80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 304 You are a group of toads sitting in a well looking at the sky

The next day, Chu Qiao didn't get up until three o'clock in the morning. Last night, Gu Ye was like crazy. She now regretted teasing this guy, and she was the one who suffered.

Dabao and Xiaobao went to school, and Gu Ye also went to work. She looked at the clock on the wall, and it was already eleven o'clock.

After beating her sore waist, Chu Qiao secretly scolded someone, acting like a cow.

After making the bed, Chu Qiao cooked some noodles and prepared to go to the water room to wash clothes. There were already many housewives preparing lunch in the corridor, and Chu Qiao looked a little strange when she saw it.

Chu Qiao didn't care and went straight to the water room. Several housewives in the corridor immediately gathered together and started talking.

"Do you know that Xiao Chu works as a girl in a dance hall at night? No wonder she dresses up in a seductive manner. I have long said that she is not a serious person."

"Is it true? Don't spread rumors, right?"

"It's absolutely true. Someone in the factory went to the song and dance hall and saw Xiao Chu working there and flirting with the man. The people in the song and dance hall said that she was the young lady who drank with the man and had fun."

"Oh, you are so shameless. Why did Section Chief Gu marry such a wife? His head is all green."

"You're just coveting someone else's beauty. Huh, Xiao Chu's face shows that he's not going through life. Chief Gu is really unlucky!"

The voices of several women were getting louder and louder, not caring that the people in the water room would hear them. A shameless young lady, so what if they heard them, they were telling the truth.

Of course Chu Qiao heard it. These women had such loud voices and deliberately told her. She was not angry and did not go out to argue with these women. Someone would stand up for her. She paid more than 200 yuan last night. Not in vain.

"What are you talking about? Xiao Chu is playing the piano and drums seriously in the song and dance hall. They call it "eating by one's craftsmanship". Why does it sound so ugly in your mouth?" Xuan Hongxia's loud voice rang out as she came back from work. , when he heard these talkative women talking bad about Chu Qiao, his anger suddenly rose.

"You've already gone to the dance hall, how can you still be clean?"

"That's the kind of place no decent woman would go to."

Several women looked disdainful and did not believe Xuan Hongxia's words.

"I also went to the dance hall last night. Hum, it was my first time to go to such a high-end place and it opened my eyes. Only then did I realize how much I used to sit in a well and watch the sky. Just like you, I stayed in the machine tool factory every day and earned hundreds of dollars. Due to my salary, I really can’t afford to go to a dance hall that costs five yuan for a ticket, and I can’t afford to drink champagne that costs ten yuan a glass. Thanks to my little girl, I had some Western food last night.”

If Xuan Hongxia had never been to the song and dance hall and seen Chu Qiao's performance, she might have had the same idea as these women, but she had seen it with her own eyes last night and saw Chu Qiao's charm on the stage. Now she I feel that these hags are like toads at the bottom of the well. They say the grapes are sour when they cannot eat them.

Several other women who went to the song and dance hall yesterday also got off work. They heard Xuan Hongxia's loud voice from a distance and immediately came over to support her. Chu Qiao treated them to foreign wine last night and opened their eyes. They naturally I have to say something fair.

Moreover, they also have selfish motives. If they want their children to learn musical instruments from Chu Qiao, they must have a good relationship.

"I also went to the dance hall last night. Hey, after living for more than thirty years, you can be considered to have seen the world. That's what people call enjoying life. I used to be a bumpkin."

"Thanks to Xiao Chu, I can live the life of a rich man. If you don't understand, don't spit shit. Xiao Chu can play the piano, drums, and guzheng. He can easily play a few songs. Earn fifty bucks a day and be as good on stage as a movie star."

"The boss of the song and dance hall last night asked Xiao Chu to stay and play the drums. He said that he would be given fifty yuan if he played for an hour. People with real skills can make money anywhere."

Several women were chatting with envy. They didn't sleep well last night. They were thinking about the feasting and feasting in the dance hall and their dreams when they were young. They felt a little disappointed.

But when they woke up in the morning and saw the men and children around them, they also woke up. Without Xiao Chu's ability, they might as well continue to live.

But their eyes were opened, and they knew that there was another wonderful way to live in this world. They could no longer live it, but they could let their children live it.

Chu Qiao in the water room smiled slightly and continued to wash clothes. The progress was as she expected, and there was no need for her to step forward.

Xuan Hongxia and the others were enough to clear up the rumors. The song and dance hall was indeed not a serious place in the minds of many people, but she relied on her talent to make a living, so she spent a lot of money to invite Xuan Hongxia and the others to the song and dance hall. Firstly, Let them know that the dance hall is actually not that complicated, and there is nothing they can do in it unless they go out.

The second is to let them see the nature of their work and conquer them with their talents. At any time, those who rely on their ability to earn a living will be respected by others.

"Did you really go to the dance hall last night?" someone asked curiously.

"Is this a lie? Xiao Chu treated a guest and spent more than 200 yuan in one night. The ticket cost five yuan and a glass of champagne cost ten yuan. It tasted delicious. The fruits were delicious and the melon seeds were better than those I bought myself. That's it. Expensive." Xuan Hongxia felt a little distressed when she said it.

She buys melon seeds herself, which costs a few cents for a large bag. Last night, a plate of melon seeds cost five yuan for less than a pound. She wanted to eat the shells.

"Everything is delicious. The best thing to watch is Xiao Chu's performance. Oh, the drum set is just like the one on TV. You haven't seen it. It's so good. It's only fifty yuan a night. There are flower baskets given by guests. Xiao Chu played drums for less than an hour last night and earned 150 yuan. The money is like falling from the sky. No wonder people buy 168 sweaters without blinking an eye."

The women were talking with joy. More and more people gathered in the corridor, and many men also came to join in the fun. Gu Jianshe didn't have time yesterday, but today he found someone to publicize Chu Qiao's work in the dance hall throughout the factory. , it spread within a short time.

Now everyone has heard a different statement, and they are all very curious. After hearing what Xuan Hongxia and others said, the balance in their hearts tilted towards Xuan Hongxia and others.

"One hundred and fifty a night? What kind of work does Xiao Chu do?" someone asked loudly.

Xuan Hongxia said impatiently: "Didn't I just say that drumming is a Western musical instrument. She was playing drums on the stage, and the people below were dancing, and everyone was like crazy. Let me tell you, in that kind of atmosphere, everyone I couldn’t help but dance, I kept dancing along last night, and my mood improved a lot.”

"I also danced. My waist is still sore now, but my mood is really good. No wonder so many people like to go to dance halls."

After hearing this, other people also showed envious expressions. They also wanted to drink foreign wine that cost ten yuan a glass. Moreover, it sounded like the dance hall was not that scary. It was a place for singing and dancing. There were also ballroom dancers in their machine tool factory. What about the activity room?

"Tickets cost five yuan?" someone asked.

"Yes, you can get in for five yuan, but you can only go to the first floor. The second floor is for high-end guests. Xiao Chu performed on the second floor. We went to the second floor yesterday because of Xiao Chu's favor. " Xuan Hongxia said.

Everyone was even more envious. They also wanted to go to the second floor to open their eyes. They didn't know if Chu Qiao would treat him or not.

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