"I'm not afraid of you, you can come in if you have the guts!"

Zeng Guoqiang screamed like crazy. He took a dagger from under the pillow and rushed out of the room. He simply started a fight to the death. He had had enough of living like this every day.

Gu Ye couldn't help gesturing below, and Chu Peng gave him a reassuring gesture. Soon there was movement in the yard. It was Zeng Guoqiang who came down. He wanted to turn on the lights, but there were no lights in the yard or in the living room. It was bright and pitch-black, and he became even more panicked, scurrying around like a headless fly.

"Come out and challenge me to a duel!"

Zeng Guoqiang found the backyard based on his memory and screamed crazily. Then he saw the ghost just floating towards him blankly.

That's right, it's Gone with the Wind.

This ghost has no legs and floats in the air.

The tongue was stretched so long and there was a lot of blood.

Zeng Guoqiang froze. The little courage he had just mustered up disappeared in an instant, and the dagger fell to the ground. His whole body was trembling. He wanted to escape back to the house, but his legs could not move.

"Don't... don't come here... I will burn gold ingots, beautiful girls, and bungalows for you... I will burn whatever you want. Please don't come to me, please!"

Zeng Guoqiang suddenly knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly. He couldn't bear it anymore. This life is not for human beings, only three lives. He thought he could live a good life, but he overestimated himself. In the past six years, he has not lived a single day. Well, I always dream about those three people.

Chu Qiao didn't say anything. She was afraid of being betrayed. The three people Zeng Guoqiang called sounded like men. Her voice was so sweet that she sounded like a woman. It was better to remain silent to avoid wasting all the efforts.

"Please... I have changed my mind and become a good person again... Don't come to me..." Zeng Guoqiang was still kowtowing, and then he heard a sneer coming from above his head. His scalp suddenly went numb. He looked up and saw something in the air. There is also a ghost floating around.

Zeng Guoqiang's eyes turned white and he fainted.

Before he fainted, he was still thinking that it must be those three people who came to find him, and they inquired clearly. They even knew that he had not changed his life again. He had just sneered. Apart from not taking human lives, he had indeed done other bad things. No matter how hard you work, you can't hide it from the devil.

Gu Ye slid down from the wall and looked at Zeng Guoqiang on the ground with disdain.

"go home!"

Chu Peng said coldly, "We have done enough drama tonight, and we will continue to be popular tomorrow."

He shook his shoulders and signaled the stupid sister above him to get down, but Chu Qiao felt very comfortable riding it, and it was the first time in his two lives that he had ridden a dog brother. He was so angry that he couldn't bear to get off, so he just pretended that he didn't know.

"Come down!"

Chu Peng shook hard, and his shoulders were so sore.

Gu Ye walked over with a smile and hugged his wife. He felt that his wife looked good in ghost makeup. She was the most beautiful ghost.

Chu Peng twisted his shoulder. It was sore and painful. He looked at the stupid sister with disgust and said coldly: "It's time to lose weight!"

Heavier than a pig, his shoulders were crushed.

"You are too weak. My husband can carry it all day without any problems." Chu Qiao snorted. She is only a few pounds and 165cm tall. She is not fat or thin at this weight, just right.

"Qiaoqiao is too thin, she needs to eat more."

Gu Ye grinned, and the blood and tears on his face looked particularly funny. He really felt that his wife was too thin, and her arms were like hemp rods. He didn't dare to use force for fear of breaking them.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes at Brother Dog proudly. Chu Peng ignored her and packed up his props to go home. He had to get up early to go to school tomorrow and he was very busy.

As for Zeng Guoqiang on the ground, no one cares about him, he will naturally wake up from the cold later.

"Wipe the paint off your face!" Chu Qiao wiped her face with a handkerchief, feeling so uncomfortable with the blood and tears.

She and Gu Ye wiped each other, but they didn't know what kind of paint Chu Peng used. The skin on their faces was scratched, but the blood and tears did not change, but became even redder.

"You have to use kerosene to wash it. I specially prepared it." Chu Peng reminded.

This is a paint he carefully prepared. It cannot be washed away with water or burned. It must be washed with kerosene or scraped off, which is easier.

"What should I do if someone sees me on the road?" Chu Qiao was a little worried. This ghostly appearance would scare people to death.

"Who is hanging out at this hour?"

Chu Peng's eyes were even more disgusted. It was already ten o'clock in the evening and most of the people were asleep. Those who came out to hang out were generally thieves. It didn't matter if they were scared to death.

On the way home, Gu Ye asked excitedly: "Xiaopeng, can this make Zeng Guoqiang pay back the money?"

"Of course not."

Gu Zhiyi raised the subject all of a sudden and said in a voiceless voice: "Then your hard work tonight was in vain?"

I got a big look from my brother-in-law.

"Step by step, continue tomorrow night, I will make arrangements in three nights!" Chu Peng said slowly.

How can he work in vain? Everything he does will not be in vain, it is meaningful.

"Same as tonight?" Gu Ye asked.


Chu Peng responded and then said, "I'm not going."

He has already learned that he will not go there tomorrow night and the night after. It is very tiring at night.

"Why don't you go?" Chu Qiao retorted angrily. He asked for 12,000 yuan in wages and only had to work for one night. Brother Gou was so shameless.

"I have to go to school and go to bed early." Chu Peng said confidently.

Chu Qiao became silent and stared angrily.

It was very quiet along the way. There was no one on the road. Soon they arrived at the machine tool factory. The three of them went to the carport to park the car. The family building was quiet. When they reached the third floor, there was no one in the corridor. The lights were dim. Chu Qiao relaxed. The tone, no surprises, is pretty good.

At this moment, the door creaked open, and a man came out of a house. He was wearing pajamas, yawning, and ran towards the toilet with his neck scrunched up. Chu Qiao and the others were in front of him. The man scrunched up his neck and did not raise his head. He also muttered: "Give in!"


Gu Ye responded and moved to the side. The man's voice sounded familiar, so he subconsciously raised his head. Under the dim light, a ghost with a bloody face grinned at him and stretched out his claws to pinch him. His neck.

In fact, Gu Ye wanted to pat him on the shoulder to say hello. He also forgot about the ghost makeup on his face. Chu Qiao reminded him anxiously: "Don't scare him to death!"

But the frightened man heard: "Kill him!"

His nerves were suddenly broken, and he was so frightened that he had to hold back his urine. The hair on his forehead stood up and he jumped three feet high. He ran and called people: "Oh my God... help... someone is here..." …Catch ghosts…”

Gu Ye was also startled. Only then did he realize his special makeup. He wanted to go over and explain the situation to the man. Chu Peng and Chu Qiao each grabbed an arm and dragged him back to the house. Quickly close the door. You can't explain this kind of thing. It's better to go back to the house quickly.


The man was still screaming in the corridor. He had already run around and came back again, like a ghost beating a wall. This shrill scream woke up the entire family building, and many people came out.

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