"Don't scare the child. Okay, wash your face. You can't read that kind of book in the future, let alone let your brother read it. Remember?"

Chu Qiao used toilet paper to blow Dabao's nose. Xiaobao glanced at the floor. It was clean. The big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and the floor was saved.

Dabao blew his nose shockingly, nodded his head vigorously, and even beat him to death without even looking.

"Don't look at it, it's so ugly."

Dabao was so wronged that such an ugly girl made his butt bloom.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Chu Qiao was both angry and amused, so she said, "You did something wrong today. Don't be dissatisfied when your uncle Gu hits you. He is doing it for your own good."

"I know, I won't read that book anymore, I really won't." Dabao promised eagerly. He was not unconvinced, but just felt a little wronged.

In fact, it didn't hurt much when Uncle Gu spanked him. Those people in the village used to bully him and the spankings were so severe.

He is not a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know good from good. He can't tell the difference between good and good. He knows who treats him and his brother sincerely and who is hypocritical.

Chu Qiao patted him on the head and said softly: "Auntie, I believe you. Go wash your face and eat later."


Dabao nodded and limped to the water room to wash his face. Every step he took, his little buttocks hurt. Xiaobao followed him and said sincerely: "Brother, it's wrong to lie. That little book is not written by Sun Wukong." Bone Demon, you lied to me!"

That's why Uncle Gu beat his brother. Xiaobao finally figured it out, so he wanted to remind his brother that he can't lie in the future and should be an honest and good boy.

Dabao couldn't say anything as he looked at his brother with a sincere expression. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether his brother was gloating or really caring about him. He felt a little uncomfortable and his butt hurt even more.

"I saw it wrong."

Dabao said vaguely, fooling his younger brother, and suddenly thought of a remark, stealing chicken but losing rice. He felt sour, slapped his forehead in frustration, and went to wash his face with gritted teeth.

After the two brothers left, Gu Ye told Chu Qiao the reason for the incident, "Dabao's mind is a little crooked. He needs to straighten himself out, otherwise he will be even more crooked when he grows up."

"Well, if you do the right thing, you should be disciplined strictly!"

Chu Qiao strongly agreed. Although there were some aspects of Gu Ye's life that were not satisfactory, in terms of moral integrity, he was very successful in educating him. Dabao and Xiaobao were both filial and sensible children in their previous lives.

She had also planned that from now on, she would be responsible for the daily life of the two children, while Gu Ye would teach them to be real men, with a clear division of labor.

Gu Ye's anger came and went quickly. After giving Dabao a lesson, his anger subsided. He thought of serious matters and whispered in Chu Qiao's ear: "Qiao Qiao, I sold ten machine tools. "

Just now, she was discussing the education of her children, but suddenly she switched to the couple channel. Chu Qiao's mood that had just calmed down suddenly became turbulent again. She couldn't help but ask: "Why did you sell so many at once?"

"Thanks to Lao Yan, the purchasing manager obediently signed the contract and paid me happily." Gu Ye spoke highly of seriousness.

Chu Qiao's mind moved, and she thought of something. In his previous life, Gu Jianshe complained at home and always scolded a person, probably called King of Hell. This person was Gu Ye's right-hand man. Gu Ye was able to bring the dead back to life several times, but failed. This is where King Yama sits in battle.

Yan and Yan have the same pronunciation. Could it be that the person Gu Jianshe mentioned is serious?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that Chu Qiao asked, "Zheng Zheng takes most of the credit for completing this order. Should I give him some of the commission?"

"I think so too. We have a good understanding of each other." Gu Ye grinned. He and Qiaoqiao were definitely a match made in heaven. They could think of everything together.

Chu Qiao glared and asked, "How much do you plan to share?"

"Half, okay?" Gu Ye asked tentatively, fearing that his wife would think it was too much.

Chu Qiao nodded, "It's true that I got half the score. If I weren't serious, you wouldn't even be able to sign this order."

"Qiaoqiao, you are truly my good wife."

Excited, Gu Ye picked up Chu Qiao and wanted to bump him a few times. Chu Qiao was so frightened that she slapped him on the head, "Put me down!"

People are going crazy. The child came in and saw how embarrassing it was, but Gu Ye acted as if he didn't hear anything and easily hugged her around the room. He was originally worried that his wife would be angry if he gave her half the money, but now he just feels happy. He married her. He has a wife who is devoted to him, and he can still have a wedding tonight. God has been so good to him.

The door opened, and Dabao and Xiaobao walked in. They both turned back and walked out of the house together, leaving space for adults and closing the door thoughtfully.

"Put me down!"

Chu Qiao was so angry that she slapped her head so hard that she was knocked unconscious. Even if Dabao and Xiaobao saw it, what prestige would she have in the future?

Gu Ye lowered his hand, but did not let go. He put her on his lap and sat, the two of them pressed tightly against each other, their hearts beating like drums. Chu Qiao pulled away and scolded in a low voice: "Let go." I am going to cook."

"Qiaoqiao, do you keep your word?" Gu Ye asked in her ear, his breath hotter than fire. He didn't want to eat anything now, he just wanted it to get dark soon.


Chu Qiao snorted, her face redder than rouge. While Gu Ye was in a daze, she used some strength to break away and glanced back. Gu Ye was still standing stupidly and couldn't help it. I smiled, and the tension in my heart miraculously disappeared.

After dinner, Chu Qiao went to work in the dance hall as usual, accompanied by Gu Ye, and Zhao Qian called. The liver-nourishing medicine was very effective. Mr. Zhao's condition stabilized. Mr. Zhao was very satisfied with Zhao Qian's ability to do things. I don’t want to pursue this matter anymore. The old man knows very well about his son’s urine. If he really pursues it, he doesn’t know how many injustices and wrong cases will be brought out.

Tang Yaozu's hair had grown a lot, so he simply shaved off an inch of his head. His original elegant temperament suddenly became sharp and cold, especially like a newly released prisoner. His wife Chang Jinfeng couldn't stand it and did it to him. Wearing a hat.

There were not many guests in the dance hall that night. Gu Ye felt that God had opened his eyes and knew that he had important things to do in his life, so he deliberately asked Chu Qiao to get off work early. Before eleven o'clock, Tang Yaozu asked Chu Qiao to get off work.

When returning home, Gu Ye only rode for ten minutes during the twenty-minute ride. After arriving home, both Dabao and Xiaobao fell asleep. Gu Ye, who was originally in a hurry, instead became restless and shy.

"I'm going to take a shower." Chu Qiao said shyly, and took hot water to the water room.

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, and then followed him. He also wanted to wash, so that he would be nice and smelly, so his wife wouldn't think he smelled bad.

Another half hour passed and everything was finally washed. The two of them sat on the bed. The room was filled with the fragrance of shampoo, and there was another fragrance that was unique to Chu Qiao. Gu Ye swallowed hard. , couldn’t wait to hug his wife.

"Qiaoqiao...I will be very gentle..."

Gu Yee gained some theoretical knowledge, knowing that a girl's first time would be painful, and that men should be gentle and not rude. He noticed that Chu Qiao's body was tense, so he softened his movements and kissed her gently, fearing to hurt her. .


In fact, Chu Qiao was not particularly looking forward to this kind of thing. She didn't feel happy, and even felt a little repelled. But Gu Ye liked it so much, and she didn't want to disappoint Gu Ye, so she agreed to consummate the marriage.

But now that she was rubbing her hair with Gu Ye, her lips and teeth entwined, she had a very strange feeling. It wasn't that she disliked it anyway, she probably liked it, and she didn't resent doing such a thing with Gu Ye.

It turns out that being with the person you like feels so different?

Chu Qiao, who had completely opened her heart, took the initiative to hug Gu Ye and responded enthusiastically...

Gu Ye was naturally overjoyed, but the extreme of joy must lead to sorrow.

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