"Ayun, why are you so angry? Xiaowei almost had an accident last night." Guitarist He Yong said dissatisfied.

He and drummer Tao Wei are both from the music school, but they have already graduated. They are Zheng Wei's senior brothers, so they have a good relationship with Zheng Wei, and they have some thoughts about Zheng Wei, and they usually take care of their junior sister.

"It's almost nothing. There's nothing to cry about. When you come to work here, don't act like a white rabbit."

Jian Yun sneered and spoke mercilessly. She couldn't stand Zheng Wei. She acted like a social butterfly every day. Only those two stupid men thought this woman was innocent and sweet.

"start work!"

Jian Yun roared, and He Yong and Tao Wei came over, leaving Zheng Wei sitting alone. She gritted her teeth and watched Chu Qiao and the others on the stage. She felt extremely hateful in her heart. What's so great about it, isn't it? He's a mouth-singing song guy, he's so old and he hasn't released an album yet, so why bother?

The customers still order Teresa Teng's Sweet Honey. The most popular one now is Teresa Teng. Customers order it almost every night. Jian Yun is like a wooden man without emotions, singing Sweet Honey mechanically. Chu Qiao also plays it mechanically. She has already It’s so familiar that I can play it even with my eyes closed.

Men and women on the dance floor embraced each other and danced. The lights were dim and the atmosphere was ambiguous. Over at the bar, there were many guests and ladies drinking and flirting. This was what Xu Bilian saw when she came in. Just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, she looked around, and there were some shy.

Because she actually saw that there was a man and a woman hugging each other and kissing not far away. The man was still touching the woman randomly, and there were so many people around. It was too random.

"What are you doing standing around? Let's go dance."

Xu Bilian's companion went to the dance floor excitedly, and even took Xu Bilian with him. There were not many female guests in the dance hall, and even fewer young girls. As soon as Xu Bilian and her friends appeared, people came over to invite them to dance. Xu Bilian watched helplessly as her friend and a The strange man danced gracefully. She looked at the man in front of her hesitantly, not knowing whether to accept it or not.

The man was very graceful and kept bending down and stretching out his hands. Xu Bilian felt embarrassed. Moreover, she came to the dance hall today just to relax. She came here already, and it would be boring if she didn't dance.

She promised the man that she could dance ballroom dancing. She had learned it before but was not very skilled. However, the man who asked her to dance was very good at dancing. He was very good at leading people and danced very energetically. Xu Bilian specially wore a red dress today. The skirt, like a dahlia when rotating, became the most beautiful scenery on the dance floor. She felt that many men were looking at her, and she felt very proud. She became more confident in dancing, and danced one song after another with the men.

The music changed to a fast tempo, and the man led Xu Bilian to dance fast four, turning left and right several times. Under his leadership, Xu Bilian became the most eye-catching person on the dance floor, which also made her particularly proud. The decadent mood of the day has also recovered.

Xu Bilian was tired from dancing and went to rest on the sofa. At this time, the music changed to a slow rhythm. Many men came over to invite her. Xu Bilian picked the most handsome one, held hands with him and walked towards the dance floor, raising her head towards the stage. I glanced at it, but didn’t take a closer look. I glanced away and moved my eyes. The dance had already started. Xu Bilian was concentrating on dancing. She enjoyed this atmosphere very much. She could regain her confidence here and her mood improved. She should come here early. of.

Moving to the edge of the dance floor, the man led her in circles. Xu Bilian felt that the lights above her head were spinning. Her head was as dizzy as if she had been drunk, but it was so comfortable that she hoped to keep spinning forever.

Then she saw Chu Qiao on the stage, playing the piano. Although she lowered her head, she would never admit that she was that bitch.

Xu Bilian froze immediately and stared at the stage motionless. The man asked her if she was feeling uncomfortable. Xu Bilian shook her head, pointed at Chu Qiao on the stage and asked, "Do you know the woman who plays the piano?"

The man smiled and said, "I've heard that if you play the piano well, you can drink better. Many bosses have lost in a drinking contest with her."

Xu Bilian's expression became strange. The man she was talking about didn't sound like the Chu Qiao she knew.

When the bitch was at home, she was submissive and as timid as a mouse. She never played the piano and never drank. Xu Bilian had never taken Chu Qiao seriously, but now, she saw Chu Qiao on the stage. The light was so bright that many men below were staring at Chu Qiao. Even the men dancing with her looked at Chu Qiao with admiration and amazement.

Xu Bilian felt sour in her heart, angry and resentful. She was angry that Chu Qiao stole the show, and she was angry that Chu Qiao was so good at acting that she and her mother had been deceived. No wonder she could make Gu Ye fascinated. What a good trick.

Staring at Chu Qiao on the stage, Xu Bilian suddenly smiled. She thought of one thing. Gu Ye must not know that his wife works in a song and dance hall. This kind of place is a mess, and all the people who come here are not serious people. Chu Qiao must be the same as Many men hooked up with her and made many cuckolds out of Gu Ye.

If Gu Ye knew about this, he would definitely divorce Chu Qiao. The Gu family would never allow their daughter-in-law to do such a dishonorable thing.

She also wanted to go out and publicize it, letting everyone know what Chu Qiao did for a living. She said she was here to play the piano, huh, who knows who she was playing to at night. How could she be innocent after entering this dye vat?

Xu Bilian left happily. It was such a coincidence that she came here tonight. It must have been God who couldn't stand it any longer before she discovered Chu Qiao's secret. Humph, this bitch's good days are over!

Another day passed and it was Chu Yuanzhi's birthday. They agreed to go to dinner in the evening. In the morning, Gu Ye sent the eldest daughter and the younger one to school and had breakfast outside. Chu Qiao was too lazy to get up. Gu Ye was so noisy at night that she had to get enough sleep. A few hours of beauty sleep is enough.

She didn't get up until almost noon. Chu Qiao felt refreshed and started baking cakes. She made a big one, decorated with kiwis and bananas, and wrote a line -

Happy birthday!

The cake box was also bought from a bakery. Chu Qiao packed the cake and tied it with a beautiful bow. She also went out and bought two bottles of good liquor. She would carry it with her while eating. It looked more stylish and others would not gossip. .

Otherwise, if she returns to her parents' home empty-handed, the people in the family building of the hospital will definitely say behind her back that she is ignorant, or that she has a difficult life and doesn't even buy her father a gift for his birthday.

Gu Ye deliberately went home early and put on a suit, shirt and leather shoes. This is the most fashionable outfit for going out now. Chu Qiao put on a newly bought goose-yellow sweater, with bodybuilding pants and white sneakers underneath, which are also worn by the big and small babies. She must be well-groomed, clean and handsome, and both children are growing well. In the past, they were dark and skinny due to lack of nutrition.

Now that I eat well, my appearance suddenly becomes better, especially Xiaobao, who has red lips and white teeth, big eyes and a high nose, like a doll. Many housewives in the family building like to tease Xiaobao, and everyone likes beautiful and clean children.

When they arrived at her parents' house, He Jihong was busy in the kitchen, and Xu Bilian was sitting in the living room. She looked much better. When she saw Chu Qiao's family, she didn't get up, but just sneered.

"Grandpa, happy birthday!"

Dabao and Xiaobao said in unison. Chu Yuanzhi was so happy that he patted the two children on the head. He also missed the two children these days. Without homework help, he felt very empty inside.

Xu Bilian sneered again. She didn't know where she brought back a wild child. She called her grandpa and screamed affectionately. These two wild children didn't call her her before, but now they are so sweet. They must have been confused by Chu Qiao. This bitch coaxes a man. The method is very clever, no matter how old the man is, he is coaxed into spinning around by this bitch.

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