"Qiaoqiao, how was your beauty salon today?"

Gu Ye refused to sleep, his brain was busy, and he thought of the beauty shop opening today. Lin Baiwei and Chang Jinfeng would bring many rich ladies to visit. Maybe their wife was the wife of a big shot in the calligraphy and painting world who met today.

"It's good. Business is booming and money is rolling in. Now that I'm sleeping, my waist is broken after standing all day."

"I gave you a massage, why are you sore?"

"The lower back, um, right there, focus more..."

Gu Ye's massage techniques became more and more professional, he served his wife diligently, and even inquired about big names in the calligraphy and painting industry. Chu Qiao remained reserved for a few minutes before speaking out.

"Who is Ouyang Lin? More famous than Liu Bufan?"

Gu Ye knew nothing about the world of calligraphy and painting, and had never heard of Ouyang Lin.

Chu Qiao glanced at it and said angrily: "Liu Bufan is a small painter in the world of calligraphy and painting, coaxing a layman like Manager Sun. Let's put it this way, Ouyang Lin's status in the world of calligraphy and painting, Liu Bufan has to bow when he meets him. You have to be honest, do you understand?"

Gu Ye was overjoyed immediately, this is a real boss.

But he was a little uneasy, "It's too unfair for such a powerful master to teach Manager Sun's daughter. Even a layman like me, who looks at my daughter's paintings, doesn't think it's good."

"You have a beautiful idea. How could Ouyang Lin give in to teach a little girl? He has so many students, just find any one to give guidance. By the way, how many machine tools can your manager Sun buy? Don't lose even one by then. "Buy it, I'm wasting my time." Chu Qiao had to ask clearly.

After all, you have to invest first, and the money cannot be wasted.

Gu Ye perked up as soon as he heard this, his hands became stronger and he almost broke Chu Qiao's waist.


Chu Qiao screamed in pain and kicked out reflexively. Gu Ye fell to the ground with a groan. He got up again, smiled flatteringly, and told the good news, "I've got it clear, Sun." The manager of his factory plans to purchase thirty machine tools this year. My wife, thirty machines. If I get this order, I won’t have to work for a year. "

"Are you mistaken? Are you sure it's 30 units? Does Manager Sun mean what he says?"

Chu Qiao's eyes lit up. Even if it was sold cheaper, it would still cost 55,000. Each unit would be commissioned 5%, which is 2,750. How much is thirty units?

I couldn't figure it out for a while. Chu Qiao's mind was a little confused. He was so excited that he had to have Xiao Shiwan.

This order must be won.

"Don't worry, the owner of that factory is from Hong Kong City and has business elsewhere. The factory here is under the management of Manager Sun. The boss only cares about the year-end performance. Manager Sun is the second boss and must have the final say."

Gu Ye had found out a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard to flatter Manager Sun.

Chu Qiao slapped him on the back, accidentally applying a little more strength. Gu Ye snorted, bared his teeth and said in a low voice: "Qiao... Qiao, do you want to murder your husband?"

Good guy, his waist almost broke.

Chu Qiao was startled and quickly checked him, "Are you okay? Are you stupid? You don't know how to avoid it!"

If this waist is really broken, she will be a living widow in the future. She thought it was nothing before, but now she doesn't want to.

Gu Ye smiled slyly, hugged his wife who was checking her, rolled her over and pressed her down, and said with a wicked smile: "You'll know if there's anything wrong with you, I can't tell you right now."


Chu Qiao knew at a glance that it must be okay. This guy was just pretending. The two flirted and flirted for a while, and then they had a great time in the room, and they continued to be noisy until midnight.

The next day Chu Qiao got up late again, and Gu Ye sent his children to school consciously, and had breakfast at the restaurant.

"Nasty guy!"

Chu Qiao rubbed her waist, muttered, and got out of bed to wash up. She didn't wear a cheongsam today. The cheongsam was beautiful, but it was inconvenient for work, and it had to be worn with high heels. She didn't like wearing high heels because her feet couldn't bear it.

The weather outside was very good, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was also very high. Chu Qiao changed into a big sweater and tight pants. She also wore the pearl necklace from yesterday and a high ponytail. She didn't like it if she had no makeup. Makeup, and her bare makeup looks like she's wearing makeup.

After cooking some food, Chu Qiao was going to the beauty shop. She met Xuan Hongxia at the stairs. She was wearing work clothes and greasy gloves, running back from the workshop.

"Xiao Chu is going out dressed so beautifully?"

Xuan Hongxia smiled and exchanged greetings. She came back to look at the hooves. She stewed a pot of hooves at work, so she had to come back and take a look to make sure they didn't dry out.

"Go to the store and have a look. Sister Hongxia, do you have braised hoof legs? No wonder it's so delicious."

"Well, I didn't eat the pigs I killed in my hometown during the first month of the year. I stewed them today. I'll make you a bowl tonight."


Chu Qiao was not polite either. The two families often sent food, so there was no need to be too polite.

Another woman hurried up from downstairs, also wearing work clothes, another one who skipped work. Chu Qiao shook her head secretly. No wonder the state-owned factory got worse and worse, and finally couldn't continue to operate. The employees were all working like foreign workers. It's no wonder that the factory could be good. .

The woman fiddled with her stove for a while before going to work again. When she saw Chu Qiao and the others, she stopped and said in a fuss, "Have you heard that Zhang Suqin is dead?"

Chu Qiao was startled and asked, "Shot?"

After Xiaobao's incident happened, Zhang Suqin was arrested. Gu Ye went to the police from time to time to inquire about the situation. So far, there is no news. Zhang Suqin has not been tried. He has been locked up in the detention center. Why did he die suddenly?

The woman shook her head, "It seems that she died after hitting a wall. Zheng Gong took the divorce agreement to the cell and asked Zhang Suqin to sign it. Zhang Suqin refused to sign, so she hit the wall that night. Her mother's family didn't go to collect the coffin, and it was Zheng Gong who did it. "

Xuan Hongxia sneered and mocked: "Her mother-in-law and sister-in-law wanted to sell her for bride price. It would be strange to collect her body. This woman deserves it. It's a pity that Tongtong can't come back even if she dies."

Thinking of poor Tongtong, everyone was in a bad mood. Even if Zhang Suqin died, her sins would not be wiped away, and her death was unjust.

"What about Mr. Zheng? He hasn't been to work for a long time." Chu Qiao asked.

Since Tongtong's accident, Zheng Gong has not been at work, and the room next door is also empty.

Xuan Hongxia said: "Worker Zheng took a month's leave, and the factory asked him to take more rest."

"Gong Zheng also committed evil, and his family was ruined. I heard that he was also a little crazy." Another woman sympathized with Gong Zheng.

Xuan Hongxia also sympathized with Zheng Gong both inside and outside her words.

Chu Qiao mocked: "He brought it upon himself and is not worthy of pity. Although Zhang Suqin is vicious, he was forced by the Zheng family. In the final analysis, Zheng Gong's inaction was the trigger. When he got married, his salary was left to his parents. His parents were single-minded." Wanting to have a grandson must have put a lot of pressure on Zhang Suqin, but Zheng Gong didn't pay attention to it. What's more, Tongtong pretended to be lame. He lived under his nose every day. He was not blind, so he couldn't see it. come out?"

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