80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 455: Let the feather duster come more violently

Everyone else agreed and recommended Aunt Wang, who was the best at calling souls in the factory.

"My eldest daughter was frightened when she was a child and had a fever as high as 39 degrees. Aunt Wang screamed for a while and the fever went away that night."

"My son was also called by Aunt Wang. He had a fever for several days, and even the anti-fever injections didn't work. Later, Aunt Wang asked, this little boy went to play with his classmates on the mountain, and he must have hit something dirty. The fever went away as soon as Aunt Wang called."

Everyone is talking about the magical story of Aunt Wang. This Aunt Wang can not only summon souls, but also cure malnutrition in children. It can be cured with just one needle without taking medicine. It is very miraculous.

"My daughter doesn't like to eat. She doesn't eat all day long. She is as thin as a monkey. Aunt Wang took a needle and pricked a few needles on her fingertips and squeezed out a little blood. My daughter's appetite improved immediately and she was as thin as a monkey at every meal. I can eat two bowls of rice.”

"My son was also given an injection by Aunt Wang. He went to the hospital and prescribed a lot of appetite-stimulating medicines before, but they didn't work. Aunt Wang's method is the best, and it doesn't cost a penny."

Everyone was chatting, and Chu Qiao listened with great interest. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful person in the factory. Why not ask this Aunt Wang to call Xiaobao's soul.

The police came, and it was the person who came to handle Tongtong's case last time. When they saw that it was Zhang Suqin again, the faces of the two police comrades turned dark.

Chu Qiao told what happened, "This woman wanted to harm my child. Look, her neck is bruised. If I were late, the consequences would be disastrous."

She asked the police comrades to see the pinch marks on Xiaobao's neck. The child's skin was tender and the purple marks were getting bigger and bigger. It looked shocking. The police officer frowned even more. This was an extremely serious criminal case.

This woman harmed her own daughter and wanted to harm other people's children. This time the evidence is conclusive and she cannot be let out to harm others again.

"Comrade Public Security, catch this woman and shoot her. Don't let her out to harm others. Who knows whose child she will harm next time!"

"Yes, this vicious woman must be shot. We won't be able to live in peace until she dies. Who doesn't have children?"

Everyone called for Zhang Suqin to be shot. Today Zhang Suqin harms Xiaobao, and tomorrow he may harm their children. Zhang Suqin is secretly doing it, and they are doing it openly, so it is impossible to guard against it.

It would be more reassuring to be shot.

"What happened to her limbs?" the police officer asked curiously.

This attack was too harsh, it should have been done by a man, women are not so strong.

Everyone looked at Gu Ye without saying a word, but they heard Chu Qiao's beautiful voice, "I beat him in this warehouse. I went to look for the child. This woman hid behind the box and beat me with an iron rod." , luckily I got out of the way, otherwise I would have been killed. When I fought with her, I would have broken her hands and feet with an iron rod."

Everyone took a breath and looked at Chu Qiao in disbelief.

It’s still the beautiful and sweet Xiao Chu, with a delicate look and a more delicate voice, even more delicate than the singing Teresa Teng. Such a delicate Xiao Chu, who is so delicate that he doesn’t trust her to hold a kitchen knife, can actually break both hands and feet in one breath?

This attack is more ruthless than killing a pig!

But when we think of Chu Qiao's extraordinary strength, no one finds it strange anymore. He is stronger than a man and is naturally good at fighting. Xiao Chu's superficial beauty is just an illusion. The real Xiao Chu is actually a murderer without blinking an eye. Dragon slaying girl.

No wonder Section Chief Gu is so obedient at home, even delivering foot-washing water to Xiao Chu. Tsk, if Section Chief Gu dares to disobey, Zhang Suqin will definitely end up with her hands and feet broken off!

That’s not right, you have to add another foot, it’s even worse!

Everyone looked at Gu Ye with very sympathetic eyes. Originally, they envied Section Chief Gu for marrying a beautiful wife, but now they were not envious at all. They couldn't bear the wife of a ferocious strongman like Chu Qiao, and it was still Gu Section. Enjoy it for a long time.

The police took Zhang Suqin away and sent him to the hospital for treatment. If his hands and feet were not connected, he might be disabled. Chu Qiao and the others had to go to the police to make notes. After they were all busy, it was already dark.

Xiaobao was really frightened. He was hugged by Chu Qiao all the way. The little guy didn't say a word and huddled in Chu Qiao's arms. He made people pity him just by looking at him. The female police officer who took the notes was so angry. Not only did he give Xiaobao a lollipop to make him happy.

Back at the machine tool factory, it was getting darker and it was quite cold at night in early spring. Chu Qiao hugged Xiaobao tightly and walked faster. This Lantern Festival was really full of twists and turns.

"I've already made dumplings and glutinous rice balls. I'll just cook them later."

Chu Qiao tried to be as relaxed as possible, but the atmosphere was too gloomy. Today was a holiday and she had to spend it happily. People like Zhang Suqin couldn't let people like Zhang Suqin affect the holiday.

"I'll cook, you guys rest." Gu Ye also smiled, glanced at Dabao who was still blaming himself, and asked, "Dabao, do you want to eat glutinous rice balls or dumplings?"

"It will be all right."

Dabao whispered back that he actually felt that he was not worthy of eating dumplings and glutinous rice balls. His younger brother had not been protected, so he should be hungry. It would be better if Uncle Gu and Auntie scolded him, and he would feel better.

Gu Ye rubbed his head hard a few times, "Who can show you this dead look? Have a happy holiday, don't be dejected, it will affect my feng shui for making money!"

Dabao forced out a smile, which was uglier than crying. He tried to laugh for a while, but he couldn't hold it anymore and his eyes were red. He lowered his head and shed tears. He choked and said: "I...I didn't think much of my brother, Uncle Gu, and Auntie." , you scold me and hit me!"

"I don't blame you. How old are you? Don't think of yourself as a superman. Why do children think so much? Stop crying!"

Gu Ye rubbed Dabao's head a few more times. The brat had too much mental baggage and put too much pressure on himself. This was not good. Children should behave like children and play freely. Thinking So much for aging easily.

Chu Qiao also comforted the child. She really didn't blame Dabao. She didn't expect that Zhang Suqin would suddenly go crazy and harm others. This kind of thing was caught off guard. Dabao was only nine years old. Even if he was with Xiaobao, he couldn't beat that crazy woman Zhang Suqin. Maybe Will also be killed.

"Brother, it's the bad aunt's fault. Stop crying." Xiaobao stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on his brother's face, but when he said this, Dabao's tears flowed even more. He didn't even blame him, but it made him feel weird. Uncomfortable.

What he needs now is not comfort, but Uncle Gu's belt. Can't he be spanked a few times?

It's okay to have his butt whipped until it's broken, so that he can feel comfortable.

"Okay, why are you crying like a girl? If you cry again, I'll slap you!" Gu Ye shouted.

But Dabao cried harder, his tears were like faucets and couldn't stop.

We have arrived home. Xu Sanqiang and the others are all there. Baofushan is busy in front of the stove, cooking glutinous rice balls and dumplings. Seeing them coming back, Han Shizhong said with a smile: "It's good to be back. The glutinous rice balls are cooked and the dumplings are still there." Cooking."

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little warmer. She smiled at them and put down Xiaobao. She had to wash and wash the little guy's face. Her body was covered in dust, and so was she.

Gu Ye dragged Dabao into the house, found a feather duster, and slapped the boy's butt hard several times. The severe pain made Dabao stop crying immediately. The pain was really painful, but he also felt so comfortable. .

He hoped that Uncle Gu's feather duster would come harder and not stop!

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