He Jihong was so angry that he almost bit his teeth. Gu Jianshe didn't know what kind of ecstasy he gave his daughter, and her daughter obeyed him. What would it look like if she didn't drink alcohol. When she married Gu Ye, she didn't drink alcohol. Before finishing the formalities for changing careers, he got married again in a fit of anger. He Jihong wanted Gu Ye as his son-in-law wholeheartedly, so it would be fine if the banquet was not held, not to mention that Lin Yulan gave 300 yuan as a betrothal gift, which was not too small.

Now Gu Jianshe wants to marry her daughter without spending a penny. What a beauty!

"Don't think about getting married if you don't have a drink. I'd rather you become a sister-in-law than let you marry!"

He Jihong put down his harsh words, and there was no room for manoeuvre. If Gu Jianshe refused to even hold a banquet, it means that he has no daughter at all, and he can still have a good life after marrying?

This stupid thing Bilian only knows love and love, but doesn't understand anything, alas!

He Jihong had to go to work in the afternoon, Chu Peng went to the library, Chu Qiao and Xu Bilian were left at home, Xu Bilian was sulking, she didn't understand why her mother had to get along with Brother Jianshe, is having a banquet so important?

"Sister Bilian, Aunt He may be trying to find a reason to stop you and Gu Jianshe's marriage. She didn't agree at all. How expensive is it now to have a drink? At least 200 yuan. Gu Jianshe's money is not your money. Ah, what's the use of eating and drinking, Aunt He doesn't even think about it, can you still have a good life if you get married?"

Chu Qiao fanned the flames, she wished that Xu Bilian and He Jihong would make trouble every day, it would be good to make a fuss.

Xu Bilian felt aggrieved to death, even Chu Qiao, the oil bottle, could think for her, but her mother only knew how to fight against her, forcing her to marry a man she didn't like, and breaking up her and brother Jianshe again and again.

"Sister Bilian, I know where the household registration book is. It's in that box."

Chu Qiao pointed to a big red camphor wooden box in He Jihong's room. This was He Jihong's dowry. The important things in the family were all in the box, and they were locked. .

Xu Bilian looked at the box, her eyes suddenly lit up, as long as she took the household registration book, she could register with Brother Jianshe, but she still had no courage, afraid of being scolded by He Jihong, her expression was a little hesitant.

Chu Qiao could see clearly, and was not in a hurry. He glanced at Xu Bilian's belly, and said as if unintentionally, "I heard that I will show my pregnancy in three months. ."

Xu Bilian's face changed, and she touched her stomach subconsciously. She was eight weeks old, and it was only July, and she couldn't last in September. The temperature in Lucheng was very high in October. She had to find a way to marry Jianshe brother earlier. Otherwise, the child will not be able to hide.

Chu Qiao didn't say any more. Gu Zi went to watch TV, but he was counting the days in his heart. He would be able to go to work in two days at the dance hall. Thinking that he could earn 50 yuan a day soon, Chu Qiao's mood became better. After the rebirth, the happy events followed one after another.

There are also many happy events on Gu Ye's side. Two of the three stores have been rented out, and the remaining one is a bit off. No one cares for the time being. Gu Ye is not in a hurry. Both stores have paid half a year's rent. They are all very good. One shop is calculated at 30 yuan per month, and the rent for two six months is 360 yuan, which is a lot of money.

After getting the money, Gu Ye took the Dabao brothers to buy a few new clothes and a new shirt for himself. There was still a lot left. He was going to marry a little fairy soon. You have to work hard to make money, and you must not wrong the little fairy.

Before marrying Xu Bilian, Gu Ye had no idea of ​​living at all, but now he has it. He wants the best for Chu Qiao. If other women have it, Chu Qiao must have it. If others don't have it, Chu Qiao must also have it.

That's why he went to the sales department. These days he works in the security department. I've been a salesperson, and a very good salesperson.

Gu Ye had an idea, he couldn't be a general,

But he can continue to fight in the shopping mall. He is a good player in wars, and there is no problem in doing business. He can't work in the security department for a lifetime. That place can easily kill his willpower. It is a good place for old age, but it is not suitable for him.

"Uncle Gu, are you going to marry a beautiful sister?" Zhou Xiaobao asked curiously.

He was wearing the new clothes he bought today, bought by Gu Ye, with a small white shirt and matching shorts. He was still quite handsome, but the child was a little too thin, with a big head and a small body, and his proportions seemed out of place. Brother Zhou The same goes for Dabao, the brothers are both thin and small.

"Yes, I'll propose a marriage tomorrow. Dabao and Xiaobao, you will have a good time with the beautiful aunt in the future." Gu Ye patted Xiaobao's head with a smile on his face.

I'll go buy snacks and fruits later, and I'm going to pick a relative tomorrow. I have to hold a big banquet. I have to ask the old man to ask for sponsorship. The banquet must not be saved. The old man has money in his hand. Gu Ye must be confident.

Zhou Xiaobao pouted, feeling very uneasy. The beautiful sister said that day that she didn't like children, and said that she would beat children. He was a little afraid. If the beautiful sister was as fierce as Xu Bilian, he and his brother would be beaten again.

"Uncle Gu, will the pretty sister beat me and my brother?"

"Certainly not!"

Gu Ye was decisive, the little fairy was so gentle and kind, how could it be possible to beat a child, and it was not Xu Bilian's shameless thing.

But these words didn't appease Zhou Xiaobao's children's shoes. He was still very uneasy, but he didn't ask any more questions. It was a big deal that the beautiful sister beat him, so he ran quickly.

Zhou Dabao glanced at Gu Ye, who was dumbfounded and happy, his eyes were a little disdainful, he couldn't bear it any longer, and reminded: "Uncle Gu, did Aunt Chu Qiao agree to marry you?"

Uncle Gu's current behavior is like a word that brother Wei Guo said, which is wishful thinking. Zhou Dabao will not say this word, so as to save Uncle Gu some face.

The smile on Gu Ye's face suddenly froze. He really never thought about this question. Can Chu Qiao agree?

He didn't think about it for too long. Anyway, no matter if the fairy agreed or not, he had to marry him. If he didn't agree, he would find a way to get the fairy to agree. Take it, no matter the cost.

"Definitely agree."

Gu Ye said with certainty.

The Zhou Dabao brothers exchanged suspicious glances, not too convinced.

Gu Ye's bicycle was parked in the carport of the department store. He asked the brothers to wait under the tree and went to ride the bicycle by himself. He didn't know that just after he left, Chu Qiao arrived at the department store on the back. She was here to buy hairpins. , the bangs are too thick, use a hairpin to hold it better.

Seeing the two brothers in new clothes with no adults around, Chu Qiao walked over and asked with a smile, "You came by yourself?"

"No, Uncle Gu has gone for a ride, hello Aunt Chu."

Zhou Dabao said hello politely and dragged his younger brother. Zhou Xiaobao immediately said, "Hello, beautiful sister."

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