Xiaobao nodded again, "Tongtong said that her mother didn't let her play during the day. I asked Tongtong not to play because she knew how to wrestle. Tongtong said that her mother said she couldn't wrestle..."

"Later I went back to sleep, and Tongtong said she still wanted to play, and she even wished me good night. Aunt, is Tongtong okay? Is she sleeping?"

Xiaobao looked at Chu Qiao expectantly, hoping that his aunt would not lie to him like his brother.

Chu Qiao touched the little guy's head and said, "Yes, Tongtong went to sleep in the sky, and she turned into a star."

She didn't know how to explain death to Xiaobao, and she couldn't lie to a child. Xiaobao's face suddenly collapsed, his eyes were red, and tears fell down.

He knew what it meant to be a star, like his father, never to come back, never to be seen again.

Chu Qiao sighed and did not comfort Xiaobao. Xiaobao and the others would face this kind of thing again in the future. Let him figure it out slowly.

"My Tongtong... Why don't you listen to your mother and go play on such a dangerous slide... Why are you so disobedient..."

Zhang Suqin was still crying, her voice was hoarse, and several women were comforting her. Even Xuan Hongxia, who she had the least dealing with, wiped the corners of her eyes and sighed.

"Oh, so pitiful."

Xuan Hongxia's eyes were red. She had cried just now. It was really hard to accept the fact that a good child was gone. Even if she was not a mother, her heart felt like a knife stabbing her.

Other housewives had the same idea. They were not even in the mood to go to work. Someone suddenly said: "It seems that Zhang Suqin is going to have an operation today."

"What happened to Tongtong, if she takes away the child in her belly again, Zhang Suqin and his wife will really go crazy."

"There shouldn't be any need to do it. Tongtong is gone, alas!"

Several women couldn't bear to say that this was a life.

Chu Qiao sneered a few times. Zhang Suqin, this beast, is not crazy at all. A crazy person would not have such a meticulous plan. If Xiaobao hadn't gone to the toilet in the middle of the night and happened to meet Tongtong, this vicious woman's plan could be said to be flawless. Holmes couldn't find out the truth.

Poor child Tongtong will always be thought that she fell to death because she was too playful.

Someone helped Zhang Suqin, who was wiping her tears and crying. She was still saying that Tongtong was disobedient and went to play on the slide. Zheng Gong was still the same, holding his daughter like a piece of wood, with all his tears running dry.

"Don't feel too uncomfortable. You have to think about the child in your belly. You can't sit on the ground in such a cold weather." Someone advised Zhang Suqin.

Zhang Suqin didn't speak, she just cried. Her voice was as hoarse as a broken gong, and her eyes were swollen like walnuts.

The angry Chu Qiao pushed her way through the crowd, squeezed in, and shouted loudly: "Zhang Suqin, you are a murderer. You killed Tongtong. How dare you pretend to be compassionate like a cat crying like a mouse?"

Her words shocked everyone, and they all looked at her with confused expressions.

Was Tongtong killed by Zhang Suqin?

How can it be?

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its seeds. If Zhang Suqin doesn't want to see her daughter, she won't kill Tongtong. How sad she cried just now.

Zhang Suqin's body trembled, panic flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure, raised his head and said sadly: "I don't want to argue with you, I'm not in the mood, whatever you say."

When other people saw this, they felt that Chu Qiao was too ignorant. It was hard enough for her daughter to die, but Xiao Chu also stabbed her heart with a knife, which was too much.

"Xiao Chu, please stop saying a few words!" someone advised.

She thought Chu Qiao was remembering her past grudges and wanted to quarrel with Zhang Suqin.

Others also chimed in, feeling that Chu Qiao would be too impersonal if she quarreled at this time.

Chu Qiao stopped Zhang Suqin who was about to enter the house and asked loudly: "You kept saying that Tongtong was disobedient and ran out to play by herself. You didn't let her play on the slide. She wanted to play by herself, so that's why the accident happened. Is that what you said? ?”

"What on earth are you going to do? I don't have the energy to argue with you!"

Zhang Suqin lowered her head to hide her panic. She didn't know how this bitch found out. She obviously had such a good plan and it was impossible for anyone to find out. This bitch must be deceiving her.

Chu Qiao sneered, "The truth of the matter is that you told Tongtong that you can't fall when playing on the slide, and you can't play during the day. You can only play secretly alone at night, so Tongtong ran out to play on the slide in the middle of the night, because there are Your mother swears that Tongtong doesn’t think playing on the slide is dangerous. Zhang Suqin, how can you be so cruel? Do you still have any humanity? "

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded. Is what Xiao Chu said true?

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am Tongtong's biological mother. Chu Qiao, are you sick? Get out of the way!" Zhang Suqin hissed, but she looked fierce and angry.

Some people noticed something was wrong. Chu Qiao usually didn't like to meddle in other people's business, and she didn't like to talk about people's disputes. If she hadn't been sure that people's lives were at stake, Chu Qiao would definitely not be so sure.

Did Zhang Suqin really kill Tongtong?

Chu Qiao blocked the door, preventing Zhang Suqin from entering, and said coldly: "You are Tongtong's biological mother, but how you treat Tongtong is clearly visible to everyone in the factory. You will do whatever it takes to have a son." , forced Tongtong to pretend to be lame, and also abused Tongtong. You were supposed to have an operation today, but in order to avoid the operation, you frantically came up with this plan. "

"Because you know how much Tongtong wants to play, you deliberately said that she won't fall when playing on the slide, and deliberately let her play quietly at night. You have no good intentions at all. Zhang Suqin, if you told Tongtong about the child who had an accident in the factory, How could Tongtong be so bold and run so high to play on the slide? "

Chu Qiao just asked Xiaobao, the reason why Tongtong got into trouble was because she was too courageous. She slid from the fourth floor to the bottom. Due to the effects of inertia and acceleration, even adults may fall, let alone children.

Tongtong was not afraid at all, because Zhang Suqin told her that it was safe to play on the slide and nothing would happen. Children must trust adults, so Tongtong became more and more bold as she played, even opening her hands and flying like a bird. It also caused tragedy.

Such a result was all within Zhang Suqin's plan. Of course, it was possible that nothing would happen to Tongtong. Zhang Suqin, a woman, just took a gamble. She won the bet, lost her daughter, and kept the son in her belly.

Chu Qiao saw that everyone still didn't believe it, so she said: "Think about it, any normal child would run out to play in the middle of the night. It's such a cold day, even the most playful children would be willing to lie in bed at night, Tong Tong is a little girl. If Zhang Suqin hadn't said that, she wouldn't have been so bold as to run out in the middle of the night. Moreover, the reason why I know this is because Xiaobao went to the toilet in the middle of the night last night and met Tongtong. These are all Tongtong and Xiaobao said it.”


Continue tomorrow

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