"You don't care about your father's life or death?" Chu Qiao slapped him hard, you are such a heartless piece of shit.

"Can't die."

Chu Peng felt annoyed even if he said a word. The stupid sister was really unfounded. Seeing that Chu Qiao was still angry, he explained more, "He is penniless and has no property. Besides cheating, what else can he do to cheat?"

As for his father, he is most afraid of being deceived. Anyway, there will be no missing piece of meat, and his father may even ask for it.

So, why interfere?

Chu Qiao blinked. What Brother Gou said seemed to make sense. The coward had no money, and the two most valuable houses now belonged to her and Brother Gou. Chu Yuanzhi was just a poor, middle-aged man with nothing but good looks. That’s all.

What else does this kind of man have to fear losing?

Chu Qiao immediately figured out that she didn't care if her father messed around as much as he wanted.

She is also very busy these days. She needs to prepare whitening cream. After the Lantern Festival, the beauty shop will open. The main product is whitening cream. Chu Qiao also developed a pearl powder facial mask. The effect is good. After applying it, After the facial mask, apply whitening cream, which can definitely whiten and remove spots. The effect is better than those of big brand skin care products.

Therefore, she had to prepare the whitening cream in advance. Chu Qiao also ordered a medical refrigerator to store the cream.

Du Tiejun came that day and brought a lot of pearl powder and some mid-range pearl necklaces. Gu Ye gave a customer a pearl necklace last time and the customer was very satisfied. Chu Qiao ordered some more so that they can also be used in beauty shops. , anyway, the price is not expensive, and it is high-end and classy, ​​so it is worth it.

Du Tiejun talked about the situation of the pearl farm. As Chu Qiao was a shareholder, he still had to report regularly.

"I believe you and Haiyan will be able to take care of them well."

Chu Qiao had great confidence in these two couples, and Du Tiejun was even more moved. He himself was uneasy. After all, he was the first to eat crabs. Crossing the river by feeling for the stones, who knows whether there will be a pit or gold ahead?

But Chu Qiao gave him a lot of support. Sometimes when he was isolated and helpless, just saying "Believe in you" can be as powerful as a thousand troops. Du Tiejun secretly vowed to succeed, otherwise he would lose Chu Qiao's trust. Woolen cloth.

"Haiyan and I are going to hold a banquet next spring, so you can come and have a drink then!" Du Tiejun said with a smile.

"Okay, you will let me know the specific time when the time comes. I will definitely go and feel happy." Chu Qiao agreed happily, but her heart skipped a beat as she remembered.

Jun Haiyan said that something happened to Du Tiejun in his previous life, the year of his fifteenth wedding anniversary. He also said that he was supposed to celebrate his fifteenth anniversary, but something happened to Du Tiejun and he could never celebrate it.

In other words, something will happen to Du Tiejun in fifteen years.

Chu Qiao's heart sank. Seeing Du Tiejun talking and laughing happily, she didn't know how to remind him. Should he tell him not to learn to drive?

In his previous life, Du Tiejun was driving by himself, so accidents happened, but in this kind of fatal disaster, even if he didn't drive, something might happen while he was in the car. Du Tiejun couldn't just stay at home and not go out for the rest of his life, right?

It is impossible for him to be a successful entrepreneur, not even ordinary people can do it.

Forget it, there are still fifteen years anyway, and we will think of a solution then, there is no point in trying to get old now.

Du Tiejun sat for a while and then left. He had other things to deal with and stayed in a guest house at night. In the early days of starting a business, he had to do everything by himself. Du Tiejun was so busy that he couldn't even put his feet on the floor.

With the pearl powder, Chu Qiao assigned more tasks to her father, so as not to be idle at home all day long and go out to mess with women.

"Grind these medicinal materials into powder, the finer the better, grind them to me."

Chu Qiao took out a large bag of medicinal materials, which were all used for whitening. Chu Yuanzhi was bored, so he happily agreed and asked: "Qiao Qiao, can I get two hundred yuan for doing this?"

Chu Yuanzhi, who was unsure, would ask about his salary every now and then, for fear that his daughter would coax him.

"You have to do a good job or you won't get a penny."

"I'm sure I'll do a good job." Chu Yuanzhi nodded vigorously. He had been grinding medicinal materials since he was a child, and he was already familiar with it. He must be able to do a good job. Thinking that he would get double wages soon, he couldn't help but feel elated and full of energy.

Chu Qiao snorted. Her father has been looking better and better day by day since his divorce. He is at least ten years younger and looks to be in his early thirties. With this peerless appearance, no wonder there are so many wild peach blossoms outside and they are disturbing the machine tool factory. The one who gets the ups and downs.

Xuan Hongxia had told her that among the female workers in the workshop, the one they chatted most about now was her father, who also made dirty jokes. Chu Qiao guessed that the person who secretly had sex with these women at night must be her father.

Chu Yuanzhi ground the medicinal materials conscientiously and was meticulous in his work. Chu Qiao was very satisfied and grinded other medicinal materials at the same time. Both father and daughter were working very quietly.

But he was soon interrupted, someone banged on the door, "Xiao Chu!"


Chu Qiao responded and went to open the door. When he saw the wife of the director of the Personnel Office, he was stunned for a moment, squeezed out a smile and shouted: "Aunt Zhao!"

But they didn't take her seriously at all. They pushed her away and shouted into the room: "Xiao Chu, come with me to the personnel office to complete the procedures!"

Chu Qiao curled her lips and dared to call her daddy.

The scream was so affectionate.

"Sister Zhao, is there any news about my work?"

Chu Yuanzhi's eyes were bright, and he looked at Aunt Zhao expectantly, turning her old heart to heart. He secretly thought to Amitabha, if she were twenty years younger, she would definitely get rid of the bad old man in the family.

"Go and complete the formalities now, and you can go to work tomorrow. Hurry!"

Aunt Zhao smiled like autumn chrysanthemums in full bloom, so enthusiastic that Chu Qiao couldn't believe it. Is this still the frosty director's wife before?

She never looked at her with a straight face, and she even snorted from her nostrils.

"Thank you, Sister Zhao. Thanks to you, I'll go now!"

Chu Yuanzhi excitedly threw away the tools for making medicine, put on his coat, adjusted his hair style, and took the one-inch black and white photo he took specially, and then happily left with his dear Sister Zhao, leaving Chu Qiao alone. , from beginning to end, Sister Zhao didn’t even look at her.

Chu Qiao snorted angrily, "The wife of the director of the Personnel Office is amazing."

There was someone in the court who was easy to do. Within an hour, Chu Yuanzhi came back, holding a document and happily showing off to his daughter, "I will go to work tomorrow. Sister Zhao said that she can basically become a full-time employee after the year."


Chu Qiao glanced at the document and felt a little bit sour. Her father's business was so impressive. He was born to be a pretty boy who could only eat soft food. No wonder he didn't want to fight.

"The salary during the internship period is 80 yuan a month, and after I become a full-time employee, I can earn 138 yuan, which is higher than what I got in the hospital. Sister Zhao said that the benefits of the machine tool factory are very good. Things are given out every year and holidays, and there is also a high-temperature subsidy. The hospital benefits are good.”

Chu Yuanzhi was very happy and wanted to share the happiness with his daughter. Unexpectedly, he lost a cantaloupe and picked up a big watermelon. The job in the machine tool factory was tailor-made for him and it was perfect for him.

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