As newlyweds, Gu Ye and Chu Qiao were inseparable every night, and their family planning supplies were consumed relatively quickly. Gu Ye's family planning supplies were distributed by the family planning director in the factory.

Married comrades in the factory would receive caring family planning supplies from the family planning director. In response to the call for family planning, Gu Ye also received a lot, but he consumed them too quickly, and within a few days there was not much left.

So, the shameless Gu Ye went to the family planning director and asked her for family planning supplies.

Of course, the family planning director could only wish for it. She wished that all the employees in the factory would be as enlightened as Gu Ye and use the family planning supplies she distributed every night. After receiving a thick stack of family planning supplies from the family planning director, Gu Ye was very satisfied. It took ten days and a half.

The family planning director was also very satisfied. She also decided to use Gu Ye as a role model and praise her throughout the factory, so that those employees who were lagging behind could learn from Section Chief Gu and stop hindering the factory's family planning policy all day long.

Chu Qiao didn't know that Gu Ye would take the initiative to ask for family planning supplies. She originally wanted to tell Gu Ye that after the family planning supplies at home were used up, she would buy imported ones. The free ones smelled bad and were not very comfortable. It's better to spend more money and buy imported ones.

But before she could say anything, Gu Ye proactively went to the family planning director to ask for it. He happily brought back a bunch of them and stuffed them into a drawer. Chu Qiao just let him go, since it wasn't her he was trying to trick.

But Gu Ye, who has been regarded as a typical example by the family planning director, is now being widely publicized by the family planning director. There is a dual-employee couple in the factory. Their first child gave birth to a daughter. The man feels uncomfortable and has always wanted to have a second child. This is the factory's plan. Having children was always difficult, so the family planning director had been secretly paying attention to the couple, and soon made a major discovery. The wife's walking posture was very awkward, and it was obvious that she was pregnant.

As soon as Gu Ye took away the family planning supplies, the family planning director went to the couple's home. The wife was wearing loose clothes, and her belly had been obvious for at least five months.

"Think about it carefully. Sons and daughters are the same. Is it worthwhile to lose your iron rice bowl just to have a son? If you train your daughter well, she will be able to support you in the future. Children don't care about their gender. It depends on whether they can make a difference. If you raise a daughter who doesn't, you will have to pay for it. An unfilial son is worse than having no children."

The family planning director tried to persuade her that she didn't want to be a bad person, but the couple violated the policy, so she had no choice but to act like a bad person, otherwise she would not be able to keep her job.

The couple didn't say anything, looking passively resisting. The family planning director used Gu Ye as an analogy, "Look at Section Chief Gu and his wife, they are more enlightened than you. They are newlyweds and they adopted the children of their comrades." You don’t even have children of your own, so you actively responded to the call not to have children. You still have a biological daughter, so why can’t you imitate others?”

"How do you know they don't have children?" The husband didn't understand.

"I didn't know that Section Chief Gu just received a bunch of family planning supplies from me, which can be used for at least two months. Anyway, think about it carefully and don't lose the big for the small."

The family planning director blurted out, said something more sincerely, and left.

But within one night, the rumor that Gu Ye and his wife did not plan to have a child spread throughout the factory and also reached Chu Qiao.

Gu Ye went to work. The ten machine tools sold have been shipped. The masters sent by the machine tool factory are still installing and debugging. The debugging masters, who have not been busy for several years, are particularly active in their work and have a good attitude. , In addition, the quality of Xingda machine tools is really guaranteed, and the feedback from the auto parts factory is pretty good. Gu Ye specially went over to hand over the subsequent procedures, mainly the final payment. After the completion, Gu Ye can get a commission.

Chu Qiao prepared hair growth medicine at home. It was not difficult to prepare the medicine, but it took a little time to grind the medicine into powder. Tang Yaozu asked for the medicine. Hair loss has been a pain for many men throughout the ages. Tang Yaozu knew many bosses and was not short of money. , just missing a few hairs.

After his hair grew out, it stunned the eyes of countless bosses. Some people didn't believe it and even pulled off a few strands of Boss Tang's hair to prove that the hair was real. So, Tang Yaozu immediately became their The most handsome boy in that circle, his phone number was buzzing with people asking about hair growth medicine.

Naturally, Tang Yaozu would not miss the good opportunity to deliver the medicine to his door. He used the hair growth medicine to gain a lot of favors, and also introduced the business to Chu Qiao. A dose of hair growth medicine was 5,000 yuan, no price, no credit, no debt.

In other words, it was to look after Gu Ye's face, otherwise he would definitely have to pay 80% to 80%.

However, with Gu Ye here, Tang Yaozu will no longer earn this money. He is planning to mention the pharmaceutical factory to Gu Ye in a while, and then the income will not be 55,000, but hundreds of millions or even one billion. Tens of billions.

Chu Qiao didn't expect hair growth medicine to be so valuable. The cost of a dose of medicine is only about ten yuan. If you take it slowly by yourself, it only takes a day, but you can earn so much, which is more profitable than playing the piano in a dance hall.

When the hair growth medicine was prepared, she had more than 10,000 yuan in cash. Tang Yaozu said that there were still a few customers who wanted hair growth medicine. Chu Qiao planned to quit her job at the dance hall and told Tang Yaozu in two days that she would be at home. Dispensing medicines is quite profitable, so there is no need to go to the dance hall to avoid making Mr. Gu unhappy and putting Gu Ye in the middle.

It's afternoon now. Chu Qiao ate something alone at home, and then started preparing medicine, steaming, cooking, baking and grinding, which required a lot of patience. Fortunately, the weather is neither hot nor cold, which is much more comfortable than in summer. Chu Qiao prepared it in an orderly manner. Then there was a knock on the door, and the tone was not good.

"Chu Qiao, open the door!"

Chu Qiao heard that the woman who knocked on the door lived on the same floor. Her surname was Zhang. She was young, about thirty years old. Her family members called her Xiao Zhang. She also worked in a machine tool factory and was from the electrical assembly workshop. , specializes in welding circuits for machine tool panels. It is a relatively clean and respectable job for female workers in the factory. The salary is not low, and there are relatively high cultural requirements. Otherwise, those complicated electrical symbols cannot be understood.

Xiao Zhang is a high school student, with the same academic qualifications as Chu Qiao. She has a stronger personality, good looks, and is quick at work. Everyone praises her for her ability. However, she has a bit of a picky temper, loves to compare with others, and is a bit petty.

Chu Qiao didn't know why Xiao Zhang didn't like her. Sometimes when they met in the corridor, she smiled politely, but Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes. After that, Chu Qiao didn't bother to be polite anymore.

She was quite puzzled. Xiao Zhang looked down on her, so why did he come to her house?

She opened the curtain and went out. When she opened the door, she saw Xiao Zhang with a bad expression on his face. He looked very angry. There were a few women behind him, obviously watching the excitement.

"What's up?"

Before Chu Qiao could finish speaking, Xiao Zhang slapped her head and cursed loudly, "You are shameless. Who can show you this vixen who dresses up all day long? It's a big deal if she doesn't give birth to children. It's such a big deal to do such a big thing." Propaganda? I think it’s because you can’t give birth. Who knows how many people like you have been beaten, and their stomachs are all empty, bah!”

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