friends with.”

Zhao Qian laughed while talking, which made Zheng Yuqiang feel suspicious. This second young master had always been unstable, and he was rarely in such a good mood. It seemed that he had a really good relationship with Gu Ye, and he couldn't stop laughing when he mentioned it.

In fact, it was Zhao Qian who thought of Gu Ye's nonsense that night, about fighting together and picking off the opponent's pants together. It was all nonsense.

After he returned to the capital, he went to inquire about it. That brat Gu Ye had never been to the capital at all. Those words were nonsense. However, Mr. Gu did work with his father, but it was only for a year. He changed his name. He's not sure if it's true, even his father doesn't know.

These are all trivial matters. Zhao Qian doesn't care as long as the medicine works. He is now looking forward to the kidney-strengthening medicine prepared by Gu Ye's wife. If it really makes him great, he will definitely treat Gu Ye as his brother.

Chu Qiao went to the market first and bought a lot of vegetables. In the evening, she wanted to make delicious food to comfort Gu Ye. It was too sinful to go out every day and get looked down on.

Gu Ye, who was remembered by Chu Qiao, was indeed the culprit. Today he went to the outer suburbs, and it was also an auto parts factory. The factory was quite large, and it was privately run. In the end, he didn't even enter the factory gate, so he had to lead three people. The guard of the big wolf dog was kicked out and scolded a lot of unpleasant things.

Gu Ye almost got bitten by a wolf dog, which made him quite embarrassed. At that time, he felt a little angry, and he felt sad and melancholy like a tiger in peace and being bullied by a dog. However, he soon recovered his mood. It was normal to be driven away. It’s been a month, no big deal.

After tidying up his clothes nearby and dusting himself off, Gu Ye was going to explore the surrounding factories. If Shanghai was such a big city, there would always be a factory that would buy his machine tools.

But after going to several factories one after another, Gu Ye didn't even enter the gate. The treatment was better than the first one, and no dogs were released to bite him. It was already noon, Gu Ye's stomach growled, and he found himself turning around again. After returning to the first factory, I found a place to sit nearby and prepared to eat something. Only after filling my stomach could I have the energy to continue selling.

He took out the lunch box, which contained a full lunch box and another box of rice balls. Chu Qiao had prepared them for him. Fearing that he would not be full, he prepared two lunch boxes, both of which were Gu Ye's favorite glutinous rice food.

After eating a donkey and rolling around, Gu Ye felt much better. Failure is the mother of success. Failure a hundred times is a hundred mothers. He will definitely be successful in the future, absolutely.


There was a loud sound. Gu Ye looked down and thought he had made it, but soon heard it again. He looked to the side and saw a dirty man with gray face and tattered clothes. His face was so rotten that he couldn't see clearly, like a beggar, looking longingly at his lunch box. When he saw him looking over, the man immediately turned his head.

But his stomach growled again, and the sound got louder and louder. The man was a little embarrassed, and he stood up and wanted to leave. Gu Ye stopped him, "Master, I can't finish eating, help me eat some."

Gu Ye, who was both a fallen man from the end of the world, suddenly thought of this poem and felt a little melancholy, so he stopped the man.

He divided half of the rice ball and donkey rolling, put it on the lid of the lunch box, handed it to the man, and smiled at him.

The man hesitated, but when he saw that Gu Ye meant no harm, he reached out and grabbed the lunch box and ate it hungrily. He almost choked several times. Fortunately, the man had his own kettle and didn't need Gu Ye to share the water.

To be honest, Gu Ye felt a little uncomfortable when he was asked to give his kettle to such a dirty person.

The two shared the food, and the man seemed to be in much better spirits. He thanked Gu Ye, "Thank you!"

The accent is a bit like someone from Zhejiang Province, and the man sounds young.

"You're welcome. It's fate that we met. Master, I hear you sound young. Find a job and work hard. You will definitely not starve to death if you have hands and feet." Gu Ye advised.

He wondered why an able-bodied person would become a beggar. It was unbelievable that he could make money with his own hands and still live in such a low life.

The man sneered and laughed at himself: "No one wants me, I have been in jail."

He didn't want to be a beggar, and he had looked for a job, but he was a reformed prisoner, who would dare to ask for one?

Unable to find a job in his hometown, he came to Shanghai and found a job. He worked for less than two months, but he was unlucky. A fellow villager saw him and told his boss that he was a murderer. The boss fired him without saying a word. After that, he looked for several jobs, but the results were not satisfactory.

He was also disheartened, so he decided to just become a vagabond, eat and drink and wait to die, working as a monk for a day and hitting the clock.

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment and looked at the man carefully. He seemed to be a man with a story, and his nature should not be bad.

Otherwise, this man wouldn't have been so miserable if he had stolen and robbed.

"It doesn't matter if you've been in jail. As long as you can correct your mistakes, I think you're not bad." Gu Ye said with a smile, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to the man.

Anyway, he is fine now, and it would be nice to chat with this man.

The two started smoking. Gu Ye only smoked one cigarette and stopped smoking. He gave the remaining cigarettes to the man, who seemed to be a heavy smoker.

The man was also very particular and offered Gu Ye a light, but Gu Ye refused, "I won't smoke anymore. My wife doesn't like the smell of cigarette smoke. If she smells it when I go back, she will definitely scold me."

"You're still henpecked."

The man smiled, started smoking, and skillfully blew out a few smoke rings. Judging from this posture, he must have been smoking for at least ten years.

"I'm not afraid, I love my wife. If you're not married, you don't understand. Tell me, why are you in jail? Fighting?" Gu Ye asked with a smile.

"Killing, dead, sentenced to fifteen years. I behaved well and was released early." The man said calmly, as if he was talking about someone else's business.

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