80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 464: In fact, she’s just a mistress who doesn’t deserve to be on the stage.

Chu Qiao sneered and said mockingly: "Then don't go to Hong Kong City. China is so big and there is no place that is difficult to go to. Why do you have to go to Hong Kong City, a place as big as a palm to suffer? Besides, identity is invisible. There is no need to fight for something that cannot be touched. Even if she succeeds in marrying into the Liang family and becoming a serious Mrs. Liang, what benefits will she get? In my opinion, she is not as comfortable as she is now! "

"How is it possible? At least I can attend some occasions openly without being secretive." Lin Baiwei still couldn't understand and thought Chu Qiao's idea was ridiculous.

Those who are mistresses, who are not sharpened their heads, want to become a serious wife, and use all possible means, just like the mistresses of her uncles and cousins, in order to become a real wife, they use all means to create a mess, and they are fighting for it. The identity of the young lady of the Lin family.

Chu Qiao didn't understand either, "Is it important to attend those occasions? It's just a false name. I value reality more. Think about it, if you really become the wife of the Liang family, you have to serve your parents-in-law at all times. I heard that over there in Hong Kong City There are many rules in wealthy families, and it is not easy to be a daughter-in-law, especially for a woman who does not have the support of her mother's family. It is not easy to marry into a wealthy family.

Furthermore, even if she really becomes Mrs. Liang, she will not get a share of the Liang family's property. Mr. Liang's father is still alive and well, and his son can't get a share, let alone his daughter-in-law. She might as well live as she is now and save more. With some money, even if I don't stay with Mr. Liang in the future, I can still live well with this money. "

Lin Bai looked thoughtful. What Chu Qiao said made sense. The Liang family did have a lot of rules. They didn't say serving tea in the morning and evening, but it was still the same. Moreover, Mrs. Liang was very traditional. The clothes her daughter-in-law wore were She wants to ask.

Mr. Liang's younger brother and sister, whose natal family is still middle-class, graduated from a prestigious school, and whose family background is clean and good. After marrying Mr. Liang's brother, she set rules every day and was quite cheerful before marriage. However, she became mildly depressed after less than two years of marriage.

Lin Baiwei knew this serious Liang Tai and had met her several times. After learning that she was depressed, Lin Baiwei was quite sympathetic. Fortunately, Mr. Liang's brother was quite nice. After learning the cause of his wife's illness, he moved out. In the old house, he and his wife moved into an apartment and started a world of two. Now Mrs. Xiao Liang's condition is much better.

"What you said makes some sense, but not every woman can think as clearly as you do. What they are fighting for is that nihilistic identity." Lin Baiwei sighed.

"Everyone has their own ambitions. What they value is status, so they naturally want to fight. I value reality, so I don't want to fight. I just want to live a happy life." Chu Qiao thought broadly.

She will not ask other people to agree with her ideas. Everyone has different ideas, so there is no need to force it.

Lin Bai smiled and joked: "You are young and see things more clearly than many people. It's like you have lived several lifetimes."

"I have lived in a dream for several lifetimes."

Chu Qiao made a half-serious joke. She had lived two lifetimes and died once. If she still couldn't see through it, her death would have been in vain.

Chang Jinfeng and the others are already well. After a good sleep and a beautiful skin care routine, their faces are radiant. Everyone seems to be a few years younger and their whole body feels comfortable.

"The skin on my face feels like egg white, white and tender." Chang Jinfeng touched his face a few times and was extremely satisfied.

Several other wives are also very satisfied. The effect is very obvious. They are indeed much whiter and tenderer. They feel like they are eighteen years old again.

"Mrs. Liang is here too? I called you a few days ago and asked you to come over and experience it."

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Liang knew each other and started chatting enthusiastically as soon as they met. Chang Jinfeng and Mrs. Liang had only met a few times and were not familiar with each other. They interjected a few words from time to time and were a bit restrained.

Mrs. Liang introduced Lin Baiwei and the others, and the dozen or so women exchanged pleasantries. Although they were not in the same circle, they still interacted with each other. Soon everyone made an appointment to go shopping and play mahjong, and then Mrs. Liu and the others were satisfied. He left, taking with him the sample of the whitening cream given by Chu Qiao. Of course, he also got his membership card.

They have been applying for it for at least a year. Chu Qiao ordered one thousand eighty-one. The price is a bit expensive, but she uses good things and the effect is quite obvious. These women all applied for the card generously. Compared with them The annual fee of 1,800 yuan for the big brand skin care products is not expensive, it is quite a bargain.

Later, Mrs. Liang and the others went to experience it, and Chu Qiao personally served Mrs. Liang. Because Mrs. Liang had skin allergies, she had to test her sensitivity before she could prepare the medicine.

Chen Wei and Mrs. Liang shared a room. The other ladies seemed not to like dealing with Mrs. Liang. When they were assigned rooms, they subconsciously separated from Mrs. Liang. Chen Wei was also excluded intentionally or unintentionally, so these two Just in one room.

Mrs. Liang also looked down on the poor Chen Wei and was indifferent. Chen Wei was good-tempered. No matter what Mrs. Liang said, she would always smile and not get angry at all.

"I have very sensitive skin. Are there any brands of products in your store? General brands are definitely not acceptable. I use big brands and they have to be customized."

Before it even started, Mrs. Liang started to find fault, showing her luxurious life and sense of superiority at every turn.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Liang. I will test your skin first. The main product of our store is pearl powder. It can be used even if you have allergic skin. It has no side effects and can repair damaged skin."

While Chu Qiao was cleaning Mrs. Liang's face, she explained that after taking off her makeup, Mrs. Liang's skin was completely exposed. It was very bad, with many closed lips, acne, and serious dark circles, making her look even brighter than after makeup. At least seven or eight years old.

Women's poor skin is related to many reasons, such as diet, sleep, cosmetics, and mood, etc., which will affect the skin condition. Mrs. Liang's skin is so bad, it is obvious that she has not done well in all aspects, and her mood is also dull, which will cause endocrine disorders. .

Chen Wei's skin was very good. She wore light makeup and was young. There was not much difference before and after makeup removal. She was served by another employee. Chen Wei didn't speak the whole time, lying quietly with a low sense of presence.

Mrs. Liang originally wanted to pick some thorns, but Chu Qiao's technique was very comfortable and the massage made her drowsy. She fell asleep soon after. It was obvious that she had not slept well at night and was seriously lacking in sleep.

Lin Bai curled his lips slightly and finally became quiet. This woman was like a duck, quacking all the time for fear that others would not know she was still alive.

Chu Qiao tried the whitening cream and applied it to Mrs. Liang's face. There was no reaction. It was obviously not allergic, so she was relieved and there was no need to prepare separate medicine.

The room was quite quiet, with only soft piano music playing. Chen Wei yawned. She was also a little sleepy, but she didn't want to sleep outside in case she lost her manners, so she took the initiative to find a topic to chat.

"If my husband sees Boss Chu, he will definitely be inspired. He has not had the urge to create for half a year, saying that he can't find beauty outside." Chen Wei has a nice voice, and she speaks slowly and slowly, with a Wu Nong soft accent. The accent is very feminine.

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