After sending Dabao and Xiaobao to school, Chu Qiao went to Brother Gou's school and gave him spring rolls. Brother Gou was not bad in this life, and she could also give him a little more care.

This point was during self-study in the morning, and it was Tang Weiguo who saw it first. Before he could get up, Chu Peng pressed him down hard, "It's my sister!"

The implication is that you are so excited!

Chu Peng rolled his eyes in disgust and strode out. Tang Weiguo curled his lips. Sooner or later, he would let his brothers call him brother-in-law.

Humph, what's the point?

"What are you doing again?"

Chu Peng spoke with disgust as always. Chu Qiao was different from him. He took out the aluminum lunch box from the bag. It was still warm. It was fried yesterday. She went back to the pot and fried it in the morning.

"Spring rolls, salty stuffing."

Chu Peng curled his lips and took the lunch box. Before opening the lid, he seemed to smell the fragrance.

"The lunch box has been washed and returned to me. The same goes for the donkey rolling lunch box from last time."


Chu Peng responded, planning to return the lunch box tomorrow and have a meal on the way.

Chu Qiao hesitated to speak. She actually wanted to ask about Xu Bilian's situation, but she was afraid that Chu Peng would tell her. In the end, she didn't ask and was about to leave when she heard Chu Peng's voice, "Xu Bilian went back to work today."


Chu Qiao smiled coquettishly, not daring to look directly into Brother Dog's penetrating eyes. Brother Dog must have guessed that it was her who called Xu Bilian to come back. The guilty Chu Qiao's mind was confused and her mouth stopped listening. She was concerned. The words came out of his mouth, " you have enough pocket money?"

After asking, she regretted it. Brother Dog was not her son. Why did she care about pocket money?

That's He Jihong's business.

"I'm going back, bye!"

Chu Qiao turned around and was about to leave, hoping Brother Dog didn't hear it, but——

"not enough!"

Brother Dog's voice followed him like a shadow, and Chu Qiao had to stop, regretting that she wanted to pull out her tongue.

Chu Peng looked at the stupid sister who was filled with regrets in a funny way. His conscience was not disturbed at all. He provided such an important phone number, so he had to pay some data fees.

"Here, I'll give it all to you. Don't buy random books. The college entrance examination is about to take place."

Chu Qiao took out a handful of money, counted two big unity bills, and gave them to Brother Gou. Giving one was too stingy, but as soon as the money was given out, she thought that this was the 1980s, and ten yuan was still a huge amount of money. Her brain is really fucked up.

"You took it by mistake. Don't carry too much money on your child. Give me back ten yuan."

Chu Qiao stretched out her hand to get back the ten dollars, but she couldn't reach it. The dog brother disappeared and walked away faster than a thief.


Chu Qiao laughed and cursed, "I am really a money addict, and I don't know what kind of wife I will marry in the future."

After going to the market to buy some vegetables, Chu Qiao went home. She had been preparing kidney-strengthening medicine during the day, and she was almost successful. She felt that preparing medicine was similar to cooking, and it was not difficult to prepare. Maybe this was her talent.

Gu Ye didn't come back for lunch, so Chu Qiao ate alone and cooked a bowl of vegetables and egg noodles. When she went to the water room to wash vegetables, she met several housewives washing vegetables and stopped when she saw her talking.

Chu Qiao smiled, knowing that these people must have been talking about her just now. She was already used to it, so she washed the vegetables carelessly and did not talk to these people.

"Xiao Chu, your Section Chief Gu came back in a hurry this morning and left in a hurry. Did something happen?" Someone took the initiative to ask.

Chu Qiao frowned slightly and replied politely: "I don't know."

"Did something happen outside? Look at the hurried appearance of the section chief. It's not a big deal. Even the factory director and secretary were alarmed." Another person said, with a somewhat gloating tone.

Chu Qiao's heart skipped a beat and her thoughts were a little confused, but she soon calmed down and said with a slight smile: "Who knows, I don't know much about men's affairs outside my home, but I believe that my family, Gu Ye, will definitely not do bad things. "

"Xiao Chu, you don't know this. There is no cat in the world that doesn't steal fish. Men, you should be more careful."

"That's right, especially for a job where you have to run outside all day long, tsk... there are so many vixens out there, it's hard to guard against them!"

Chu Qiao got angry and said angrily, "Just take care of your own men. Why do you care so much!"

After washing the vegetables, she went back with the basket in her arms. Her mood was messed up by these people, and she didn't know what happened to Gu Ye.

In fact, it was Gu Ye who hurried back in the morning, and the factory director and secretary also looked shocked. For the machine tool factory that had been quiet for too long, a little disturbance was a big deal. The two giants, the factory director and secretary, were alarmed. Obviously something happened to Gu Ye.

Most people in the factory believed that Gu Ye must have caused trouble outside. It was most likely a romantic affair, and the only thing a man could cause trouble outside was in bed.

Rumors spread, and soon everyone in the factory knew that Gu Ye had caused a scandal outside, so those women taunted Chu Qiao in the water room.

Gu Ye was still kept in the dark about all this. He was now dizzy, walking unsteadily, and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

Because he sold ten machine tools. The reason why he ran back in the morning was because he forgot to bring his official seal. He ran back to get the official seal. The official seal was with the factory director, which naturally alerted the factory director's secretary.

The two giants didn't expect that Gu Ye would really sell the machine tools, ten units at a time. They were so shocked that they almost fell off the second floor. They urged Gu Ye to sign the contract quickly to avoid long nights and nightmares.

Gu Ye took the official seal and signed a contract with Liu Yingda. For ten machine tools, he would pay one-third of the deposit first, and the remaining money would be paid in full after the installation and debugging of the machine tools were completed.

It was as smooth as a dream. One unit was 58,000 yuan, and ten units were 580,000 yuan. Liu Yingda promised to give a deposit of 200,000 yuan.

"I'm going to tell you something ugly earlier, if there is a problem with the quality of your Xingda machine tools, we have to return them!" Liu Yingda was very unwilling. He didn't want to sign this contract at all, but he had to sign it.

Gu Ye immediately said: "Don't worry, the quality is absolutely guaranteed. Our master will install and debug the machine tool. If there is any problem within half a year, just call us and we will send someone to do door-to-door service."

Liu Yingda laughed a few times and was too lazy to speak. He felt very sad. He didn't earn a single cent from the Southern Machine Tool Factory's benefits.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Ye came back proudly with the signed contract and 200,000 in cash. He went to the factory director's office first. The factory director and secretary were both there, eagerly looking forward to his return.

He threw the contract on the table, and there was still 200,000 in cash, which was like a mountain.

"The deposit is 200,000, and it will be shipped tomorrow. The other party said that if there is any problem with the quality, we will return it. Two leaders, I have sold the machine tool, and you must guarantee the quality!" Gu Ye's voice was loud, and the whole office building was stunned. I heard.

Have you sold the machine tool?

Everyone in the office was excited. They hadn't sold one in five years, but Section Chief Gu actually sold it, and he sold ten units at once.

What an ancient anecdote!

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