80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 446: Northwest Wind, should it be steamed or braised?

"Tongtong eat."


Tongtong responded in a small voice, grabbed the strawberry and put it into her mouth. Her dead eyes became brighter. Zheng Gong felt very happy that he bought the right strawberry. No matter what he said or did these days, his daughter didn't respond. Look He reacted to the strawberries he likes to eat, and he will buy some more tomorrow.

When Dr. Wang on the sixth grade of junior high school went to work, he took his daughter to see a doctor. After Zhang Suqin's operation, he divorced. He didn't want to tolerate it for a day.

The news that Zhang Suqin was going to have an operation on the sixth day of the sixth grade soon spread throughout the machine tool factory. Most people were gloating about Zhang Suqin's misfortune, waiting to see Zhang Suqin's jokes, and even talked about it in the corridor as if no one else was around.

"Why do I really hope that the thing in her belly is a son? It's been more than four months, and he already has a human form. Huh, if he blows it out, it will piss Zhang Suqin off!"

"It's the fault of the evildoer. The month is so old, so please stop saying a few words."

"It's not my fault. Zhang Suqin is so vicious to her biological daughter. This is called retribution. She deserves to be unable to give birth to a son in her life. God is watching from heaven!"

"This means that evil will be punished. Who knows that she can't behave normally? Besides, she is so crazy. Who knows if she is born with a mental illness? Big nerves give birth to small nerves. This is a disaster for society!"

Several women in the corridor were talking loudly, and they didn't care whether they would be heard by the person involved. They were talking unscrupulously. One woman saw Zhang Suqin with a gloomy face. She was startled and poked the girl next to her who was still beaming. The companion winked and reminded in a low voice: "Stop talking, people are listening there."

Everyone looked sideways and were startled by Zhang Suqin's cold eyes. They felt as if they were being stared at by a poisonous snake. Even though the sun was shining brightly today, they still felt eerie.

"I'm cooking. I have to go to work tomorrow. Time flies so fast. I'll be back at work in the blink of an eye."

"Isn't it just that, after New Year's Eve, life is like flying? It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and I won't be lazy to sleep tomorrow!"

Several women changed the topic, and they all felt panicked when Zhang Suqin stared at her like that.

Zhang Suqin carried the basin and went to the water room to wash clothes with a sullen face. When she entered the water room, the women started talking again.

"Look at her dead look. Huh, it's like someone owes her a hundred dollars. Let's see if she can still be proud tomorrow!"

"It takes more than four months to undergo surgery. It's very hard on your body. Please stop talking about it!"

"Actually, the most pitiable person is Tongtong. It's so evil to meet such a mother."

"The little girl who used to be so lively and lively now can't even smile. Zhang Suqin is not afraid of retribution."

Thinking of poor Tongtong, several women hated Zhang Suqin even more. They had never seen such a vicious biological mother, worse than a beast. They even hoped that Zhang Suqin would die on the operating table tomorrow. Such a vicious psychosis should not be alive. , Zhang Suqin died, and Tongtong was liberated.

Zhang Suqin in the water room was washing the clothes mechanically, her eyes were straight and her face was expressionless. She didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing her like this, several other housewives in the water room only felt cold on their backs and washed them in a hurry. The clothes came out.

Seeing that the women in the corridor were still discussing, they said, "Stop talking, Zhang Suqin is too annoying to look like that. She is crazy. Be careful what she does behind her back!"

Several women shuddered and regretted in their hearts. It is not illegal for a lunatic to kill someone.

"I'm home."

"I'm back too."

The women dispersed in a hurry, not daring to mention Zhang Suqin again for fear of being retaliated against.

Chu Qiao also heard what these women said. Zhang Suqin's popularity was really bad. Almost everyone in the machine tool factory disliked her. No one spoke for her. Tomorrow was the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. It seemed that the child in this woman's belly could not be saved.

"What's for dinner?"

Gu Ye came back from outside. As soon as he entered the house, he asked what he wanted to eat.

He took off his coat and scarf, hung them on the hanger, and reached out to freeze Chu Qiao's face, looking like he deserved a beating.

"Do you want to eat the northwest wind?"

Chu Qiao pushed this guy away and rolled her eyes. Such a big man was becoming more and more unstable. Even Dabao was more stable than him.

"Eat, Qiaoqiao, I will eat whatever you make. Beifeng, do you want it steamed or braised?" Gu Ye asked seriously.

Chu Qiao, who had a straight face at first, was amused by him. She pushed him out angrily, pointed to the corridor and said, "You go to the top floor and eat before you come back, so that I don't have to cook."

After saying that, she didn't hold back and smiled. Gu Ye also smiled and stretched out his cold hand. Chu Qiao was afraid of the cold and couldn't stand the cold at all. He loved teasing his wife and was happy to see her getting angry.


Chu Qiao kicked her feet. She was so mean. Her skin was itchy after not being beaten for a day. She took out the dough that had risen from the quilt and made vegetarian buns to eat at night. Then she cooked some white porridge. In the first month of the year, she eats a lot of meat and fish every day. She eats some vegetarian food. Clear the stomach.

"Eating meat buns? Qiaoqiao, make your buns bigger and put more meat in them." Gu Ye's eyes lit up. He loved meat buns and could eat seventy or eighty of them in one meal.

"No meat, vegetarian buns."

Chu Qiao had already mixed the stuffing, vermicelli mushrooms and dried beans stuffing. These vegetarian buns were quite fresh. Gu Ye looked at them for a long time, but couldn't see any meat, and his heart suddenly went cold.

"How about Qiaoqiao, why don't you make some braised pork? You can't be so vegetarian during the Chinese New Year."

"Aren't you tired of eating meat every day? Look at your belly. If you continue to eat, you won't even be able to see the tips of your toes."

Chu Qiao poked the guy's belly in disgust. In fact, he didn't feel much. He just ate a little too much in the past few days and didn't go for a morning jog in the first month. He gained weight all of a sudden. After the first month, he resumed morning jogging. The tummy will disappear quickly.

Gu Ye has always maintained a good figure. Even in middle age, he is still tall and straight without any fat. But Chu Qiao is still worried that this guy is a carnivore and has to eat meat every meal. His appetite is still large, so she has to Be more careful, don't let Gu Ye turn into a fat, greasy man, it's too much to handle.


Gu Ye quickly took a breath, his stomach deflated, and was pushed aside by Chu Qiao, not to delay her work.

In the evening, they ate vegetarian steamed buns and white porridge. Gu Ye ate a lot. He found that the vegetarian steamed buns were also quite delicious. He ate six of them in one go and two big bowls of white porridge. Dabao and Xiaobao also ate a lot. Both brothers now have double chins. Especially Xiaobao, who has developed into a three-chin, Chu Qiao is worried about whether it will affect this little guy's future as a star.

Xiaobao likes to drink porridge. He drank two bowls at night and ended up needing to poop in the middle of the night. He turned on the light and wanted to ask his brother to accompany him to the toilet. Dabao fell asleep with his arms stretched out and snored. Xiaobao screamed After a few calls, he didn't wake up at all.

He had no choice but to jump out of bed and was about to pee. Xiaobao put on his clothes, opened the door and went to the toilet. A gust of cold wind blew, and Xiaobao shivered from the cold. He ran to the toilet, finished peeing in a hurry, and ran back. , and just as he was about to enter the house, he heard the door next door open.

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