80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 343: The best way to deal with snobs is to show off

"Dad, this is the Moutai that Jianshe Jianshe specially commissioned to buy for your birthday!" Gu Jiefang held two bottles of Moutai in his hand, smiling ingratiatingly, with his rickets on his back like a bow.

Disgust flashed in the old man's eyes. Although Gu Jiefang was innocent and didn't know his life experience, he was still disgusted.

"Let's eat first."

The old man didn't drink Maotai. He didn't need wine. He just wanted his children and grandchildren to be successful, which was better than drinking wine.

It's a pity that of his three sons, only the youngest is biological, and the two older ones are bastards.

Gu Jiefang's hand froze in mid-air, his expression also froze, his heart was racing, and his uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger. His not-so-smart mind felt that today's birthday banquet was probably the Hongmen Banquet. Bad things happen.

It was probably about the divorce. Gu Jiefang felt resentful in his heart. Life was his own business. Why did the old man care so much? He didn't dislike Zhu Yuzhen himself, and he didn't let the old man live with Zhu Yuzhen. He had to force him to do so. Divorce for what?

He is his biological son, so the old man can't help him live comfortably?

Do you have to force him to do something?

Gu Jiefang withdrew his hand and winked at Gu Jianshe. Gu Jianshe nodded slightly. Today he must convince the old man to transfer him back. The branch factory is really not for people.

A broken island, surrounded by the sea, where chickens don't lay eggs and birds don't poop. There is only a small shop and a health clinic on the island, dozens of fishermen, and the rest are employees of the branch factory. There were no TV signals and he could only receive two radio stations. Gu Jianshe felt like he was back before liberation, living a primitive life.

The most annoying thing was the bandits from the branch factory. They all went to the warehouse to get things like bandits. They were more arrogant than the uncle. They yelled at him without any respect. Gu Jianshe didn't want to stay there all day.

Lin Yulan cooked a large table of dishes. When she saw Gu Jianshe, her eyes were indifferent and she turned to look at Gu Ye. As soon as she opened her mouth, Gu Ye turned around and talked to Chu Qiao. Lin Yulan looked hurt and went back to the kitchen alone. The back looks a little pitiful.

Gu Ye was also not feeling well. Every time he met Lin Yulan, he would say some hurtful words. Lin Yulan was sad. He was happy at the time, but afterwards, he was not happy at all. He would also be angry with himself, thinking Next time we meet, don’t say those bastard words again.

But next time, he still couldn't hold it back, especially since Lin Yulan had always been so confused. Whenever Gu Ye wanted to get along well, Lin Yulan would do some stupid things to irritate him. Time and time again, as time went by, the estrangement became deeper and deeper. became a chasm.

Chu Qiao pretended not to notice that the estrangement between mother and son could not be healed in a day or two, but as long as Gu Jianshe and his family were kicked out, they would be able to reconcile sooner or later.

"Mom worked hard today, cooking so many dishes." Gu Jiefang's tone was much more polite than before.

Gu Jianshe also followed suit: "Grandma's cooking skills are getting better and better. I loved eating grandma's cooking when I was a child. After I went to the branch factory, my dreams were all about grandma's prawns. I was so greedy."

Zhu Yuzhen curled her lips, feeling very contemptuous of the two gentlemen. She had always been firm in her attitude towards Lin Yulan and supported Lin Dani. Because Lin Yulan robbed Lin Dani of her man and hurt Lin Dani, Zhu Yuzhen would never Maybe she is on good terms with Lin Yulan, otherwise she will not be able to live with her mother-in-law.

The family sat down to eat, and the atmosphere was a bit dull. Gu Jiefang and his son were particularly active today, always telling jokes, but no one cheered. Even Gu Zhonghua didn't say a word. He had already made up his mind to stay away from his incompetent eldest brother and the rich. The promising younger brother got along closely.

"Xiaoye, your favorite beef brisket when you were a kid."

Gu Zhonghua scooped up a spoonful of stewed beef brisket and handed it to Gu Ye's bowl attentively. Gu Ye covered the bowl with his hand and said coldly: "I won't eat it."

"Didn't you love this the most when you were a kid?"

Gu Zhonghua's expression was a little awkward, and the spoon was frozen in mid-air. He must have remembered correctly that beef brisket stewed with tomatoes was Lin Yulan's specialty, but conditions were difficult at that time. He could only stew it once a month, and there wasn't much beef brisket. Gu Ye She likes to eat it very much, and even competes with Gu Jianshe, but she can't compete with Gu Jianshe every time. Lin Yulan always gives the brisket to Gu Jianshe and the soup to Gu Ye.

"I don't love you anymore."

Gu Ye's expression became even colder. He robbed three times and lost every time. It wasn't that he couldn't rob Gu Jianshe, but that Lin Yulan didn't help him and would teach him a lesson. In the end, he could only drink soup and then looked at Gu Jianshe. He eats beef brisket with relish and shows off to him.

After that, he stopped grabbing the food, and even stopped drinking the soup. He wouldn't starve to death if he didn't take this mouthful of soup.

And now he has a wife who makes him stewed beef brisket, which is more delicious than Lin Yulan's. He deserves this piece of meat.

Gu Zhonghua smiled coquettishly, took back the spoon and put it in his bowl, "Xiaoye's taste has changed since he grew up. I, the second brother, have neglected my duty."

"The main reason is that we are too far apart. We have to move around more often in the future. You are brothers." Ni Guixiang said with a smile, and emphasized the words about brothers.

Gu Zhonghua nodded from time to time, "Yes, you have to move around frequently. Xiaoye, I will take Xiaochu to the capital to play in the future. Call me before you come and I will make all arrangements."

"There are many interesting places in the capital, such as Tiananmen, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, etc., as well as delicious food. If you come here, you can spend a few more days and just stay at my house." Ni Guixiang was particularly enthusiastic, but Chu Qiao didn't want to appreciate it.

The only thing missing from these two couples is that they don't have their snobbery etched on their faces. Whether it's sincere or fake, a fool can tell. If she hadn't been pretending just now, I'm afraid these two couples would still look aloof.

Even if Chu Qiao was really his brother and sister-in-law, Chu Qiao would not have any intention of interacting with such a snob.

"Let's talk about it later in the capital. We plan to take the big and small babies to play nearby, such as West Lake and Taihu Shuanglong Cave. Gu Ye plans to buy an old car. It is very convenient to go out on weekends and broaden the children's horizons." Chu Qiao started again. Showing off.

Gu Ye was bullied by these outsiders in the past. Today she wanted to vent her anger on her husband's behalf. After all, she was about to be kicked out of the Gu family. If she didn't vent her anger, she would have no chance.

"You want to buy a car?"

Gu Zhonghua and his wife said in unison, with the same expression, their eyes almost dropped to the ground.

I was just a little shocked when I heard Chu Qiao bragging about clothes and bags, but now he has upgraded to buying a car. The couple can't sit still. Even if a car is old, it costs more than 10,000, right?

Is it so profitable to sell machine tools?

"Yes, it's inconvenient to go out without a car. Even though I don't have any money now, I have invested it all. I will buy a car when Gu Ye sells some more machine tools." Chu Qiao said with a smile, in a good mood.

She somewhat understands those who like to show off, and it feels really good, especially when facing snobs like Gu Zhonghua and his wife, showing off is the best weapon in the face.

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