"I don't want to have a physical examination. I want to go home. Let me go..."

Gu Jiefang struggled and shouted, attracting many people. Gu Ye simply grabbed his neck, and Gu Jiefang couldn't make a sound and followed him into the hospital honestly.

Zhu Yuzhen was not afraid, but relieved. She just didn't understand why she was taken to the hospital.

Gu Ye found his childhood friend, a surgeon. His surname was Chang. His name was Chang Xiubing. He was Tang Weiguo's cousin and the son of Chang Jinfeng. He was two years older than Gu Ye. He was of medium height, wore glasses, was extremely elegant and handsome, and His eyebrows are somewhat similar to those of Tang Weiguo, but he is more handsome.

"Old Chang, do me a favor."

Gu Ye dragged Chang Xiubing aside and whispered. He only talked about blood tests and checking files, but did not explain the reasons. Chang Xiubing looked surprised and didn't ask any more questions, "Let's go for the blood test first."

The blood test is very simple, just poke a needle on your finger. Gu Jiefang's face turned pale, and he felt more and more panicked. He always felt that Gu Ye had no good intentions.

"Okay, let's go home." Gu Ye said coldly.


Gu Jiefang couldn't believe it. They dragged him to the hospital with great fanfare and only got an injection?

Gu Ye sneered, "Can I cut your appendix again?"

Gu Jiefang didn't even fart and ran away, fearing that Gu Ye would catch him and take him back to have his appendix removed. No matter how minor the operation was, he would have to go under the knife. On the operating table, his life was in his hands. What if Gu Ye Bribe the doctor and do some harm to him, and his life will be over.

Gu Jiefang, who became more and more frightened as he thought about it, ran at a cross-country speed of 100 meters, rushed out of the hospital in one breath, called a tricycle and went home without even caring about Zhu Yuzhen.

Zhu Yuzhen hadn't left yet. She wanted money to ride a tricycle. Chu Qiao glared and asked mockingly: "You also want to have your appendix cut out?"

"I don't have money for a ride."

"Just walk back if you don't have any money. Are your long legs just for decoration?" Chu Qiao retorted and didn't give her a penny.

Chang Xiubing led them to the archives room. No one cared about Zhu Yuzhen. She stood alone for a long time. She felt uncomfortable and had to leave in frustration.

"The blood type results will be available soon. Why did you suddenly think of checking the file?" Chang Xiubing asked curiously.

"It's not convenient to tell you now. I'll tell you when there are results." Gu Ye didn't reveal it. After all, it was about the old man's reputation. Let's wait until there are results.

Chang Xiubing smiled. In fact, he had guessed a bit. What else could the blood type test be for?

The files in the archives were piled up like mountains and covered with dust. The woman who managed the archives was a little embarrassed when she heard that she wanted to find files from more than thirty years ago. "It's not that I don't want to help, it's been decades. I don’t know if it’s still there, it’s probably a bit difficult.”

"Look for it, help me." Chang Xiubing said.

"Okay, Dr. Chang, if you ask me, I will definitely help, but it will take a lot of time." The woman gave Chang Xiubing face and agreed to help find him.

"The old files are all in this cabinet. If they are not here, they will not be found."

The woman opened a large cabinet. Inside was a yellowed file bag. Dust was flying in the air, and there was a musty smell.

"Lao Chang, you go and do your work, we'll look for it ourselves." Gu Ye said.


Chang Xiubing is gone, and he still has surgery to do.

Chu Qiao and Gu Ye looked through each file together and sighed, but they still couldn't find Lin Dani's. They couldn't help but be disappointed. Without Lin Dani's blood type, there would be no way to check.

More than an hour passed, and two-thirds of the archives had been searched, but nothing was found. I didn't know if the rest belonged to Lin Dani.

"I remembered, there are some old files here, I'm going to take them out." The woman's words were like a shot in the arm, giving the disappointed Chu Qiao and others more hope.

None of the file bags in the big cabinet belonged to Lin Dani, but they were lucky enough to find a file of Lin Dani's in another cabinet, which recorded Lin Dani's physical condition in detail, including her blood type.

"Type A."

Chu Qiao was very surprised. The old man was type O, Lin Dani was type A, Gu Jiefang was either type O or type A, but Gu Jianshe was type B, so it depends on Zhu Yuzhen's blood type.

Gu Ye was also very happy. The truth soon surfaced. He wanted to borrow the files, but the woman disagreed: "Even if Dr. Chang comes to ask for it, I can't agree. I can't violate the rules."

"Then can we look at this file next time?" Chu Qiao asked.

"That's no problem. I'll leave it alone and you can come and see it at any time." The woman readily agreed.

"thank you!"

Chu Qiao thanked her and left the archives room with Gu Ye to see if the blood type results were out. Both of them were very excited.

When they arrived at the blood test department, Chang Xiubing said hello. The doctors in the blood test department were very enthusiastic and the results came out. They gave them two test sheets and stamped them with their official seals.

The writing was clearly written in black and white on the paper. Gu Ye and Chu looked at it head-to-head, looking more and more excited.

"Gu Jiefang, male, type B."

"Zhu Yuzhen, female, type B."

Chu Qiao read softly, her heart beating very fast, she was so excited. As expected, the identities of Gu Jiefang and Zhu Yuzhen were revealed. Lin Dani was really hiding the truth.

Gu Ye was a little worried and asked the doctor, "If a man is type O and a woman is type A, can a child with type B be born?"

"Of course it's impossible. Their child only has two possible blood types, O and A. Type B is absolutely impossible." The doctor said with a smile.

Gu Ye asked again: "A woman with type A blood, what type of man should she marry to give birth to a child with type B?"

"Both type B and type AB are acceptable."

"thank you."

Gu Ye thanked him and left the hospital with Chu Qiao, holding two test sheets. Both of them were very excited. They were so surprised that they felt like they were in a dream. They were walking a little unsteadily.

Gu Jiefang has always been proud of being the eldest son, and so does Gu Jianshe. They always say that he is the grandson of Gu. They have been arguing for a long time because neither of them has the surname Gu.

"No, Zhu Yuzhen is also type B. She can't be your father's child. What's going on?" Chu Qiao suddenly remembered that she had only been focusing on Gu Jiefang and left Zhu Yuzhen behind.

If there is really a switch, then Zhu Yuzhen is the old man's biological daughter. She should be type A or O, but Zhu Yuzhen is type B. Obviously, like Gu Jiefang, she has nothing to do with the old man.

There are only two possibilities.

Zhu Yuzhen was born to Lin Dani and another man.

Zhu Yuzhen has nothing to do with Mr. Lin Dani. Like Gu Jiefang, he was brought over from somewhere else.

Chu Qiao felt that the first possibility was more likely. If Zhu Yuzhen and Lin Dani were not related by blood, Lin Dani could not have been so kind to her. Before she died, she had planned everything for Zhu Yuzhen, for fear that she would be a little wronged and only have her biological mother. To be so worried.

Oh my God!

Chu Qiao looked excited, as if she saw the faint green light on the old man's head, flickering.

Gu Ye also thought about it, and exchanged gossipy glances with his wife. Both of them speeded up their pace to let the old man know the good news quickly.

As for whether the old man could withstand the blow of being cuckolded for decades, neither of them thought about it. They just wanted to watch the excitement of the Jiefang family.

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