Chu Qiao put on new clothes for Dabao and Xiaobao. She made them herself. They were dark blue trousers with white hems. The jackets were also dark blue. Both brothers had the same style. They were neat and clean, and these days the brothers The two of them have grown a lot taller, their skin has become fairer, and they are energetic and handsome guys.

Today is the weekend. Mr. Gu asked them to go home for lunch. He even called Chu Qiao specifically. He didn't directly say that he wanted to eat soy beef. After a lot of nagging, he coquettishly said that he had finished eating the soy beef at home. She took some of what was left at home, which is really a weird old man.

Chu Qiao bought two pink-blue women's bicycles. There were baskets in front of the bicycles, which were very convenient for grocery shopping. She took Xiaobao with her, and Gu Ye took Dabao with her. At about 10:30, they arrived at the courtyard. Lin Yulan was in the kitchen. While busy, Mr. Gu was weeding in the yard.

The old man opened a ridge of land and planted some seasonal vegetables. The Chinese cabbage has sprouted, as well as radish seedlings, lettuce, SH greens, etc. There are many varieties. Chu Qiao also got a taste of it and ate it twice. Add a handful of Chinese cabbage when making noodles, it’s fresh and nutritious.

"Hello grandpa!" Dabao and Xiaobao called in unison.

"Okay, come inside!"

Mr. Gu put down his hoe, patted the two children's heads gently, and looked at Chu Qiao commendingly. The two children's current condition is not even a little bit better than before. They used to be like black-skinned monkeys, but now they are The handsome youngster is so different from each other. It is obvious that Chu Qiao has raised his child with care.

"Dad, I made too much beef with soy sauce and I can't finish it. Please help me eat some!"

Chu Qiao raised the basin with a smile. The old man's eyes lit up. The basin was full of brains. His favorite food was his favorite. The younger daughter-in-law was considerate, so she put her hands behind her back and said majestically: "My teeth are fine." , I’ll help you eat.”

Gu Ye snorted, he didn't despise such pretentiousness, just say what you want to eat. The older you get, the more pretentious you become.

Chu Qiao poked him in the lower back and glared, reminding this guy to restrain himself. He was like a child when he got older and had to be coaxed. As long as it didn't violate his principles, she was willing to accommodate him, and Mr. Gu was still He is relatively open-minded, fair and selfless, although sometimes he is a little too selfless, but overall he is still a good father-in-law.

Gu Ye obediently shut his mouth and swallowed the words that came to his lips. He listened to his wife and did not argue with the pretentious old man.

The living room was empty, Lin Yulan was busy in the kitchen, Chu Qiao washed her hands and went to the kitchen to help.

"It's okay, you go outside and rest, I can do it alone." Lin Yulan said politely.

"Let Xiao Chu take charge, she cooks delicious food!" Mr. Gu came over and told the truth without thinking too much.

Lin Yulan's expression changed, and she felt unhappy in her heart. She had been serving Lao Gu for decades. It turned out that in Lao Gu's heart, the food she cooked was terrible, so why didn't she say it before?

He had to say it in front of his daughter-in-law, which made her lose face.

"Xiao Chu, please make some spicy dishes. It's nice to eat spicy dishes when the weather is cold."

The old man didn't even notice that his wife was in a mood and ordered the food. Chu Qiao smiled bitterly in her heart. No wonder Gu Ye is such a straight man. His love is inherited from me. He dislikes his mother-in-law's cooking skills in front of his daughter-in-law. The old man thinks that the family is too harmonious. ?

"Dad, it turns out you want to eat spicy vegetables. I can actually stir-fry a few spicy vegetables. If I can't cook other dishes, I'd better let mom do it." Chu Qiao said with a smile. She didn't want to compete with her mother-in-law. shovel.

Lin Yulan's face softened a little. It turned out that the old man wanted to eat spicy food. She really couldn't cook spicy food. The old man couldn't speak.

"Okay, put more spicy food!" the old man ordered, and then went to the yard to continue weeding. He didn't notice Lin Yulan's emotional changes from beginning to end, let alone that he almost caused a fight between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Lin Yulan was frying the prawns in oil. They were ready. She took them out. She handed the spatula to Chu Qiao and said gently: "Xiao Chu, please make spicy dishes."

"Don't worry, Mom, you have finished cooking all these dishes. I will cook them again, and you will have to guide me. I'm afraid I can't do it well." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

Lin Yulan felt a lot more comfortable. In fact, she wasn't angry either, she just felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the kitchen was her territory, and the old man gave her away as soon as he opened his mouth. She was somewhat emotional, but she's much better now. You can't blame the younger daughter-in-law, it's just that the old man can't speak.

"I only have three dishes, they will be ready soon."

Lin Yulan cooked the dishes quickly, including an egg dumpling and vermicelli soup. The egg dumplings were made by herself, and a few slices of cabbage. The soup was milky white with a hint of green, which looked good and delicious, and then a braised pork and Steamed seabass, three dishes were ready in no time.

"There are no fresh chili peppers at home, only dried chili peppers."

Lin Yulan brought a bag of dried chili peppers and the remaining ingredients. She wanted to see what kind of spicy dishes Chu Qiao cooked that would make the old man talk about it, and she would also like to learn some.

"Dried chili peppers will work too."

Chu Qiao checked the ingredients, including tofu, meat, long beans and eggplant with garlic sprouts, etc., and made a plan in her mind. Mapo tofu, twice-cooked pork, minced beans, and some minced eggplant, that's it.

There were voices outside. It was Gu Jianshe's family who had arrived. Zhu Yuzhen was retired now and had a colorful life. She was quite grateful to her father-in-law. If she hadn't retired early, how could she have known that she could live such a comfortable life.

Zhu Yuzhen also learned how to put on makeup in the dance team, bought some low-quality cosmetics, and painted her eyebrows and lips every day. Gu Jiefang said it didn't work, and he couldn't get a divorce, so he simply ignored it and stayed away from home every day.

"You are painted like an old goblin, what do you want to do? Wash your face for me, the monkey's butt is prettier than yours!"

The old man scolded him angrily. After only a month of seeing his eldest daughter-in-law, she had turned into an old goblin. She had a bloody mouth, red cheeks, dark eyebrows, and was wearing a bright red sweater and tight bodybuilding pants. , The big butt is bigger than a millstone, how does this look like a human being?

"Dad, the dance team is all dressed up like this, you can't keep up with the times!" Zhu Yuzhen twisted the waist of the bucket, unwilling to wash away her carefully decorated makeup.

"Wash as soon as dad tells you to, hurry up!"

Gu Jiefang dragged her to the bathroom to clean up. This time he looked like an old man, and he couldn't bear to look at this weird look. The most unbearable thing for him was that this old lady put makeup on when sleeping. Several times when he woke up in the middle of the night, the old lady next to him looked like a girl. His mouth was full of blood and his snoring was like thunder, which frightened him to the point of losing all sleep. It was more terrifying than a nightmare.

"What are you doing? I won't wash it!"

Zhu Yuzhen struggled and refused to wash, and shouted: "Women wear makeup to respect others. You all don't understand. Foreign women all wear makeup. Gu Jiefang, please let me go..."

The old man's face became darker and darker, he threw the hoe and roared: "Wash it for me, I don't care what happens to foreign women, the women of my Gu family must be decent, look at you, are you an old nymphomaniac? No I will wash it for you myself!"

What a nonsense. Not wearing clothes is disrespectful to others. Painting her like a monkey's butt shows no respect. The old man felt extremely aggrieved. Before his ex-wife died, he made him promise not to divorce his eldest daughter-in-law. Thinking of this, This bothers him.

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