80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 409: Let’s break up and let everyone live their own lives

Chu Yuanzhi's eyes suddenly lit up. He couldn't believe it. Two hundred yuan a month?

Wasn't his daughter deceiving him?

"Qiaoqiao, is it really 200?" Chu Yuanzhi asked cautiously.

"Two hundred is salary, and there will be bonuses for good work, but it will definitely not be as easy as in the hospital. You have to work every day." Chu Qiao got vaccinated in advance.

Chu Yuanzhi couldn't close his mouth and couldn't help nodding, "It's okay to work, but reading newspapers every day is quite boring. What kind of work should I do?"

Apart from seeing a few common problems, he had no other skills. Chu Yuanzhi felt a little guilty, fearing that he would not be able to get the two hundred yuan salary.

"Anyway, it's a job you can do. Let's talk about it after the New Year. Your salary will be indispensable. It will definitely be better than your job in the hospital." Chu Qiao became impatient and made some random remarks.

Chu Yuanzhi was easy to coax. The anxiety in his heart was gone. He straightened his back and was no longer afraid of the He family. At worst, he would quit his job. What a big deal.

Sure enough, within two days, Mrs. He went to the hospital in person. After all, it was about her biological daughter, so the old lady still cared about it. Chu Yuanzhi was reading the newspaper leisurely in the office. There were not many patients from morning to night. He He is the most leisurely doctor in the whole hospital.

As soon as he looked up, he saw his mother-in-law. Chu Yuanzhi's heart skipped a beat and he quickly stood up to say hello. Mrs. He nodded reservedly and sat opposite Chu Yuanzhi. Her tone was relatively soft and she asked about Chu Yuanzhi's affair with his concubine.

Chu Yuanzhi jumped up and retorted as if he had been stung by a bee: "Ji Hong is slandering me. Dr. Zhang and I are just ordinary colleagues. She is suspicious and unreasonable all day long. Mother-in-law, she and I have nothing to say anymore. These days I can’t survive anymore, so let’s get divorced.”

Mrs. He gritted her teeth. This son-in-law, who had never been favored by her, had always been submissive. This was the first time he was showing off in front of her. This was not just because his wings were stiff, he was going to heaven!

"Yuanzhi, I was opposed to you and Jihong getting together in the first place, but now that Xiaopeng is so old and Jihong is old, isn't it a little too heartless for you to propose a divorce now? Don't forget your work or what are we doing? I'm here to help." Mrs. He's tone was colder and threatening.

A person who is ignorant of current affairs dares to be so arrogant when he gets a job arranged by their He family.

"Mother-in-law, Jihong has always been like that. Even if she is not old, she is not good-looking. I didn't want her to be beautiful at the beginning. Jihong said that she would treat me well and help me solve my work. Otherwise, why should I be with her? Marry? Actually, I’m tired of this job now, otherwise I’ll resign tomorrow.”

Chu Yuanzhi has resentment in his heart. He has been feeling aggrieved for nearly twenty years. Now he can finally stand up. Naturally, he wants to quarrel with him. In fact, he has wanted to quarrel with Mrs. He for a long time. He didn't dare to do it before, but now he is fearless. .

And he was telling the truth. When he married He Jihong, it wasn't for beauty, and He Jihong didn't have that. He just wanted a stable life, and He Jihong could give it to him.

Mrs. He's eyes were dark. She was angry with Chu Qiao two days ago. She didn't sleep well for two nights. Her heart was always blocked. Today, what Chu Yuanzhi said was more irritating than that little bitch. Okay I want to slap this pretty boy to death.

"You are speaking very forcefully now. Do you think that now that you are on your lap, you don't have to take the He family seriously?" Mrs. He asked irritably.

The back of Chu Yuanzhi's neck felt a little cold and he felt a little panicked, but when he thought of his daughter's words, he hardened up again, "I'm just talking about the matter, and I'm telling the truth. Jihong is not good-looking in the first place. If you want to insist that she is a beauty, I won't tell you." Anyway, let’s get divorced. Tell Jihong that you’ll meet her at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau at 8:30 tomorrow morning and ask her to bring her household registration book!”

Before Mrs. He could curse, a figure rushed in. It was He Jihong who was eavesdropping at the door.

"Chu Yuanzhi, you are a sinister person. Even when you are old, you are still engaging in philandering and hooking up with vixens. You still have the nerve to ask for divorce? No way, I will go to the Women's Federation to sue you for being a hooligan and arrest you and put you in jail!"

He Jihong grabbed Chu Yuanzhi and scratched him like crazy. Chu Yuanzhi held his head tightly and couldn't help but dodge, but he still couldn't block He Jihong's magic attack. There were several scratches on his face, which hurt him to death. .

He also caught his anger. Chu Yuanzhi covered his face and cursed: "You are simply unreasonable and like a shrew. I have always been clean and pure. It is you who are suspicious and unreasonable. You can go and sue me. I am upright and not afraid of shadows." incline!"

"You and that guy named Zhang don't have any beef? I've seen it with my own eyes. That vixen cooks for you every day, and you still eat it with gusto. How dare you say that you're innocent? Bah...Chu Yuanzhi, you Chen Shimei, If it weren't for me, you would still be suffering in the countryside. Now that your life is better, you want to divorce me? Unless I die, you will never be happy with a vixen! "

He Jihong grabbed Chu Yuanzhi's thick hair and punched and kicked him. Chu Yuanzhi did not fight back. A good man does not fight with women. This was an upbringing engraved in his bones. When Sun Yinxiu hit him before, he did not fight back. More means flight.

There were many doctors and nurses gathered around the door of the office. When they saw the couple, they both had interesting looks in their eyes, and the name of a third person also appeared, Dr. Zhang from the Pharmacy Department. It must be exciting for two women to compete with one man.

However, Doctor Zhang was afraid that the matter would not be big enough, so he deliberately squeezed in and spoke for Chu Yuanzhi: "Doctor He, you are so unreasonable and troublesome. You are sick. Dr. Chu has no place to eat. I just can't stand it. Bring him some food." Why are you so obsessive about ordering some food? Although you do not look too young now, there is no need to be so unsure and suspicious!"

Chu Yuanzhi felt very warm after hearing this. Doctor Zhang's words touched his heart and were very heart-warming. In comparison, He Jihong was like an unreasonable tigress.

Chu Qiao was thinking about palace snacks at home. It was Gu Yema's birthday soon. Brother Gou had tricked her. This guy had to ask about birthday gifts every day. She originally planned to just make a birthday cake to deal with it, but now she can't. You can only do some tricks.

Then she received a call from Mrs. He, asking her to go to the hospital, saying that Chu Yuanzhi was openly flirting with others in the hospital, and the whole hospital knew about it.

"It's better to divorce. I'm very busy now. Since my dad and Aunt He can't get along, let's break up."

Chu Qiao didn't want to worry about such nonsense, she was too busy.

"Do you really want them to divorce?" Mrs. He said in a threatening tone, "There are many people watching your dad's work."

"Then let my dad resign. Anyway, he can't treat the disease well, so don't occupy the manhole and do nothing."

Chu Qiao sneered secretly. She knew that the old woman would threaten her job, so she was scared.

"I'm really busy. You can just let them do whatever they want. They are all adults. If you can live with it, just live with it. If you can't live with it, let's break up. I'm dead!"

Chu Qiao hung up the phone again and gave the aunt on the phone a dime in a good mood. She could imagine the expression on the old lady He's face now, which must be uglier than eating shit.

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