The weekend came soon, and Chen Wei took care of things very well. She called early in the morning and asked Chu Qiao to take someone to Mei Jiu Ming's house.

"At 2:30 in the afternoon, Mei Jiu Ming doesn't like to be late, nor does she like to arrive early. You just need to arrive on time. You don't need to bring gifts. The other party will pay you the tuition fees. Mei Jiu Ming is not doing it for money." Chen Wei smiled. Said.

"Then what is he doing? Let me tell you the truth. My husband said that the child's talent is not very good. It's just that her father thinks that his daughter is a genius and wants to train her. The other party is also a big client, so I asked you to help. "

Chu Qiao felt strange. Aren't all artists high-minded? What did Mei Jiu Ming want from such a child with no talent?

Chen Wei chuckled a few times and said, "You will know when the time comes. I will wait for you at the door of Mei's house in the afternoon."

"Okay, see you in the afternoon!"

Chu Qiao became more and more curious. It sounded like Chen Wei and Mei Jiu Ming had a good relationship, otherwise they wouldn't be able to talk to Mei Jiu Ming.

Anyway, we will find out in the afternoon. Then we will see what kind of person Mei Jiu Ming is.

Chu Qiao rushed back from the beauty shop. Business is very good these days. There are several customers every day, all of whom come here because of the reputation. There are many rich people in Shanghai. I heard about Chu Qiao. After visiting the beauty shop, everyone wants to come and experience it.

It is not expensive to experience it once, only about ten yuan per session. For ordinary people, this price is definitely expensive, but for rich ladies, they will lose more than ten yuan in one round of mahjong.

Some ladies felt very good after the experience and applied for membership cards, while others did not. Overall, the business of the beauty shop was booming, and Chu Qiao was very satisfied.

Gu Ye called Manager Sun and his daughter. Manager Sun was dressed grandly in a suit and leather shoes. He was so nervous that his forehead was sweating, and his hands and feet had nowhere to rest. On the way, he asked from time to time: "Isn't it too rude to be empty-handed? I should prepare some gifts." of."

"Brother Sun, don't worry. Master Mei doesn't care about money. He only values ​​talents. Master Mei will like our daughter's talent even if she doesn't spend a penny." Gu Ye comforted.

"Hey... I just feel a little rude. I'm sorry. I was too nervous and made my siblings laugh."

Manager Sun wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled sheepishly at Chu Qiao.

"I have pity for the parents in the world. Parents do their best to cultivate their children, hoping that they will become dragons and phoenixes. Mr. Sun, you are a good father." Chu Qiao said sincerely.

She can completely understand Manager Sun's feelings. He is indeed a good and conscientious father, but it is a bit unrealistic. But compared to those scumbag fathers who don't care about their children, Manager Sun is definitely a 100% good father.

Chu Qiao's words completely touched the heart of Manager Sun. He only felt that Chu Qiao was his close friend. He said with emotion: "What my brothers and sisters said is what I think. I just hope that my children will be successful. It's not to make them filial, but to hope." They live a good life and are good people, alas!”

Manager Sun's daughter has been silent. She is about seven or eight years old. She is tall and beautiful, but her personality seems a bit introverted. She must be too well protected by her parents.

The place where Mei Jiu Ming made an appointment was at a gallery called Prism Gallery. It was not large in scale, but the environment was very quiet. There were many paintings in the gallery, including Mei Jiu Ming's own and some other painters, including Chu Qiao. Don't know anyone.

But being able to open a gallery like this in downtown Shanghai is quite impressive for Mei Jiuming, and Manager Sun is even more satisfied.

Chen Wei was waiting at the door of the gallery. When she saw Chu Qiao, she came over. She was wearing a long pink coat today and still had the same pair of pearl earrings she had in the beauty shop last time. Fortunately, she was beautiful and elegant. She has a good figure and looks beautiful without the need for jewelry.

"He is my husband Gu Ye, and this is my husband's friend Mr. Sun. This is his daughter." Chu Qiao introduced.

Chen Wei was introduced again, "Master Ouyang's wife, Ms. Chen Wei."

Manager Sun was immediately flattered. He bent down a little, stretched out his hands, and said respectfully: "Hello, Mrs. Ouyang. My surname is Sun, and I am Sun Jiangdu."

"Hello, Mr. Sun."

Chen Wei smiled slightly, shook hands with Manager Sun, and said, "Mr. Mei is already here, let's go in."

Manager Sun became nervous again, rubbed his hands uneasily, and whispered to his daughter to be discerning and not to be rude. The little girl nodded obediently and looked at the gallery curiously.

The gallery was very quiet, with no one around. A young man in his early thirties came out with a slight smile on his face. Chu Qiao looked at him secretly. He was of average height, but this man was really handsome, not as handsome as Gu Ye. Likewise, this man has a melancholic temperament. Even if he is smiling, it will make people feel sorry for him and want to love him well.

All in all, the first impression is very good. He is an artist at first glance. He is clean, melancholic and handsome, all of which fit the bill.

"Jiu Ming, they are the friends I said." Chen Wei smiled.

"Welcome, come in and talk. I want to see what the child's qualifications are first."

Mei Jiu Ming's voice was very nice, like a clear spring hitting cobblestones. It was clear and sweet. Even if Chu Qiao didn't like this type of man, she was a little tempted. But when she turned around and saw her man, Chu Qiao immediately calmed down.

Although he is a naive man, he is still the best of his own family.

There is a small courtyard behind the gallery, with stone tables and chairs, and many flowers planted. It seems that Mei Jiuming usually lives in the gallery. He led people to his reception room. It is not big, but it is very neat. , there are some pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the table, and there are many paintings and calligraphy works hanging on the walls.

Manager Sun didn't dare to express his anger. He held his daughter tightly and didn't look away, for fear of offending Master Mei.

Mei Jiu Ming's attitude was neither enthusiastic nor rude. He was polite but distant, which was completely consistent with his status as a master. He smiled at the little girl and asked softly: "What can you draw?"

Manager Sun poked hard, and the little girl quickly replied: "I can... I can draw sketches, oil paintings, watercolors..."

Mei Jiuming smiled again and stopped asking. He took out a pencil and sketch paper from the drawer and handed them to the little girl, "You can pick any one of us to draw and let me take a look."


The little girl was very nervous and her hands were trembling. Manager Sun was even more anxious than his daughter and whispered in her ear, "Just draw as usual, don't let the master down."

"Dad, my hands are shaking!"

The little girl wanted to cry a little and felt that her father was talking in his sleep. How could this be the same as at home?

There are not so many strangers at home, and she really wants to pee now.

"Dad, I want to go to the bathroom."

The little girl tightened her legs. She had obviously gone to the toilet when she went out, but now she wanted to do it again. She didn't want to be so unsatisfied, but she couldn't help it.

Manager Sun was about to faint with anger. He didn't dare to look at Mei Jiu Ming, a dead girl who slipped up at the critical moment, for fear that the master would dislike his daughter.

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