"Our Xingda machine tool will definitely be fine. Although it is not an automated machine tool, its parameters are stable and durable. Even if it has been used for five or six years, it is still very stable. Moreover, our Xingda machine tool is already automating it, but it is not so fast. It will take a while Time." Gu Ye said immediately.

"I know. I went to inquire about it. Your Xingda gear hobbing machine is indeed very good and more stable than the machine tools in the south. However, you need to speed up the progress of automation and keep pace with the times. Automation is definitely the trend of machine tools in the future. Semi-automatic ones are all To be eliminated.”

Manager Sun said something from the bottom of his heart. He had visited abroad and was extremely shocked.

No wonder Europe and the United States are so advanced. Not to mention other industries, the machine tool industry is at least thirty years ahead of the domestic industry. It is no exaggeration at all.

"Do you know what foreigners are studying now?" Manager Sun couldn't help but ask.

Gu Ye shook his head. He had never been abroad.

Manager Sun sighed and said with emotion: "I visited Europe for half a month in the past two years, and also visited Japan. People have begun to study robots, liberating workers and using robots to work 24 hours a day. "

"How can a robot operate a machine tool? It has no brain. What can a piece of iron do?"

Gu Ye found it unbelievable. He had seen robots before, but they were science fiction and did not exist in reality.

Manager Sun smiled, "Brother, before I went abroad, I had the same idea as you. But after seeing it with my own eyes, I realized that all the ideas in science fiction can be realized in the future."

Seeing that Gu Ye still didn't believe it, Manager Sun said: "Chang'e flying to the moon is a fairy tale of our ancestors. Who in the past would have believed that we could actually go to the moon? But Americans did it more than ten years ago, taking a spaceship to the moon. , You should know this.”

"I know. I saw the photo. It was dark. There was no Chang'e, no sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and no Wu Gang rabbit."

Gu Ye nodded, he knew this. It was a major event that shocked the whole world at that time, and everyone on earth knew about it.

"Look, who in the past would have believed that people could actually go to the moon? You see, in a few years, it will be possible to go to the sun, not to mention the moon, but by then we will all be gone. It will be our descendants. It’s Sun’s business.”

Manager Sun was deeply moved. Once upon a time, he was a passionate young man who aspired to become an aerospace scientist, but it was a pity that his grades fell short.

Gu Ye was also very emotional, but the point of his emotion was different from that of Manager Sun.

He is worried about his thirty machine tools.

Then he asked: "Old Sun, do you have a strong relationship with your boss?"

"Of course, don't worry, there will be no problem."

Manager Sun's tone was very firm and he felt that Gu Ye was a bit unfounded.

Gu Ye didn't dare to rest assured. The money was not in his pocket, and his heart couldn't help it. So far, he had still paid five thousand yuan.

"Are you related to your boss?" Gu Ye asked.

Manager Sun shook his head, "No, he is from Hong Kong City, and I am from Sioux City. I can't do anything with you. Let me tell you straight. I saved my boss before, and he asked me to help him manage the factory."

This life-saving grace is not impressive to say. Manager Sun used to be a workshop operator at the Sioux City State-owned Auto Parts Factory. Later, the factory's performance was not good and he could only pay some living expenses. In addition, Manager Sun had a bad relationship with the workshop leaders because He has a lot of ideas and the leader doesn't like him.

Manager Sun was young and energetic. After a quarrel with his boss, he resigned and went to the south to pursue his career.

"My first job was in my boss's factory. He ran an auto parts factory, which was my old profession. After one year of working, I became a team leader. My salary was several times what I earned in a state-owned factory."

Speaking of the past, Manager Sun was very proud and beaming.

"One day, the boss went to the workshop for an inspection. He also saw a ghost that day. The boss didn't wear a helmet. He used to wear a helmet, but he didn't wear it that day. The leader of the factory accompanied the boss during the inspection. A worker hung up a big helmet. It’s very common in the workshop to drive a car with a work piece in front of it, so the boss didn’t even care and walked under the work piece.”

Manager Sun stopped to take a sip of tea. Gu Ye listened with interest and urged: "What happened? Don't stop!"

"The operator didn't pay attention to his work, and a lot of the hemp ropes used to lift the workpieces were worn out. He didn't pay attention. But when the boss was walking below, the rope broke, and thousands of kilograms of workpieces were thrown at the boss. If you hit it on the head, your brain will explode immediately and you will die."

"Did you save the boss? Take a beating for him?" Gu Ye asked.

Manager Sun rolled his eyes angrily, "How can I still sit and eat with you if I get hit for a while? The boss happened to be next to my machine tool at the time. I also got it wrong, and I felt that something was going to happen. At that time, the rope was not there yet When it was broken, I felt something was wrong, so I pushed the boss without thinking, and the workpiece fell down as soon as he pushed it away, leaving such a big hole in the ground. "

He spoke and gestured in an extremely exaggerated tone.

Gu Ye took a sip of tea and said with emotion: "This is God's order for you."

Manager Sun nodded. He thought so too. It was because he saved the boss's life that the boss looked at him with admiration and promoted him to the position of workshop director first. He also worked conscientiously and managed the workshop in an orderly manner. The boss was quite satisfied. , it happened that he wanted to come to Shanghai to open another auto parts factory, but there was no one to help take care of it, so he thought of him.

"You and your boss are mutual respecters. If you save his life, he will give you your career luck," Gu Ye said.

Manager Sun agreed very much, "That's the truth, but you have to be able to support yourself. I'm not bragging. If I couldn't support Adou, the boss wouldn't let me manage the factory here."

"Of course, the noble person can only help you with three points, and you have to work hard for the remaining seven points by yourself."

The two had a very lively chat, and Gu Ye also took the opportunity to find out a lot about Manager Sun's boss. Although he was a shrewd and stingy businessman, he was still very affectionate, at least towards his savior, Manager Sun.

Therefore, it should not be deliberately targeting Manager Sun. The most likely possibility is that someone is deliberately stumbling against Manager Sun as the wife guessed.

"Old Sun, my wife and I analyzed it and found that your boss definitely trusts you, but think about the possibility that someone is jealous of your current status, sows discord in the boss's ear, and deliberately causes harm?" Gu Ye Ask directly.

Manager Sun was stunned, and then heard Gu Ye say: "You see, your boss didn't say anything when buying machine tools before, but this time it took so long, and he had to come to inspect it in person. There must be something wrong. Could someone want to replace it?" And you?"

"Don't get me wrong, Old Sun. I'm not saying that you have to sell machine tools, but we are brothers now. I definitely hope that your career will get better and better, and that I will be well too. Don't take it lightly. There are too many pinkeyes in the world. There are many villains."

Manager Sun didn't take it seriously at first. He always felt that he had an unusual relationship with his boss and it was a life-saving grace. As long as he worked diligently, there would definitely be no problem.

But after listening to Gu Ye's words, he felt vaguely uneasy. Could someone really be stumbling upon him?

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