80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 479: Dare to raise a dog to break your foot pole

"Haha...I have a balcony!"

Xiaobao jumped up with joy. He could raise many flowers.

Dabao looked sad. He spent a long time choosing, but he chose the one without a balcony. God was so unhappy.

"That's it. No more fighting. Anyone who dares to fight again will have their butts spanked!" Gu Ye said seriously.


Dabao reluctantly agreed, willing to admit defeat. He had to have gambling products. He would later discuss with his brother whether he could raise a puppy on the balcony.

Chu Qiao saw it funny. Although Gu Ye's method was rough, it was very effective and very fair. The child chose it himself, and he had to accept it no matter how bad the result was. It was better than what the parents assigned.

"Auntie, can I plant flowers on the balcony?" Xiaobao's big eyes were bright.

He likes flowers the most. The colorful flowers make him happy. When he lived in the old family building, Xiaobao filled some soil in a can and raised a pot of sunflowers. He broke a branch from the flower bed of the machine tool factory and inserted it into the flower bed. In the soil, the pot grew in one summer, and the red and yellow flowers bloomed particularly beautifully.


Chu Qiao touched the little guy's head and found that growing flowers was good and pleasing to the eye.

"Aunt, can I get a puppy?" Dabao also asked.

He wanted a puppy so much, so fluffy and cute.

Chu Qiao hesitated. Raising a dog is much more difficult than raising flowers. They shed hair, poop and pee, and have to go out every day. Besides, the house still smells.

Dabao's eyes were a little sad. He also knew that raising dogs was not a good idea, but he really liked puppies.

"It's a bit difficult to raise a dog, and I don't know if we can raise dogs in the factory. I'll wait until your uncle asks and asks for permission." Chu Qiao explained patiently.

I don’t know if dogs can be kept in the dormitory building of the machine tool factory. What if they are not allowed to keep dogs?

Dabao's eyes lit up and he said loudly: "If you can raise it, the Hongbin family will raise it too."

"Hongbin's decision doesn't count, it depends on the factory director's decision."

Chu Qiao smiled and agreed that the children had made a private appointment. It seems that children are not resistant to furry animals. In fact, she also likes kittens and puppies, but it is too troublesome to take care of them, and cats and dogs are Her life span was too short, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear the pain of separation, so it was better not to raise her.

But if Dabao really wants to keep one, she will definitely support it. Dogs are the most loyal partners. Keeping dogs can also cultivate a sense of responsibility and responsibility, which is good for the growth of children.

Gu Ye flicked Dabao's head and said sternly: "I'll ask you, if you can raise one, you can raise one. But you have to be responsible for the dog you want to raise. Don't count on me and your aunt, and don't mess with the house." It has to be messy and hygienic. If you can’t do that, don’t raise it!”

"It can be done!"

Dabao nodded vigorously, he would definitely raise the puppy well, not letting the puppy pee and poop randomly, and would also take the puppy out to play.

Xuan Hongxia's loud voice came from downstairs, scolding her son, "Raise a dog? I think you are itchy. I can't afford to raise you three bastards. You still want to raise a dog? I'll give you a stick to eat." don't want?"

Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing, she knew Xuan Hongxia would not agree.

"You dare to come back and try? I'll break your feet!"

Xuan Hongxia's scolding could be heard throughout the building, and Shou Hongbin's soft defense could also be heard, but it was covered up by his mother's scolding.

Dabao looked sympathetic, his good brother was so pitiful, and his aunt was better.

"It's useless to make an agreement with your classmates. I don't care whether your classmates raise them at home. Anyway, I don't allow them to raise you at home. If you poop and urinate indiscriminately and have fleas, if you dare to bring them back, I will immediately skin them and put them in the pot. I will interrupt you two more." Legs!"

Xuan Hongxia said there was no room for negotiation. She hated having cats and dogs at home. There were fleas everywhere and there was a stinky smell. There was no other way in the countryside. She had to keep a dog to look after the house and the home. Moreover, the rural areas were large and had yards to keep them. It saves trouble to raise a dog. There is only such a big place in the city, and people can’t even live in it, and they have to raise a stupid dog.

This bastard just needs a beating. If he doesn't get beaten for three days, he will want to go to heaven.

After all, Shou Hongbin couldn't fight with his mother, so he went upstairs to complain to his brother with red eyes. What he actually wanted to see was Dabao's aggrieved look, because Shou Hongbin felt that his mother would not agree, and Dabao's aunt would definitely Wouldn't agree either.

"Brother Hongbin, my aunt has agreed. Stop crying and come to my house to look after the dog." Dabao shared his joy with his brother.

Good brothers, have fun together!

Shou Hongbin pursed his lips and felt even more aggrieved. He silently turned around and went downstairs. He didn't want to say anything, he just wanted to find a place to be quiet.

Why is there such a big difference between adults and adults?

"What's wrong with Brother Hongbin?"

Dabao touched his head suspiciously. He hadn't finished talking to his partner yet, but he still understood Brother Hongbin quite well. He must be very sad now, and he would be fine in a few days.

Xuan Hongxia also came up. When she saw her little son who was still crying, she slapped him on the head angrily, "You're crying, go sweep the floor and clean the windows!"


Shou Hongbin went to work angrily, not daring to resist. It would be painful for his mother to hit someone.

"Xiao Chu, when will your family move?" Xuan Hongxia asked excitedly.

"It's just this Sunday. Where are you, Sister Hongxia?"

"This Sunday, we can move in one day. This house is really big. It will definitely be comfortable to live in." Xuan Hongxia's mouth never closed, she could finally live in a big house.

There is still such a big piece of land in the yard. After moving in, she hoeed the land and fertilized it. Now is spring, which is a good time to plant vegetables. There is no need to buy any vegetables this year.

"We don't need to buy any vegetables from now on. The first floor is very good. Now if someone wants to trade the third floor with me, I won't be happy."

Chu Qiao smiled. She still liked the second and third floors. The first floor was too damp. When she returned to the south or during rainy days, her house would be filled with water. There was no dehumidifier now, and she felt uncomfortable all over the place.

"Xiao Chu, do you want to paint your house?" Xuan Hongxia asked again.

"What kind of paint should I apply?" Chu Qiao didn't understand.

"It means painting the floors and walls. I see some people have painted them. It looks pretty good. Go to the paint shop and get some paint. It can be done in one day. Do you want to paint your home?" Xuan Hongxia asked.

Chu Qiao shook his head, "No, the paint smell is poisonous, so it's fine."

She dislikes the smell of paint the most, and it contains formaldehyde. If you smell it too much, you will get leukemia. Concrete floors are better, they are natural and non-toxic. All you need to do is clean them.

Xuan Hongxia was startled, "Is the paint poisonous?"

"Yes, there is formaldehyde, which is carcinogenic. It's okay for adults, but children are easily affected. Don't do it in your house. The cement floor is quite good, and it will still be clean after mopping it every day." Chu Qiao advised.

Xuan Hongxia shook her head in fear, "No more, I don't even know. Oh, those people in the paint shop are not allowed to deal with poison every day!"

There is a paint shop in the machine tool factory. After the machine tools are assembled and debugged, they need to be painted. This is what the paint shop does. The whole shop has a smell of paint that can be smelled from a distance.

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