80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 332: Is the civet cat replacing the prince?

Gu Ye withdrew his feet and stood at the door, glaring fiercely at Gu Jianshe who was paralyzed on the bed, "Your aunt speaks for you, so I'll let you go first. If you dare to be disrespectful to your aunt in the future, I'll break your legs." !”

Chu Qiao dragged him home. Gu Jianshe was basically useless. After leaving the machine tool factory, he was nothing. Unless he was lucky, he would stay in the branch factory until he died.

She felt extremely happy. She finally saw that this bastard was in trouble. She didn't know who gave the order. He was so wise and mighty.

The door of each house was opened a big crack, and several ears were poked out, listening attentively to the gossip. After Gu Ye and his wife entered the house, not long after, several housewives came out carrying rice bowls and eating. While talking in low voices, everyone was talking about Gu Jianshe with great joy, and their voices became louder and louder.

They didn't have the courage before, after all, they were deputy secretaries, but now they have to go to the Wilderness Branch Factory. Even the small cadres in charge of the warehouse are not looked down upon by them. There is a place even lower than the Lower Branch Corner. Even being the director of a branch factory is nothing special.

Gu Jianshe was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling in despair. The voices of those women outside were noisier than sparrows. In the past, these women saw him. Secretary Gu was short, attentive, sweet-tongued, and respectful. Now they haven't left yet. Well, you dare to say these heartbreaking words in front of him.

No, he couldn't sit still and wait for death. He had to go back to find his grandfather. The transfer order said to report to the branch factory within three days, so he had to hurry up.

Gu Jianshe cheered up and went to the water room to wash up. His hair was neatly combed and he looked more respectable. He then went out and passed the women without squinting, showing no concern. The housewives had a stern expression, but that was all. They were not deputy secretaries anymore, so they were not afraid.

When Gu Jianshe walked down the stairs, the housewives started gossiping again, and their voices became even more unbridled. Gu Jianshe walked downstairs and could hear it. He was so angry that he walked faster. Grandpa would definitely help him stay and wait for him. Then, he took note of these stinky bitches and transferred them all to the branch factory.

Chu Qiao also heard it and felt better. This caused everyone to push back. Gu Jianshe no longer had the title of deputy secretary of Xingda Machine Tool Factory. He was just an ordinary greasy man with no sparkle. .

It's good to go to the branch factory, so you don't have to see this disgusting guy again.

For lunch, Chu Qiao casually cooked some vegetable noodles, cut up some braised beef, and mixed it with chili sauce.

"Why was he suddenly transferred to the branch factory? Didn't he say that Gu Jianshe would be promoted in the future?" Chu Qiao asked curiously.

Gu Ye took a big mouthful of noodles and said with a smile, "The old man did it."

"Your dad?"

Chu Qiao's eyes widened. Was it the old man who killed his family out of righteousness?

Gu Ye nodded, "The old man said hello and said that Gu Jianshe couldn't take on the important role and needed to go to the grassroots level to strengthen training. He also emphasized that he should go to the tough grassroots level."


Chu Qiao laughed out loud. The old man is so cute. She gave her 100% for this operation. Tomorrow she would make some dumplings with green onions and pork and send them to the old man as a filial piety.

"You have to go and exercise, it's too shameful, your dad is so smart this time." Chu Qiao praised with a smile, the old man finally did something right, she asked again: "Have Gu Jiefang and his wife divorced? "

Gu Ye snorted, "No, Gu Jiefang refuses to do anything. Even the old man's belt won't work."

Yesterday, the old man personally escorted the couple to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but Gu Jiefang suddenly changed his mind and cried, saying that he did not want to die. Zhu Yuzhen was so proud that the old man was so angry that he took out his belt and lectured Gu Jiefang at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau. It is said that blood was drawn from them. But Gu Jiefang's bones were stiff and he wouldn't let go.

Chu Qiao frowned and said to herself suspiciously: "What did your aunt say to Gu Jiefang? It's like brainwashing. Why do I feel that in your aunt's heart, Zhu Yuzhen is her biological child?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Qiao's heart skipped a beat, and she and Gu Ye looked at each other in confusion. The two stared at each other for a long time before Chu Qiao whispered, "Could it be that the civet cat replaced the prince?"

Gu Ye swallowed his saliva and his heart was beating fast. What his wife said was not impossible. Gu Jiefang was born after the old man left. They were only married for half a year when the old man went to join the army and returned home three years later. , Gu Jiefang could run all over the place at that time.

"My grandparents were still alive at that time, so it shouldn't be possible."

Gu Ye found it unbelievable. His grandparents were watching. Lin Dani wouldn't blatantly switch the child around, would she?

"Not necessarily. Your grandparents are old, and this Lin Dani must be sweet and coaxing. She might be able to coax your grandparents into confusion." The more Chu Qiao thought about it, the more suspicious she became.

Even if Zhu Yuzhen is really blessed by her husband, she is not so favored. Lin Dani treats Zhu Yuzhen better than many biological mothers, which is too abnormal.

It is certain that Lin Dani can coax people with her sweet talk, otherwise Lin Yulan would not have been coaxed by her for decades. Even after people died, Lin Yulan was willing to raise her sons and grandsons for her, and her own sons were not cared about, and she did not complain. This is brainwashing His skill is extraordinary and definitely not that of ordinary people.

Gu Ye's expression became serious. His aunt had a really good relationship with his grandparents. Although he had never met his grandparents, his family still spoke well of Lin Dani, saying that she was filial to her parents-in-law and worked hard to raise her two sons. , she does all the work in the fields and at home, and gets along well with the folks in the village. If any family has difficulties, Lin Dani will help.

On the contrary, her mother was extremely unpopular in her hometown. Lin Yulan went back to her hometown several times. The villagers were very cold and indifferent. They always mentioned Lin Dani in front of Lin Yulan, as if to remind Lin Yulan to remember her identity and raise her well. Stepson and stepgrandson, don’t do anything to disgrace Lin Dani.

Obviously Lin Dani is a woman who is very good at winning people's hearts, and her methods are very unusual.

Chu Qiao thought of the romance between the domineering president and Cinderella that she had seen in her previous life. The most common plot, apart from getting into the wrong bed, was the exchange of real and fake daughters.

Within a few minutes, Chu Qiao thought about a lot. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She didn't even bother to eat the noodles, and said excitedly: "Your father's hometown is very patriarchal, right?"

"Yes, still is." Gu Ye nodded.

The old man's side is very feudal and superstitious, especially in rural areas. If there are no men in the family, it will be difficult to hold oneself up in the village. Women will not be able to give birth to sons, and they may even be divorced.

"Your father is an only son, right?"

"He had two brothers who died young, and he was the only one who survived."

"Anyway, he is the only one who can spread the word. Your grandparents must want to have grandchildren. Lin Dani also knows this, and your father doesn't like her. Otherwise, he would not have gone away for only half a year after getting married, and three years after leaving." Lin Dani said Maybe you thought your father died outside, but think about it, how would a widow live without a son by her side?"

The more Chu Qiao talked about it, the more she felt that the possibility of a package swap was extremely high, and she also guessed Lin Dani's motives. It was pitiful and hateful, and she couldn't completely blame Lin Dani.

Gu Ye frowned. His wife's words were becoming more and more reliable. Could it be that Gu Jiefang was really not his father's son?

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