80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 403: A fatal move to retaliate against a psychopath

"Yes, my wife must be the most beautiful in the world!" Gu Ye was a little annoyed because he said the wrong thing just now, but fortunately he made up for it in time and his wife would not be angry anymore.

Everyone just looked at the two couples showing off their affection like no one else, with goosebumps all over their bodies. It made them feel numb. Zhang Suqin was so angry. She had a lot of spots this time around, and her skin had gotten worse. She was indeed uglier. .

But she was even happier because when she was pregnant with her daughter, her skin was smooth and fair, better than when she was a girl. Experienced people said that she was pregnant with a daughter. She didn't believe it at the time, but after giving birth, she turned out to be a daughter.

At that time, the man said that when you are pregnant with a son, your skin will get worse and you will become ugly, which is completely different from when you are pregnant with a daughter. Zhang Suqin has remembered that this time she will definitely be a son, and it doesn't matter even if she becomes ugly. Chu Qiao's So what if the vixen is beautiful?

Without a child around, huh, there will be times when this vixen will cry.

This vixen is so stupid that he treats other people's sons so well. He was not born by himself, and it is useless no matter how well he raises him. Women still have to rely on their own sons.

"Get out...don't stand in front of my house, get out!"

Zhang Suqin suddenly grabbed the fire tongs and threw them at Chu Qiao like crazy. Gu Ye, with his quick eyesight, grabbed his wife and jumped away. The fire tongs almost hit Chu Qiao, shocking her.

"Don't think that because you are pregnant with a child, I don't dare to do anything to you. For a lunatic like you, it's better not to have a child. You won't be able to raise it well after birth. Tongtong has a mother like you. It's really a waste of her eighteenth life." The blood mold!"

Chu Qiao was about to explode with anger. She didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, but this lunatic hit her with a poker. If it really hit her, she would see blood at the least and break bones at the worst. This lunatic is too poisonous.

Others were also shocked and felt that Zhang Suqin was going too far. They were both from the same factory and were neighbors next door. A few quarrels would be fine, but using fire tongs was going too far.

Xuan Hongxia was the first to see it and stood up for Chu Qiao, "Zhang Suqin, don't become lawless just because you're pregnant. You should also do some good for the child in your belly, hum!"

"It's just that she gets nervous every day. Those who work in the same workshop as her are almost bored to death. If she is pregnant with a child, she will go to heaven!"

"Gong Zheng is also guilty of marrying such a wife."

Everyone whispered and were very dissatisfied with Zhang Suqin. In the past two years, this woman was relatively normal. Although she was not easy to get along with, she was still reasonable. However, in the past two years, Zhang Suqin's personality suddenly changed drastically and she became more and more... She was so nervous that she not only didn't get along with her colleagues, but also frequently beat and scolded her daughter Tongtong. After the little girl became lame, Zhang Suqin not only failed to comfort her daughter, but also went too far. Those who didn't know it thought she was her stepmother.

These discussions were not quiet, and everyone did not lower their voices deliberately. Zhang Suqin heard them all. When she heard these people saying that Zheng Gong had done something wrong, she could no longer restrain her anger and rushed over, waving a poker, "Get out of my house... It’s none of your business, just get out of here!”

Everyone was shocked and dispersed. They couldn't afford to offend such a crazy person, and she was pregnant, so they would not get involved in this mess.

Chu Qiao frowned. This woman's condition looked extremely abnormal. She really seemed to be suffering from a mental illness. Even if she wasn't insane, it might be a mental illness such as bipolar disorder. She didn't look like a normal person anyway.

Unable to bear it, Zheng Gong rushed over and tried to stop his wife, but he was a weak scholar with little strength and slow reaction. Zhang Suqin's poker hit his arm.

Zheng Gong screamed and his arm dropped down. It looked like it was broken. Zhang Suqin was startled and said in panic: "I didn't mean it. How are you? Where did it hit? Go to the hospital..."

Looking at her panicked look, she obviously cared a lot about her husband. Her daughter, who was so frightened and crying, didn't even look at her.

"Have you had enough trouble? Aren't you embarrassed? Come home!"

Zheng Gong endured the severe pain and looked at his wife indifferently, feeling extremely strange. The thought of divorce came to his mind for the 108th time. This life was really unbearable.

But the parents' warnings rang in their ears again, "Suqin is pregnant, and the baby should be a son. Please be patient, and don't be angry with Suqin."

Zheng Gong closed his eyes helplessly in pain. His parents wanted a grandson. He tried many times to persuade them, but they couldn't change their minds. He had better endure it. Pregnant women are prone to mood swings. Maybe after giving birth, his wife will Normal.

The family came into the house, Tongtong was crying, but no one cared about her. Zhang Suqin was focused on her husband, while Zheng Gong was immersed in self-pity and self-harm, and could not care about his daughter.

The little girl was still sobbing, her face was covered with tears, and she was walking lamely. Chu Qiao glanced at it unintentionally, and her heart skipped a beat. Just now, Tongtong seemed to be walking with a limp on her right leg. She turned her head to look again, and saw that the little girl was already lame. Entered the house.

"Which foot do you think Tongtong is lame on?" Chu Qiao couldn't help but ask.

"Left foot."

Gu Ye answered without hesitation. He had always been left-footed. He had a good memory and had received special training in Team B.

Chu Qiao frowned. Could it be that she was blind again?

"What's wrong?" Gu Ye asked concerned.

Chu Qiao shook her head, "It's nothing. It's just that Tongtong seemed to be lame in her right foot. Maybe I saw it wrong."

The two of them talked as they walked, and went back to eat. Chu Peng was sitting in a daze, with a mountain of bones piled up in front of him. Gu Zhi was in pain when he saw it. He had only been out for more than ten minutes, and all that was left was the duck meat. Half full.


Chu Peng burped with satisfaction. It felt good to eat alone.

Seeing that the silly sister was still angry and in a good mood, Chu Peng kindly reminded her, "If you want to take revenge on the woman next door, I have a way."

"any solution?"

Chu Qiao asked casually. She had never thought of retaliating against Zhang Suqin, but was just curious about what Brother Dog could do.

"Five hundred yuan, the family price." Chu Peng made the price. Now he finally understood the true meaning of the saying that knowledge is wealth, and he also knew how to use knowledge to make money.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was hit with chopsticks on the head. Chu Qiao hit him a few more times and cursed angrily: "Are you obsessed with money? I'm here to provide food and accommodation, and I'll serve you like an uncle every day. You're so evil." Did I charge you for living expenses? I asked you to come up with an idea and you still have the nerve to ask for money? If you have the ability, go rob a bank!"

Gu Ye lowered his head to eat, not caring about such other things. He also felt that his brother-in-law was too money-obsessed and deserved to be beaten by his wife.

Chu Peng rubbed the back of his head. It hurt a lot. The stupid sister was too cruel.

But what the stupid sister said makes sense. Living expenses still have to be paid, so he said: "This time I will pay for it for free, which will be offset by the living expenses."

Chu Qiao snorted and signaled Brother Dog to hurry up and say, don't waste time.

Chu Peng cleared his throat and revealed his fatal revenge method, "Go to the family planning office to report Zhang Suqin's birth, and she will not be able to give birth to a son."

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