"First ask Zeng Guoqiang. He owns half of it, and Zhao Litian knows him. With Zeng Guoqiang as the leader, Zhao Litian will definitely pay back the money as long as the person named Zeng pays back." Gu Ye analyzed.

Chu Qiao nodded. To capture the thief, capture the king first. Zeng Guoqiang is the leader of these old gangsters, so the one named Zeng must be dealt with first.

"Sister Jinfeng said that Zeng Guoqiang was very stubborn and unreasonable, so he still entered the palace three times." Chu Qiao was a little worried. Although Chang Jinfeng didn't say it explicitly, she could tell that Zeng Guoqiang was probably a desperado, otherwise Tang Yaozu wouldn't be willing to do it. If you don’t want money, you don’t even dare to challenge Zeng Guoqiang.

This kind of desperado is the most difficult to offend. Tang Yaozu brought up his family, including seniors and juniors, and lived a prosperous and healthy life. It was not worth the trouble to fight with desperadoes for hundreds of thousands.

Gu Ye knew all this, and what he had found out was more comprehensive. Zeng Guoqiang was also carrying a life on his body. He used to live in the Northeast. It was said that he followed a big brother there. The big brother went in and sentenced him to death. Zeng Guoqiang squatted. It was released a few years ago.

But this guy also had lives on his hands, and he also made his fortune on the northeastern border. After returning to Shanghai, he opened his own company. He has been quite law-abiding in the past few years, but no one dares to mess with him.

"Qiaoqiao, don't go. I'm going to meet this guy named Zeng." Gu Ye didn't dare to let his wife go, for fear of something happening.

"I'll go with you. If it doesn't work, we'll run away."

Chu Qiao didn't trust Gu Ye alone. She was strong and could help if anything happened.

Gu Ye couldn't resist her, so he had to agree, but he made three stipulations: whenever something happens, he must run and obey his orders.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chu Qiao was very talkative.

You have to listen to Gu Ye's advice when it comes to things outside. She has no social experience, so she won't be too strong-willed.

Chu Peng listened quietly to the discussion between the two couples, with a slight smile on his face. It wasn't that he looked down on his stupid sister and stupid brother-in-law. If they didn't pay this debt, Tang Weiguo's father had been in society for so many years and couldn't deal with Zeng Guoqiang. He was obviously not that good. bite.

"You only need 5,000 yuan to treat me now." Chu Peng reminded kindly, which earned Chu Qiao a big look. "Read your book. You can take care of the big and small babies at home."

She didn't want Brother Dog to be exposed to these people and things in society too early, so she should just study with peace of mind.

"After today, it will be 10,000 yuan."

Chu Peng reminded him again and lowered his head to read. He was already very affectionate and kind without saying good things three times.

Chu Qiao snorted and couldn't help but flick a chestnut on Brother Gou's forehead. He had never seen such a money-obsessed person before, and he didn't know who he looked like.

Chu Peng touched his forehead and said coldly: "Add one thousand."

His forehead is very precious, and every hair is shining with the light of wisdom. A thousand yuan for a flick is also the price of family affection.

"Why don't you rob a bank?"

Chu Qiao laughed angrily and rubbed her dog brother's head hard. The thick hair turned into a chicken coop, and she was satisfied.

"It's illegal to rob a bank. Now it's an extra two thousand dollars."

Chu Peng slowly straightened his hair and kindly reminded him that if he asks again, it will cost him 12,000 yuan.

Chu Qiao was too lazy to talk to him, and went out with Gu Ye to collect debts. On the way, she couldn't help but complain, "Who does Xiaopeng look like? Neither my father nor the He family are so money-crazed. Could it be that he was hugged by the wrong person in the hospital?" ?”

Gu Ye couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Peng is exactly the same as your father. How could he be wrong? He probably looks like your grandfather."

Chu Qiao nodded. It was very likely that although the Chu family was from the Xinglin family, they had mainly made money through business these years. Businessmen were basically traitors. Brother Gou must have inherited her grandfather's money-obsessed gene.

The two walked and talked all the way, and when they arrived at Zeng Guoqiang's store, he opened an electrical appliance store, selling various small household appliances, such as electric fans, washing machines, recorders, televisions, refrigerators, etc. The items were very complete, and most of them were parallel imports from Tang Yaozu's trading company. Wholesale and other channels are also available.

It is said that Zeng Guoqiang was a free hand. He bought all the goods on credit without paying a penny. He owed a lot of goods outside, and Tang Yaozu owed the most.

The electrical appliance store has a large facade, and the things inside are arranged in a mess, here and there, and there are many piles on the floor. It looks like a grocery store, but the business is not bad. There are people picking out TV sets in the store, one of them is of average height. , a middle-aged man with a hideous scar on his face, sat at the cashier table, and a waiter was greeting customers.

Gu Ye whispered: "The one with the scar on his face is Zeng Guoqiang."

Chu Qiao frowned. This Zeng Guoqiang had such a violent temper and made people feel very uncomfortable.

"What do you two comrades want to buy? A TV or a washing machine? We have newly arrived goods in our store. They are all from the island country. The quality is absolutely no problem. You are guaranteed to use it for more than ten years and it will not break down. The price is cheaper than department stores... …”

The clerk came over and talked nonstop. Chu Qiao looked at the goods. They were indeed from the island country. Some of the labels were not torn off and the prices were very affordable. No wonder the store was so messy but the business was very good.

Zeng Guoqiang was doing a business without capital. He owed a lot of goods on credit. Even if he sold them at a loss, he still made money. The losers were suppliers like Tang Yaozu.

The waiter talked for a long time, but when Gu Ye and Chu Qiao didn't say anything, he sensed something was wrong and looked towards Zeng Guoqiang and made a gesture.

Zeng Guoqiang stood up and walked over, asking loudly: "Are you two here to buy something?"

Chu Qiao was startled. The voice was really loud, like a loudspeaker.

"I won't buy it." Gu Ye smiled.

Zeng Guoqiang's expression immediately turned cold and his anger became more serious. He looked him up and down, then looked at Chu Qiao, narrowed his eyes, and looked at him with fascination. Gu Ye stood in front of his wife and took out the IOU from his pocket. After shaking for a while, he said in a cold voice: "You owe Longxing Trading Company 580,000 yuan for goods. The Chinese New Year is almost here. Let's settle the account."

The waiter and Zeng Guoqiang both looked at Gu Ye as if he were a fool. After a while, Zeng Guoqiang smiled and said to the waiter: "He came to ask me for money? Haha... He's quite brave!"

"I guess I was drunk and my brain was not clear!" The waiter also laughed, feeling that Gu Ye was really reckless and dared to ask Brother Qiang for money. He didn't want to live anymore.

The boss of Longxing Company did not dare to ask for money himself, so he invited such a fool to die.

Zeng Guoqiang finished laughing and said in a cold voice: "I'm in a good mood today. If I don't care about you like a fool, get out of here!"

"It is natural to pay back debts. Zeng Guoqiang, you owe 580,000 yuan. If we really file a lawsuit, you will go to jail." Gu Ye deliberately provoked this guy. He found out that Zeng hated others being asked to go to jail. meal.

Sure enough, Zeng Guoqiang's expression changed, he squinted and looked at Gu Ye coldly, "You are so brave, you dare to do something in front of me. How much money will Tang Yaozu give you to sacrifice your life for him?"

"Old Tang and I are brothers. We don't care about money. You'd better pay back the money as soon as possible." Gu Yoke said politely.

Zeng Guoqiang suppressed his smile and said coldly: "I didn't say I wouldn't pay back the money. I don't have any money now, but I will definitely pay it back when I have money."

Gu Ye also turned cold, "If you are unethical, don't blame me for being rude."

Zeng Guoqiang snorted, spread his hands, and said mockingly: "A man of my age is here, come on, take a knife and stab it here. I frown even if I don't even know my surname is Zeng. If I smash up my shop again, I will definitely Don't say a word."

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