80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 459: Customers who don’t have enough money

"Have you learned?" Gu Ye asked.

Qian Liujin shook his head and asked in confusion: "That old lady is older than my grandma. Brother Gu, are you having difficulty with your eyesight?"

Gu Ye received a big slap on the head.

"I have better eyesight than you. Can I not see the wrinkles on her face? This is called the art of speaking. Who doesn't like to hear good words? Especially women, even 80-year-old ladies, like to hear people praise her for being 18 years old. , praise her for her beauty, anyway, you must listen to me and be sweet when you go outside, remember? "

Gu Zhiyi was a little tired. Now he finally understood the mood of the teacher who taught him back then. Maybe the teacher was just as heartbroken at that time as he is now?

Qian Liujin nodded as if he understood, and promised: "Brother, I will definitely say good things."

He remembered that he had to say good things to sell the machine tools.

Gu Ye felt relieved and explained the situation of the production manager he was going to visit later, "This guy is difficult to deal with. He doesn't like flattery and won't accept gifts. He's a serious person. When you get to his house, don't talk nonsense. Look. My eyes act.”


Qian Liujin nodded, feeling a little panicked. Even Brother Gu said it was difficult to deal with, and he would definitely not be able to deal with it, so he still remained silent.

The production manager's surname was Sun. He lived in an alley. It was a detached bungalow. The housing conditions were quite good. Gu Ye didn't bring any gifts. He asked about it. Manager Sun had a very weird temper. If anyone came to his house and brought gifts, even the yard would be damaged. If you can't get in, you will be kicked out by him.

However, Gu Ye stuffed a few necklaces into his briefcase and acted according to the situation. Manager Sun couldn't bribe him, so he could bribe his wife. There was always a chance.

I rang the doorbell, and the person who opened the door was a woman in her forties. She was a little fat and not tall. She was wearing home clothes and looked like a shrewd and philistine citizen of the alley.

Especially the colorful curling irons on this woman's head, which made Gu Ye's eyelids twitch. He couldn't understand why some women always like to put this thing on their heads and are reluctant to take it off after doing it. From morning to night They are all rolled up, which is really eye-catching to look at.

Fortunately, his Qiaoqiao doesn't like to do this.

"Who are you looking for?" The woman's tone was not too polite and her voice was sharp.

"I'll report to Manager Sun." Gu Ye said with a smile.

The woman had a good impression of him. After all, handsome men were quite popular. She thought Gu Ye was an employee of her husband's factory, so she let them in.

"Old Sun, people from your factory are here to report on their work!"

The woman called as soon as she entered the house. The living room was quite elegantly decorated. Gu Ye looked around quickly. The appliances were all complete and the furniture was quite simple. What attracted him were the paintings on the wall, including sketches, watercolors, and oil paintings. The walls of the living room are plastered all over.

There were also a few framed and hung on the stairs. Gu Ye didn't understand these, but he really felt that these paintings were not very good, let's just say the sketches, which depicted characters, but he didn't understand. Do you recognize the character as male or female, and whether the fruit is an orange or an apple?

He couldn't understand the oil painting either. He didn't recognize what it was anyway. Gu Ye didn't understand this high-level art and didn't dare to make any comments. Moreover, he knew that there was a famous foreign painter, what was his name? Picasso's paintings are so weird that I can't tell what they are. A normal person would definitely not be able to figure them out. However, this painter's paintings seem to be very expensive and hard to find.

So maybe the style of these paintings is that of Bi Shesuo. The more abstract they are, the less understandable they are, which means they are successful.

A painting that can be understood by people is definitely not of a high level.

Manager Sun came downstairs. He was a serious-looking man, unsmiling, like a veteran cadre. He felt inexplicably nervous when he saw Qian Liujin. He shrunk his neck and did not dare to express his anger.

"Hello, Manager Sun, I am Gu Ye, the sales section chief of Xingda Machine Tool Factory. I take the liberty of disturbing you."

Gu Ye extended his hands enthusiastically, but Manager Sun only glanced at him. His hands were still behind his back, with no intention of shaking hands. Gu Ye did not feel embarrassed and retracted his hands with a smile. Qian Liujin He feels wronged for his Brother Gu. This Manager Sun is too ignorant of etiquette. How can he shake hands? His hands are made of gold!

"It's useless for you to ask me about buying machine tools. I won't show favoritism. Let's go!" Manager Sun said seriously, leaving no room for negotiation.

"I'm not here to sell machine tools today, but I'm here to pay a visit and make some friends. Shanghai is such a big city, and things don't change. Maybe we will do business someday."

Gu Ye was eloquent, but the smile on his face did not diminish because of Manager Sun's coldness. Even Mrs. Sun felt that her husband was a little too cold. She made two cups of tea and invited Gu Ye to drink tea with a smile.

"Thank you, sister."

Gu Ye grinned, knowing in his heart that the mistress of the Sun family was easier to deal with, so this was the way to go.

Manager Sun actually didn't want to talk to Gu Ye. He had already thought about buying CNC machine tools from Nanfang Machine Tool Factory. He hadn't considered it from Xingda Machine Tool Factory. But Gu Ye just sat there shamelessly, and he couldn't force him to leave. , and listened to Gu Ye's chatter with a cold face, feeling very impatient.

Of course Gu Ye felt Manager Sun's impatience, but he didn't want to give up. He had already found out that Manager Sun's factory purchase plan was for at least 20 units. For such a large order, he must try every means to win it. If you can eat it for a year, it will be worth it no matter how many cold faces you receive.

But Manager Sun didn't pay any attention to him. He said ten sentences, but Manager Sun didn't say a word and just sat there with a cold face. No matter how thick-skinned Gu Ye was, he couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, he is also the eldest son of the Gu family. He has been looked down upon by others since he was a child. When did he ever receive this kind of bullshit?

But thinking about the twenty machine tools costing tens of thousands of dollars, Gu Ye suppressed his anger. In order to make money, he deserved to suffer a little.

Besides, the person named Sun is the one who spends the money. He earns money. When the time comes, he will definitely raise the price to earn more money from Sun.

Gu Ye didn't want to give up, he had to find a topic, otherwise it would be a silent scene and he would have no choice but to leave.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the paintings on the wall. Gu Ye had an idea and got an idea. He stood up and walked over to pretend to appreciate the paintings. He looked like he was very knowledgeable. After appreciating them one by one, Gu Ye said loudly: "This painting is really good. Very spiritual, Manager Sun, which master’s painting is it?”

Manager Sun's ice-like face suddenly bloomed like a spring flower, showing a kind smile. He stood up and walked to Gu Ye's side, and said modestly: "I don't dare to be a master. It's a little girl's clumsy work. She drew it blindly for fun. "

Gu Ye looked shocked and said exaggeratedly: "It turns out to be Ling Qianjin's masterpiece. Ah, it's incredible. It's true that a boy comes from a hero. But if he can raise such a powerful daughter, he must also be a powerful father. A tiger father has no dog." Female!"

Manager Sun had more smiles on his face. He changed his previous coldness and looked at Gu Ye more pleasantly. He said with a smile: "Everywhere, I just draw blindly. How can a child be so good? There is no famous teacher to guide me. Just painting for fun."

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