"Chu Yuanzhi, your wings are strong. You and your daughter have the support of the Gu family, so you sound arrogant. Don't forget, without me, He Jihong, you, Chu Yuanzhi, would still be a poor bastard in the countryside, you ungrateful black-hearted thing..."

There was the sound of cracking porcelain and the sound of smashing things again. Chu Yuanzhi sighed and continued to wash the dishes, pretending not to hear. He Jihong's words were commonplace and he would scold him every now and then. He's used to it.

In another room, Chu Peng blocked his ears with cotton balls and continued to swim in the ocean of knowledge with an expressionless face. He missed his stupid sister's house very much now. Although Dabao and Xiaobao were a bit annoying, they weren't fucking annoying either. There are also delicious ones.

How about he run away from home again?

Chu Qiao didn't take such a small incident to heart at all. Since she went to work in the dance hall, she was mentally prepared for people to know. They were all people who died once, and they were just a little famous. She really didn't care.

The next night, Chu Qiao went to work in the dance hall as usual. After Gu Ye sent her over, he went upstairs. Zhao Qian came over, as well as Tang Yaozu.

Chu Qiao didn't know that there was another person in the crowd, it was Gu Jianshe.

Gu Jianshe heard about this from Xu Bilian and immediately ran over to confirm the facts. Seeing the radiant Chu Qiao on the stage, Gu Jianshe's eyes turned red. He had the same idea as many men in the audience and wanted to have such a beautiful girl. A woman, but she couldn't get what she asked for, and this loss turned into anger and contempt.

Gu Jianshe has this kind of mentality now. He sympathizes with Gu Ye. His head must be covered with green hair. Some of the women who come to work in the dance hall are serious. People like Chu Qiao are not good women at first glance. Hmph, Fortunately, he was not deceived in the first place, otherwise he would be the cuckold now.

"Would you like a drink, sir?"

A gorgeous woman came over, holding a glass of wine in her hand and giving her a wink. Gu Jianshe's whole body went numb. He had never seen such a battle before. His whole body was filled with anger, his eyes were even redder, and his brain was numb. Can't think anymore.

"Sir, this is your first time here?" The woman was none other than Amei, a salesperson in the dance hall. After the alcohol test, she could tell at a glance that Gu Jianshe was a newcomer. Her soft body was nestled against him, her breath was like blue, and her eyes were as charming as silk. The wine glass was brought to Gu Jianshe's mouth.

"Well, first time."

Gu Jianshe answered honestly, looking straight at A Mei, his heart beating like a drum, and his blood boiling. It was the first time that he knew that there was such an intoxicating place in Shanghai, and it was also the first time that he saw someone as charming as A Mei. woman.

A Mei leaned closer and said with a sweet smile: "No wonder, brother is so good-looking. If I come here once, I will definitely remember it fresh and never forget it. Brother, let's have a drink, okay?"


Gu Jianshe swallowed hard, his throat was still very dry, and his body felt like it was burning in a fire. He was in urgent need of nectar to cool down, and wine was exactly what he needed now.

Amei waved, and the waiter came over immediately and poured her a glass of wine.

"Brother, let's drink together."

Amei winked, and Gu Jianshe was like a wooden man. He listened to her instructions and drank a glass of wine. Amei smiled sweetly and poured more wine for him. She only poured a small amount, "Brother, you are so amazing. I like you so much, would you like to drink again?"


Gu Jianshe obediently agreed and drank another drink, one after another. Even he couldn't count how many drinks he drank. His eyes were straight, and some of his true nature was revealed.

"Beauty, let me give you a kiss."

Gu Jianshe hugged Amei tightly and pursed his lips to take advantage. Amei pushed him away in disgust, the sweet smile on his face disappeared, and said to the waiter: "Account for ten bottles!"

The waiter's expression was calm, "I understand, Sister Ami."

In fact, it's not even five bottles, but this kind of thing is very common in dance halls. People like Gu Jianshe are not regulars at first glance. They can kill every time, so there is no need to be merciful.

"Beauty, please give me a kiss..."

Gu Jianshe showed his ugly face and was still calling her beauty. Ami had already walked away. She was hunting for the next target and had no time to take care of Gu Jianshe.

The waiter pushed away Gu Jianshe, who was groping and kissing her, and coaxed, "Sir, I will take you to find a beauty."

"Okay, let's find a beauty."

Gu Jianshe smiled wildly and followed the waiter obediently. As soon as he reached the backstage, the waiter poured a glass of cold water on his face. Gu Jianshe shuddered and immediately woke up, looking around as if he had woken up from a dream.

"Sir, you just drank ten bottles of wine. One bottle costs fifty yuan. Ten bottles equals five hundred. Please pay the bill!" The waiter politely pointed to the ten empty wine bottles on the table.

"Ten bottles?"

Gu Jianshe broke out in a cold sweat. He was completely awake, and all the excitement in his mind was gone. He stared at ten empty wine bottles. The labels were in foreign characters, which he couldn't understand.

He seemed to be drinking with a beauty just now, but in just such a short time, why did he drink ten bottles?

"Don't try to kill me. I didn't drink ten bottles at all. You are a shady shop. I'm going to sue you!"

Gu Jianshe was not stupid. He quickly figured out that he had been tricked. He could not drink ten bottles of wine. This shop was darker than Sun Erniang's bun shop. Ten bottles of wine cost 500 yuan. Why not rob a bank?

"Sir, you didn't drink ten bottles. You have to pay for the wine you drank with your beauty. You two drank ten bottles in total." The waiter explained politely, with a calm tone.

He had seen many guests like Gu Jianshe, and it was a trivial matter.

"Why should I pay for the wine that woman drank?" Gu Jianshe shouted unconvinced.

The waiter smiled and said mockingly: "This is our rule. If a lady drinks with you, the customer will have to pay the bill. Otherwise, why do you think she calls you brother?"

"I have no money. It was the woman who asked me to drink. I didn't say I wanted to drink. You are just a black shop. A bottle of wine costs 50 yuan, which is more expensive than Maotai. I went to the market supervision department to complain. I know the people there. You’re marking your prices randomly!”

Gu Jianshe frowned and yelled. He knew he was ripping off customers, but he would never give in. Five hundred yuan was his three months' salary, which he couldn't bear to part with, and he didn't have that much money on him.

The waiter's expression turned cold and he glanced at the other waiter. The other waiter understood and went out, and soon called Tang Yaozong.

When entering the door, Tang Yaozong took off his coat, and underneath was a vest, with a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, lifelike on his strong arms. Gu Jianshe was shocked as soon as he entered the door, and he subconsciously took a few steps back. He couldn't mess with this tall and powerful man. rise.

"Want to drink for free? Do you still want to sue me? Go now and let me see if you can walk out of the door!"

Tang Yaozong lifted Gu Jianshe's collar with one hand and looked at him coldly. In fact, he knew Gu Jianshe and didn't take it seriously at all. He killed him for five hundred yuan without any pain in his conscience.

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