Gu Ye patted him hard on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, you will definitely have a better life than him in the future. Let's see again in ten years!"


He smiled seriously, and suddenly he felt a lot more confident. Although Gu Ye was a bit stupid, he had a magical power, like a shot in the arm, which could make people around him feel energetic very quickly. He I had already given up, but I was forced out by this idiot.

After dinner, Gu Ye paid the bill. It was already half past three in the afternoon.

"You go home first and come over tomorrow." He said seriously.

"I won't be working tomorrow, Sunday." Gu Ye reminded.

He smiled seriously and said, "If you don't go to the factory, go to the supervisor's house."

Gu Ye nodded. Anyway, he didn't have a leader now, so he just wanted to be serious. He always felt that this man had the air of a general and would definitely be able to help him sell machine tools.

"Where will you stay tonight? How about staying at my house?"

Gu Ye doubted that a general like him would sleep under a bridge at night. He spent fifty cents to make this guy smell nice, but he couldn't go to a bridge and get dirty.

There was a bit of embarrassment on his serious face. He was really planning to sleep in a bridge, but now that he was planning to start a new life, sleeping under a bridge would definitely not be an option, so he said, "Give me some money, and I'll sleep in a guest house."


Gu Ye was very straightforward and took out all the money he had on him. There was a pile of colorful things, about twenty yuan, and he gave it all to Zheng Zheng.

She looked at him seriously, as if looking at the silly son of a landlord. She sighed and reminded: "You can't do this. You trust people too easily. Aren't you afraid that I'm cheating you of your money?"

"you are not!"

Gu Ye smiled and patted his shoulder, waved and left, saying loudly: "See you tomorrow!"

Of course he is not stupid. No matter how much a person can hide, his eyes cannot deceive others. Seriousness is not that kind of person. He still has the ability to recognize people.

Looking at his handsome back, he smiled seriously, turned around and left.

It was quite early when he got home. Gu Ye went to pick up Dabao and Xiaobao from school. In the evening, Chu Qiao was going to make dumplings, so he asked him to help chop the stuffing and make the noodles.

"Qiaoqiao, I met a very interesting person today." Gu Ye said while chopping stuffing. Before Chu Qiao could ask, he started talking about the seriousness, and by the way, he talked about all the things about the seriousness family.

"His sister is so pitiful, and so is the police. That bully deserved his death, so why should he be sentenced to fifteen years?" Chu Qiao lamented.

Gu Ye smiled, "After all, if you seriously break the law, you will definitely be sentenced. But he is lucky. He was released after only sitting for eight years. He is still young and can start over again."

Chu Qiao nodded and asked curiously, "Can he really help you sell machine tools?"

"I think he can, I have confidence in this guy!"

Gu Ye was very confident, he felt that he would be able to do it.

Chu Qiao had never seen Zheng Zheng, but she believed in Gu Ye, and the person named Zheng Zhen sounded like a real man, and he probably wouldn't deceive Gu Ye for some food and drink.

While rolling out the dumpling wrappers, she talked about the old man she met today, "Even the janitor said our Xingda machine tool was not good, and said Nanfang machine tool was good, so I argued with him for more than half an hour, and he even ate me five times." A donkey rolling around."

That was not what Gu Ye was concerned about. He looked Chu Qiao up and down and asked, "Didn't the dog bite you?"

He has been running outside for a month these days, and is chased by dogs almost every day. These watchdogs basically eat raw meat, they are ferocious and vicious, and he cannot kill them, so they always end up in a mess.

He has rough skin and rough flesh, so it’s okay for a dog to take a bite. But he has thin skin and tender flesh. If he were bitten, he would feel bad.

Chu Qiao shook her head, "When I see a dog, I keep far away. Although that uncle looks fierce, he is not a bad person."

Only then did Gu Ye feel relieved. He chopped the pork into pieces and turned it into puree. He then said, "Don't go there in the future. I will definitely be able to sell it. The industrial area is very messy and there are many dogs."

"I just have nothing to do and go shopping. If I don't go there anymore, you go ask Xu Sanqiang and the others to come and eat dumplings."

Chu Qiao put the meat filling into a big basin, and then mixed in the chopped radish. Today she made two kinds of dumplings: radish and meat filling and cabbage and meat filling. She made more. Gu Ye, Dabao and Xiaobao both liked to eat it. Give some to the old man too.

Not long after, Gu Ye called Xu Sanqiang and the four of them over. The four of them had just taken a shower and put on clean clothes. Without Chu Qiao's greetings, Baofushan went to roll out the dumpling wrappers. It was faster and better than Chu Qiao. It's faster to roll it out yourself.

Xiaobao also wanted to join in the fun. He washed his little hands and shouted for help. Chu Qiao gave him a piece of dough and let the little guy knead and play with it.

"The stuffing is so solid, it's all meat."

Xu Sanqiang is very good at making dumplings. He picked up a large amount of stuffing with chopsticks and said with a smile.

"It won't taste good if there's less meat. You can eat more later. You're welcome."

Chu Qiao said with a smile that working in the workshop consumes physical energy. The four of them are now receiving temporary wages, which is 60 yuan a month. They are reluctant to eat well, so she calls them over for dinner every now and then, and calls them from all the way. You must take good care of yourself in life.

Several grown men can eat it. The dumplings made by Chu Qiao have thin skins and lots of fillings, and they are all solid. She is full after eating six or seven. Xu Sanqiang and the others have at least thirty per person, and the money will only make them more.

"Hiccup...the most delicious thing is dumplings. I never get tired of eating them every day, hiccup..."

Xu Sanqiang patted his belly with satisfaction, and so did the others, who couldn't hold on any longer.

Gu Ye asked about the situation in the workshop, and all four of them said it was pretty good. In fact, there must be some provocative people, but they all suffered from Xu Sanqiang and the others. Once they happened more than once, those people didn't dare to provoke them.

"Get familiar with the machine tools as soon as possible. When you make money, buy a house in Shanghai, marry a wife and settle down. Old Han will take over his sister-in-law and children." Gu Ye drew a big cake for the brothers. It was stuffed with sesame seeds and was very fragrant. .

The four of them all looked forward to the future together. It would be great if they could really settle down in Shanghai. For a better future, it would not be a big deal for them to suffer a little, and future generations would be able to enjoy the blessings.

The next day, Gu Ye had breakfast and brought a lunch box full of dumplings, freshly baked. He rode to the place he had made an appointment with Zheng Zheng yesterday. Zheng Zhen was already there. He found a guest house to stay at last night. He was very clean and looked completely different from the homeless person he was yesterday.

"Eat this, my wife made it."

Gu Ye took out the lunch box, handed it to Zheng Zheng, and said, "Yuanbao's is stuffed with radish, and the one with lace is stuffed with cabbage. Eat it while it's hot."

She gave him a serious look, and without any politeness, started eating with a big mouthful. After finishing a lunch box of dumplings, she said, "You have a good wife."

Upon hearing this, Gu Ye's tail curled up, "I'm not bragging, my wife is definitely one in a million."

Serious smiled lightly, fools are indeed blessed with fools.

"Let's go!"

Seriously walking in front, Gu Ye quickly followed and asked curiously: "Do you know that purchasing manager?"

"I've seen him a few times."

Zhen Zhen walked very quickly, limping around, and after walking for half an hour, he came to a small private courtyard in an alley. The courtyard was very clean and tidy, and the roses in the flower beds were blooming beautifully. It was obvious that The owner is quite elegant.

"Is this the supervisor's house?" Gu Ye asked.

He nodded solemnly, shook his head again, and uttered two words, "Little family."

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