Before the parents could react, they heard Dabao shout loudly: "144!"







Chu Qiao asked several questions one after another, and Dabao quickly reported it. Many parents were silently calculating in their hearts, but they were not as fast as Dabao. The classroom couldn't help but explode, and the parents whispered.

"Is this correct?"

"I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet."

"Don't rush!"

A student's father took out a calculator from his bag and smiled at everyone, "I sell seafood at the Dongfeng wet market. If you buy seafood from me, you will definitely get a 20% discount!"

The corner of Chu Qiao's mouth twitched. She really knew this father. Dongfeng Food Market was the one she often visited. She also often bought seafood. She was an old acquaintance with this student's father. Unexpectedly, he was actually Dabao's classmate's father. What a world. So small.

The seafood boss was pressing the calculator skillfully, the keys were ticking, and a pleasant female voice reported the numbers.

"12*12 is equal to 144, 13*13 is equal to 169..."

The voice was very loud, and all the parents could hear it clearly. The eyes looking at Dabao became hot. Isn't this mental arithmetic ability so powerful? Can you only do such complicated multiplication in the second grade?

"That's right, ah yo, classmate Zhou Shengli is so awesome!"

The seafood boss gave a thumbs up and smiled familiarly at Chu Qiao. He remembered that such a beautiful customer was so generous and turned into ashes. He didn't expect that he was the parent of his daughter's classmate and would have to give him a 20% discount in the future. OK.

Dabao straightened his back proudly, his little face was very calm, and he was thinking silently in his heart——

Honor and disgrace are not surprising, the clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

Dabao remembered the eight-character formula that Gu Ye taught him very well. Every time he felt a little bit proud, he would recite it silently a few times, and then... it would calm down.

"This kid is really awesome. Let's learn from how his mother raised him."

"They haven't taught multiplication yet in the second grade. Their parents must be doing it at home."

"No wonder he's progressing so fast, but this kid is also smart and is a good candidate for studying."

The parents' comments were not quiet, and they all poured into Gu Jianshe's ears. The slap marks on his face were red and swollen, as if pepper water had been poured on him. Gu Jianshe blew the air conditioner a few times and looked at Chu Jianshe hatefully. Warped.

A bitch who relies on others' power, one day he will let this bitch know how powerful he is!

Chu Qiao also heard the voices of the parents, and the corners of her lips rose. She accidentally discovered Dabao's arithmetic talent. This child was particularly sensitive to numbers and had strong mental arithmetic skills. She tried to teach Dabao multiplication, but she didn't expect Dabao to be very talented. I learned it easily, and could quickly calculate multiplication within a hundred, without even having to write a rough draft.

That's why she was confident that Dabao would be shown in front of the parents and slap Gu Jianshe in the face.

"You see, my Zhou Shengli has a very good academic talent. The reason why his grades were poor last semester was because he was too playful and not focused on his studies. This semester, Zhou Shengli has calmed down and his grades have improved easily. Gu Jianshe, if you If you make trouble here again, I’ll beat you until you’ve got teeth all over the floor!”

Chu Qiao raised her hand, pretending to hit her. Gu Jianshe was so frightened that he held his head and acted in a panic. The parents were even more surprised. It seemed that Gu Wen's father was very afraid of Zhou Shengli's aunt.

Gu Jianshe also noticed his gaffe and hurriedly put down his hands, feeling ashamed and angry, but he didn't dare to make any more trouble. It wasn't that he was afraid of Chu Qiao. He would never admit that he was afraid of a woman. He just didn't have the same understanding as women.

Gu Wen raised his head and glanced at his father, then lowered his head. He was too embarrassed to see others. His classmates would definitely laugh at him in the future, let alone play with him.

He hates going to school so much. This school is not friendly to him at all. He has wanted to find his mother for so long. Why hasn't his mother come back?

Chu Qiao apologized to Teacher He: "I'm really sorry. I didn't take care of the juniors at home and caused trouble to Teacher He. Teacher He, don't be angry. As parents, we all see your hard work. Don't because An ignorant parent is so heartbroken, I will ask my husband to teach this ignorant guy a lesson!"

Teacher He felt even more worried and smiled slightly: "You are too polite. Parents' opinions are also to support my work. It's just a misunderstanding. I won't take it to heart. Let's continue the parent-teacher meeting."

But she was thinking in her heart that she would definitely remember this debt for the rest of her life. Gu Wen still has four and a half years in her hands. Huh, just wait, she will let Gu Jianshe know what real targeting is!

Without Gu Jianshe causing trouble, the parent-teacher meeting was successfully completed. Teacher He also awarded "Progress Star" certificates to several students who had made significant progress. Dabao also had one, but he was so proud that he couldn't bear to fold it and stuffed it carefully. The schoolbag is like holding a rare treasure.

After the parent-teacher meeting, school was over, but the parents did not leave. Instead, they surrounded Chu Qiao, asking for advice.

"Aunt Zhou Shengli, have you tutored Zhou Shengli in advance at home?"

Chu Qiao shook his head and said modestly: "No, no, I just taught dot multiplication. My Zhou Shengli is a bit talented in arithmetic."

"Oh, this kid is really amazing. He has made such great progress in just half a semester!"

Several mothers looked at Dabao kindly like a national treasure, and even touched his head, wishing they could drag him back to their own homes to raise him.

Dabaoyun stood up straight and calmly, without squinting or being arrogant or indulgent. The parents secretly admired him. He has the demeanor of a general at such a young age and will definitely have great potential in the future.

"Aunt Zhou Shengli, how do you usually teach your children? I'm learning from your experience. Alas, my family's grades are too bad." A mother asked embarrassedly, and glared at her son with disgust. The little boy chuckled. , winked at Dabao, and had a cheerful personality.

"Actually, I don't care much. The main thing is that the children are conscious. They do their homework after school and go out to play after it is done. Then they keep up with their nutrition. They drink milk every day and they must have a good breakfast. I never give my children soaked rice. , I had to go to the toilet soon after eating the rice, which affected my study..."

Chu Qiao is also very proud. In her previous life, she worked hard to raise her children, but no one praised her and only complained about her. Now she has a sense of accomplishment. She is also happy to share her parenting experience with mothers.

"Oh, I feed my child rice every morning. No wonder my grades are so bad. I have to pee in half an hour. In winter, it doesn't even take half an hour. It's strange that I can listen to the class with peace of mind. Aunt Zhou Shengli, what do you feed your child? breakfast?"

Several mothers are very upset because they all like to cook pao rice in the morning. Pao rice with pickles and fermented bean curd is a classic breakfast in Shanghai. Many locals in Shanghai grew up eating pao rice in the morning.

"A glass of milk is a must, and I can make other things, such as dumplings, wontons, noodles, fried rice, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, etc. Sometimes I also buy them from breakfast stalls outside."

"I don't have time to do it, so I'd better go out and buy it."

Several other mothers kept this in mind and prepared to improve their breakfast. Only when their children are full can they have the energy to study.

The seafood boss also came over and distributed business cards to everyone one by one, "I do wholesale and retail. The products are absolutely fresh and genuine at a reasonable price. If you need anything, please call me. I guarantee good quality and low price!"

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