Back then, He Jihong was the popular eldest daughter of the He family, and Chang Jinfeng was a bumpkin who came back from the countryside. Their status was very different. Only twenty years later, they were still very different, but they were completely different. .

Thinking of his daughter who failed to live up to expectations, He Jihong's heart hurt more than a knife stabbed him. He coughed again, and the white hair on his head trembled. He looked really miserable.

He Jihong drank the cold medicinal soup in one gulp, his face wrinkled with bitterness. This was Chu Yuanzhi's own medicine for cough relief. He had been taking it for half a month. It hurt his stomach, but his cough was not cured at all. On the contrary, it became more powerful.

Her mouth was very bitter, and she wanted to eat some candied fruit to moisten her mouth, but there was none around her, and she didn't want to ask for help from Chang Jinfeng, let alone Chu Qiao, so He Jihong had no choice but to endure it. Her mouth was as bitter as coptis, and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Hey, I heard about your Xu Bilian. Please forgive me and accept the change. Children will have their own blessings. Don't think too much. Xu Bilian is married now. If the married daughter throws water, you should still worry about your son. Come on!" Chang Jinfeng said again.

He Jihong's face changed drastically. He reached out and grabbed Chang Jinfeng's arm, and asked sternly: "Say it again? What's wrong with Bilian?"

Chang Jinfeng was startled and said in a daze: "You are married, you don't know?"

"Who are you marrying?"

He Jihong's eyes were straight, as if he wanted to kill someone. Chang Jinfeng felt a little panicked and looked at Chu Qiao. Chu Qiao shook her head slightly. She didn't know why He Jihong was so crazy. Didn't the He family tell the story about Xu Bilian's marriage? ?

"Calm down, your mother didn't tell you?" Chang Jinfeng asked tentatively.

"Hurry up and tell me, who is Bi Lian married to?"

He Jihong yelled like crazy, and Chang Jinfeng had to say: "That's it... the day after we returned, the Xu family married Bilian. I heard that she was married to a widower who was a bit older. There are still five children, I’m not sure about this, don’t worry...hey...where are you going?"

Before he finished speaking, He Jihong got off the bed neatly, put on his coat and rushed out, his hair disheveled like a madman. Chang Jinfeng was dumbfounded, feeling that she seemed to have messed up the matter, and she was very panicked. Dad won't scold her, right?

"Xiao Chu, what should we do now?"

Chang Jinfeng sounded a little uneasy. Do you want to chase the person back?

"Follow us and take a look, don't let anything happen."

Chu Qiao was a little worried. He Jihong was acting crazy like this. Don't let the car hit him when he went out. Chang Jinfeng nodded repeatedly and chased after her with quick strides. Although she didn't like He Jihong, she never thought anything would happen to this woman.

She didn't have any evil intentions, she just wanted to vent her anger, but she didn't expect to stir up a hornet's nest.

The two ran to the family's downstairs, but He Jihong was nowhere to be seen, and the car in the carport was missing.

"It's time to go back to the compound." Chu Qiao guessed.

Chang Jinfeng came by tricycle. She was too lazy to ride a bicycle, so Chu Qiao simply picked her up and pedaled hard. After riding for a few minutes, he saw He Jihong, riding like a crazy person, like a headless fly. , which is heart-wrenching to watch.

"She's crazy. What if she gets hit by a car... Xiao Chu, ride faster, you have to stop her."

Chang Jinfeng was extremely anxious. With He Jihong's condition now, there was a real chance that He Jihong would crash into a car. If he died, she would have a bad conscience for the rest of her life.

Chu Qiao was also very worried and chased with all her strength. Chang Jinfeng shouted from behind: "He Jihong, come back. I just lied to you on purpose. Xu Bilian is not married. She is fine with her father. Come back quickly." !”

But He Jihong acted as if she hadn't heard, and still pedaled hard. There were too many people on the sidewalk, so she simply rode on the motorway. Chang Jinfeng was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat, and her intestines turned blue. She secretly prayed that nothing would happen.

"God, all Bodhisattvas, please protect me and prevent anything from happening. Amitabha..."

Chu Qiao was also anxious, and she had an idea and shouted: "Xu Bilian is back in the city!"

Sure enough, He Jihong reacted and turned his head backwards, but the car did not stop and the faucet turned toward the center of the road. Chu Qiao was so frightened that she lost her soul. She never thought about letting He Jihong die.

"Hurry back and I'll take you to see Xu Bilian!"

Chu Qiao screamed desperately, and Chang Jinfeng also shouted: "Come back quickly, I won't quarrel with you anymore, He Jihong, you fool, if you die, Xu Bilian will really have no one to care about!"

He Jihong's crazy expression froze, and his eyes slowly regained some clarity. Bilian was back, and she had to go see her and persuade her daughter to be a good person and stop doing wrong things.

She saw the surroundings clearly. They were all cars and horns. She was startled. How could she ride on a motorway? He Jihong was so panicked that he quickly turned around and didn't notice a car approaching.

"Turn right, turn right..."

Chu Qiao and Chang Jinfeng shouted, but He Jihong became even more panicked. His hands and feet were not in control, and the car turned left. Fortunately, the driver of the car reacted quickly and braked urgently. There was a harsh brake sound and a scream... …it was a mess.

The traffic police also arrived. Many people gathered around and were dispersed by the traffic police. Chu Qiao and Chang Jinfeng were stunned and stood there like wooden blocks, unable to react for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before Chu Qiao regained consciousness and stabbed Chang Jinfeng hard.

"Xiao...Xiao your stepmother okay?"

Chang Jinfeng was trembling, her voice was trembling, she didn't dare to look at the road, for fear of seeing a scene that would make her restless for the rest of her life.

"I don't know. Come and have a look?"

Chu Qiao calmed down a lot. The worst result was that He Jihong was hit and killed. Although he was provoked by Chang Jinfeng to run out, He Jihong was also responsible. How could he be so careless when crossing the road.

"Go and see...see!"

Chang Jinfeng pulled Chu Qiao hard, her palms were cold, her face turned pale with fright, and her lips were trembling. Chu Qiao comforted her: "Don't panic, it has nothing to do with us, she bumped into her herself."

"It's... it's related... Xiao Chu, I shouldn't have said those words... Old Tang tried to persuade me, but I didn't listen... I shouldn't have come today..."

Chang Jinfeng cried as she spoke. She regretted it so much. She should have listened to her husband. She always remembered what she was doing in the past. Her life was hundreds of times better than that of He Jihong now. She should be more open-minded. Why should she try to squeeze out the money? People?

"Don't die...God bless you, Amitabha..."

Chang Jinfeng couldn't stop chanting Buddha's name and cried miserably. Chu Qiao felt uncomfortable in her heart, so she consoled her: "Don't worry, good people don't live long. He Jihong is very bad-hearted and won't die."

"Yes, yes, if the bad guy lives a long time, he must be fine."

Chang Jinfeng felt much relieved and held Chu Qiao tightly. The two of them squeezed into the crowd. Chu Qiao was strong and squeezed in without much effort. He saw He Jihong lying on the ground and his bicycle fell to the ground. , the collision was deformed, and He Jihong didn't know what the situation was, which made them feel cold.

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