"Immortal, how can I make the Yang Fire strong?" Zeng Guoqiang understood the meaning of the Taoist priest's words. The reason why he was so unlucky was that his body was too weak. As long as the Yang Fire was strong, evil spirits would automatically stay away.

He is sure to live a long life.

The Taoist priest smiled enigmatically, "Let's avoid the disaster of death tonight first. Now that the old Taoist has said it, you don't believe it."

"You believe it, I believe it, please ask the immortal master for advice." Zeng Guoqiang said impatiently, how could he not believe it, this is an immortal master.

"Let's talk tomorrow."

The Taoist priest still refused to say that he had no other abilities, but he still had some ability to deceive the stupid guy. He would make the stupid guy jump into the pit willingly and even beg him to kick him.

Zeng Guoqiang watched helplessly as the immortal floated away. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he actually felt that this beggar-like Taoist priest seemed to be somewhat of an immortal spirit, with an air of immortality.

He put away the charms like a treasure. Whether he can survive tonight depends on these treasures.

After walking a few dozen meters, the Taoist priest turned into the alley with a stern look, met Chu Qiao and the others, and reported on the progress of the work.

"Yes, once everything is done, your one thousand yuan will definitely be indispensable." Chu Qiao nodded with satisfaction.

This old man was a low-end fortune teller that Gu Ye found in the alley. He couldn't eat enough for three meals, and he could earn a thousand yuan per hearing. The old man was willing to pay 10,000 yuan, and he also promised Zeng Guoqiang that he would definitely make Zeng Guoqiang fall into the trap.

It was late at night, and Gu Ye sneaked into Zeng Guoqiang's house with Chu Qiao. The Taoist priest dug a hole, and they had to come and fill it up.

Zeng Guoqiang huddled in his bedroom, terrified. Ghost symbols were pasted on the doors and windows. He was wrapped tightly in quilt, with two eyes exposed, looking at the wall with fear.

It's almost midnight, can we really escape?

Do these life-saving charms really work?

Zeng Guoqiang felt a little regretful. He should have asked a few strong young men to guard him. The young men must have strong Yanghuo and might be able to help him escape from this disaster. But if his brothers saw how cowardly he was, they would be better off in the future. It can no longer establish its authority.

After struggling for a long time, Zeng Guoqiang suddenly heard the sound of crying, and his body trembled. He looked up at the wall and saw familiar words in blood. His eyes went dark, and he gritted his teeth to avoid fainting.

They are coming, they are really coming... to take his life!

"Ah...it hurts...it hurts me so much..."

The bloody words on the wall suddenly disappeared. Zeng Guoqiang heard the shrill ghost screams and his spirits were lifted. Is this ghost painting really effective?


"Zeng Guoqiang...see you again next month!"

The ghost screams were getting farther and farther away. Zeng Guoqiang was overjoyed. He threw off the quilt and ran to the window sill. He deliberately didn't draw the curtains because he wanted to die in peace. Unexpectedly, the ghost talisman came in handy.

Through the window, Zeng Guoqiang vaguely saw a white shadow floating in the air, floating very fast, feeling a bit like running away. He suddenly felt refreshed and energetic.

I have finally survived the calamity of death. I will go to the Immortal Leader tomorrow and ask him how to increase the Yang Fire.

That night, Zeng Guoqiang slept extremely peacefully. He had no dreams for the first time in six years. He slept until dawn. He was more energetic and looked better. He went to the store in high spirits and asked the waiter to Go to the Taoist priest.

"Boss, I met him in the alley. I don't know where the immortal is." The man was in a dilemma. Shanghai is such a big city, where would he go to find it?

Zeng Guoqiang glared hard. He planned to look for the useless things himself, but as soon as he left the store, he saw the Taoist priest walking towards him with a fairy spirit.

"Did you sleep well last night?" the Taoist priest asked with a smile.

"Thank you, Immortal, for rescuing me. I slept very peacefully last night. I also asked the Immortal to tell me how to make Yangyang Fire. I will definitely reward the Immortal." Zeng Guoqiang was already convinced. Even if the Taoist priest asked him to jump off a cliff, he would not doubt it.

The Taoist priest laughed heartily, and he immediately received one thousand yuan into his account.

"The method is very simple. Both Buddhism and Taoism advocate doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. Don't do bad things. If you harm others, you are also harming yourself. You should have a deep understanding of this."

Zeng Guoqiang nodded repeatedly. He understood it so well that he had not felt at ease in six years.

The Taoist priest added: "Doing good deeds can also accumulate blessings. When the blessings are strong, the Yang Fire will naturally be strong. If you want to avoid this disaster, do more good deeds and don't do anything bad. There is no other way."

"Chief Immortal, you mean that I can avoid those three ghosts as long as I do more good deeds?" Zeng Guoqiang asked humbly.

"It's not just those three. When the yang fire is strong, all evil spirits will stay away. If you can make up for the bad things you have done in the past, make up for them. If you can't make up for them, do more good deeds. This is what the old saying goes. Comrade, think about it!"

The Taoist priest refused to say any more and was about to leave. Talking too much can easily lead to mistakes.

Zeng Guoqiang looked thoughtful, and he seemed to have realized that although he had not harmed anyone in these years, he had done a lot of bad things, such as not paying back the money on credit, using nothing, and passing off inferior goods, etc. No wonder he has done so in the past six years. Your health will get worse and worse.

It's his own fault.

If he doesn't, he has to change his ways and turn around.

"The Immortal..."

Zeng Guoqiang woke up and wanted to chat with the immortal for a few more words, but there was no one in front of him. The Taoist priest seemed to be riding the wind back. He ran out of the store. People were coming and going on the street, but there was no trace of the Taoist priest. .

"Boss, the Immortal Chief said he left and asked you to take care of yourself!" the guy said.

Zeng Guoqiang's heart hammered hard, and he bowed to the sky three times devoutly. He must have been sent by God to save him. He left without taking a penny. He was obviously a god!

"Don't worry, Immortal, I will definitely remember your words, do more good deeds in the future, and never do anything bad!"

Zeng Guoqiang murmured that he would change his mind and start a new life.

"Go, call Tang Yaozu, I want to pay back the money!"

Zeng Guoqiang gave orders energetically. He must first pay back all the debts he owed. He would not want any of the things that were not his. In the future, he would also do good deeds and be a good person.

Tang Yaozu, who was busy in the company, was stunned after answering the call from his clerk. He didn't even plan to take the money, but he could still get it back?

Does the sun really come out from the west?

Tang Yaozu couldn't believe it, but he still went to Zeng Guoqiang's store. Five hundred and eighty thousand, like a small mountain, made Tang Yaozu's eyes dazzled and his head was a little dizzy.

"Dot, dot, five hundred and eighty thousand is here, every penny is a penny!" Zeng Guoqiang shouted at the top of his lungs.

Tang Yaozu quickly apologized and said, "There's no need to point it out. I still can't trust Boss Zeng?"

He put the banknotes into the sack. There was no such big lockbox. He would have to call the company to send someone to pick him up soon. He was afraid of carrying so much money on the street.

Zeng Guoqiang snorted and said deliberately: "Don't say that I owe you money again, or it will affect my reputation."

He wants to be a good person.

"I won't say it for sure. I want to say outside that Boss Zeng is a man of his word. He has a good reputation and is definitely the best in Shanghai!" Tang Yaozu praised him generously and paid back the money. He said a few more good words without wasting his words.

Zeng Guoqiang grinned, he liked hearing these words, it would bring good fortune.

Tang Yaozu went out cautiously with a sack of money. Just as he was about to make a phone call, he saw Gu Ye and his wife hiding in the alley and winking. He was overjoyed and quickly turned into the alley.

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