80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 441: What does sleeping in have to do with serving the country with loyalty?

Chu Qiao is still sleeping in bed. Usually when the eldest daughter and the little treasure go to school, she gets up early to make breakfast, and only sleeps in on the weekends. Now that it is a holiday, she doesn't get up until eight or nine o'clock. Breakfast is always made in the evening for Gu Qiao. Wild heat and heat are given to the children.

However, she was woken up by the sound of firecrackers. The deafening sound of firecrackers in the yard kept her awake. Other families were also setting off fireworks. Now there is no rule against setting off fireworks. Every household set off firecrackers, which was very lively.

"Qiaoqiao, do you want breakfast?"

Gu Ye asked in a low voice in her ear. He was cold and old. Lin Yulan had cooked the dumplings and he came in to ask his wife to have breakfast.

"If you don't want to eat, stay away from me. It's freezing."

Chu Qiao shrank into the quilt, wrapping it tightly without leaving any gaps, and gave Gu Ye a slap on the back of her head, too lazy to pay attention to him. In this weather, she could not wait to crawl into the quilt 24 hours a day. She didn't even need to eat, just pee. If I can't hold it in any longer, I have to get up and go to the toilet.

It would be great if you could invent a magical device that allows you to go to the toilet without getting out of bed.

Gu Ye chuckled and maliciously put the hand that had just made the snowman into the bed. After a while, Chu Qiao jumped up like a frog and slapped the guy hard, leaving no energy left. .

"Get away, if you bother me again, I'll throw you on a tree and freeze for the whole day!"

Chu Qiao was so angry that she finally managed to accumulate some heat, but this bad guy was completely frozen. I wonder if she is most afraid of the cold in winter?

The dog man was so angry with her.

Gu Ye touched the numb shoulder. His wife's strength was getting stronger and stronger, just like King Kong. This was good and she wouldn't suffer any loss.

Seeing that Chu Qiao's angry look was still so beautiful, Gu Ye couldn't help but want to laugh and moved closer to please, "Should I fill you with a hot water bottle?"


Chu Qiao rolled her eyes and said nothing, but she took the cold hot water bottle out of the bed. This bitch seemed to have some foresight.

Gu Ye quickly kissed his wife on the face, and before Chu Qiao could curse, he rushed out of the room. Chu Qiao wiped her saliva on the quilt and raised the corner of her mouth. The doggy man was annoyed to death.

Lin Yulan was cooking dumplings in the kitchen, while the old man and Dabao and Xiaobao were eating dumplings. They made dumplings stuffed with scallions and meat last night. Seeing Gu Ye come out, the old man asked, "Xiao Chu doesn't want breakfast?"

"She wants to sleep a little longer. There's no need to leave breakfast for her."

Gu Ye took a hot water bottle, filled a hot water bottle, sent it to his wife, and then went out to eat dumplings.

The old man was not very satisfied with Chu Qiao sleeping in. The main reason was that he felt that three meals a day should be on time, and things should be done at different times. There were rules for everything. It was breakfast time, but his daughter-in-law was sleeping. , this is not in compliance with the rules and is not good for the body.

Like the old man himself, he is very serious about time planning. He is very strict and has been consistent for decades. He never messes up the rules. He gets up at six in the morning and goes to bed at ten in the evening. Unless there are unexpected circumstances, he always abides by time.

"Night and day, day and night, and time are all messed up. Your mother cooked Xiaochu's dumplings and left them if she didn't eat them. You let her get up and eat them before going to bed." The old man said.

Lin Yulan in the kitchen said hurriedly: "Just leave the dumplings left and let Xiao Chu sleep a little longer. It doesn't matter if it's a holiday. Why are you getting up so early?"

The old man snorted dissatisfied and was very dissatisfied with his wife's passive behavior. Just now he was muttering in the kitchen that his daughter-in-law was sleeping in, but now he is making a double-dealing statement that sleeping in is nothing. If this was during the war, he would definitely be a shameful traitor.

Gu Ye said nonchalantly: "I've eaten all the dumplings as many as there are left. What are you doing up in such a cold weather? There's nothing to do at home."

He gulped down the dumplings in the bowl and went to the kitchen to serve them. He filled up all the remaining dumplings in the pot, not a single one was left, to see if the old man had anything else to say.

How about his wife taking a nap?

The old man is becoming more and more nagging. He insists on making his home look like the army. The army is marching and fighting, so it is natural to follow the rules in everything. Home is a place to relax. Does it still feel like home with so many rules?

The old man snorted again and looked at his son with a look of disgust. The brat was too timid in front of his daughter-in-law, so just get used to it. There will be times when the brat cries.

Chu Qiao slept until nine o'clock. In fact, she wanted to sleep a little longer, but she was in a hurry to go to the toilet and her bladder would explode if she didn't go to the toilet. Besides, she was not in her own home. Her parents-in-law had to be sensible and not be a lazy wife. .

After washing up, she left the room. Lin Yulan was busy in the kitchen. When she saw her, she smiled and asked, "Do you want to cook dumplings for you?"

"No, I'm not hungry. Just drink some hot tea."

Chu Qiao shook his head. He ate dumplings to sleep last night, and now he is not hungry at all. Moreover, he will have lunch soon, so there is no need to have breakfast.

The old man happened to come in to get something. When he heard her words, he couldn't help but say, "How can you not eat breakfast? The most important meal of the three meals a day is breakfast. Only when you have a full breakfast can you be energetic for the day. Xiao Chu, you This schedule is too messy. You don’t get up in the morning and don’t eat breakfast. It’s not good for your health over time. You can’t sleep much now when you’re young. You’ll know when you get older..."

Balabala wrote hundreds of words, and the old man didn't take a break. He finished the education in one breath. He never ate breakfast, talked about going to bed early and getting up early, and also talked about serving the country with loyalty. He talked about his family, country, and the world.

Chu Qiao twitched the corner of her mouth. She just slept in. The old man went too far. It made her skip breakfast and get up early, which would make her not serve the country with loyalty.

"Dad, I'm in pretty good shape. You can't beat me even if you try to force me to do it."

Chu Qiao said something lightly, and then silenced the old man. He choked up the rest of the conversation.

After standing there depressed for a few minutes, the old man snorted loudly, "If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences in front of you, and she will suffer the consequences."

"Stop saying a few words. Young people have young people's ideas. They are different from our days. Why do we have to live like you?"

Lin Yulan also felt that the old man was too verbose. She was a teacher and knew that times were different and people's thoughts and behaviors would change. She couldn't ask young people with old eyes.

"No matter how different you are, you still have to abide by the rules. You can't mix day and night and mess around with meals, right? People like you are just an unprincipled wallflower. They will fall in whichever direction the wind blows. I don't want to tell you!"

The old man got angry when he thought about eating dumplings for breakfast. It was his wife who muttered that she was sleeping in, so he helped her by saying a few words, but she turned around. If it weren't for his wife, he would definitely destroy this kind of traitor. Understand.

"Okay, okay, you're right. I'm too lazy to tell you. I can't explain it to you at all. It's like fighting at home every day. That means I can tolerate you. Let's try it on someone else!"

No matter how good-tempered Lin Yulan was, she got angry with the old man and went to the kitchen to cook. She didn't want to quarrel during the Chinese New Year, it was too annoying.

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