"Why are you just a bitch when you dance? You just talk nonsense when you don't understand anything. Don't say these things outside in the future. It's embarrassing!" Chu Qiao scolded.

There were children here just now, so she didn't do anything to save this guy's face.

Gu Ye touched his head and plucked his ears, and argued aggrievedly: "Girls are gibberish in the first place. I'm not wrong. Xiaobao can't practice dancing anyway."


Another slap on the head.

"Go to a dance school. There are a lot of male students. Since the country has set up this course, it means it must be legitimate. Xiaobao has interest and talent, why not let him learn it? Good art, it's up to you You sound like a bitch in your mouth, if those male dancers hear these words, they will beat you to death!"

After she finished scolding, Chu Qiao glared fiercely. Gu Ye's behavior was too authoritarian, and she had to vent her anger on Xiaobao's behalf.

"Then the previous eunuchs were legal and legitimate, so you let Xiaobao do it too?" Gu Ye whispered, very unconvinced.

It's not like he hasn't seen men dancing, wearing tight pants, and their bodies are softer than women's. Just thinking that Xiaobao will be like that in the future makes Gu Ye feel bad.

"If you have any opinions, speak up, don't whisper!" Chu Qiao glared and her face sank.

Gu Ye shrank his neck and said, "No objection, everything you said is right."

Anyway, he doesn't agree with Xiaobao practicing dancing. From now on, he will teach Xiaobao privately that a man should do some masculine work and don't act like a girl.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes, don't think she didn't hear it.

"Xiaobao is not interested in practicing martial arts. He likes to play the piano, sing and dance, and he is very talented. If he is well cultivated, he will definitely be successful in the future. The happiest thing for a person is to do what he likes. We are the biggest to Dabao and Xiaobao My expectation is that they grow up healthy and happy, and they don’t have to have a big future. If they have a legitimate and legal career and can make a living, that’s great. Do you think this is true?”

Chu Qiao persuaded her earnestly. She didn't want Gu Ye and Xiaobao to have fierce disputes over career plans in this life. The best way was to persuade Gu Ye to change his mind.

But Gu Ye was not so easily convinced. It was difficult to change what he believed.

"Xiaobao is only six years old. He doesn't know what he will like in the future. Dancing and playing piano now is just a whim, and he may not like it when he grows up. When I was a child, I had one idea a year. When I was a policeman, I flew a plane, drove a train, and drove a truck. I thought about everything. Yes, but now I am selling machine tools. There are too many variables in life. Let Xiaobao learn piano first, maybe he will change his mind in half a year."

Gu Ye spoke eloquently, but Chu Qiao choked.

The reason why she supports Xiaobao is because she knows that Xiaobao will become the best actor in the future, but Gu Ye doesn't know, so Gu Ye's idea is right.

"Okay, let's practice the piano first. I've made inquiries. A better piano costs 16,000 and is imported from the island country."

"You don't need to tell me if you want to buy it."

Gu Ye was confused by this, and he didn't know how to play the piano. Anyway, he was responsible for making money, and his wife had the final say on how to spend it.

Chu Qiao smiled and asked deliberately: "Aren't you afraid that I will spend money randomly?"

Sixteen thousand is not a small amount. She is the only one in the machine tool factory who dares to spend such a large amount. Even in the whole city of Shanghai, there are only a few pianos. It is a real luxury product.

"That's not right. How can you say that a daughter-in-law spends money in a disorderly manner? It's a matter of course. No matter how you spend it, you should spend it properly. If you spend money and are happy, then you will earn money. It's a good deal!"

Gu Ye's expression was serious and he didn't even move his eyebrows. In fact, he felt a little hurt just now. Sixteen thousand can buy a car. This thing called a piano is really expensive.

In fact, what he wanted to say more was, couldn't Xiaobao be allowed to practice the erhu harmonica?

That’s art, it’s cheap, and it doesn’t take up much space. How great.

But Gu Ye didn't dare to say anything, for fear of getting slapped on the forehead again. He was not very smart to begin with, and a few more slaps would make him even stupider. He still had to sell machine tools.

Chu Qiao smiled so brightly that she felt very happy. She frowned and said, "Smooth talk, duplicity!"

"Absolutely sincere. If you don't believe it, just touch it." Gu Ye smiled and grabbed Chu Qiao's hand.

"Touch your head, go to work!"

Chu Qiao took out her hand and pushed this guy out. When he got to the door, Gu Ye looked around and saw no one, so he became interested and kissed Chu Qiao on the face.


"No, they're all at work."

Gu Ye kissed her, and his lust became more and more agitated. He felt that it was more exciting than at home, and he wanted to go deeper. As soon as he kissed him, he heard shouting and screaming from upstairs: "Ah yo yo... I didn't see anything." , didn’t see it!”

They were the residents upstairs. The couple both worked in the machine tool factory. When they came downstairs, they saw the young couple making out. They were so embarrassed that they hurried back and stopped after walking a few steps. The cats were watching the fun at the top of the stairs. Four cats Eyes widened.

Chu Qiao was ashamed and angry. She pushed someone away and ran back home. She even closed the door and almost hit Gu Ye's nose.

Gu Ye touched his nose with a smile and greeted the couple upstairs without changing his expression.

"Chief Gu, you and Xiao Chu have such a good relationship that they were inseparable even after last class." The man joked.

"That's right, I can't wait to carry my wife in my pocket and go to work." Gu Ye didn't even blush, but Chu Qiao behind the door blushed and spat, shamelessly.

In terms of being thick-skinned, all the people in the factory combined could not compare to Gu Ye. He chatted with the couple as if nothing had happened, as if it was not him who was seen kissing just now. He was not embarrassed at all. He was so calm, and the couple It was not easy to make fun anymore. After making a few jokes, he went to work.

"Qiaoqiao, I'm going to work!"

Gu Ye shouted at the door, knowing that his wife must be hiding behind the door and eavesdropping.

After saying that, he left. Loud footsteps were heard on the stairs. Chu Qiao quietly opened the door. As soon as she poked her head out, she was kissed secretly on her face. She jumped up in fright, and saw clearly that he had a playful smile. Gu Ye was so angry that he punched his fist several times.

"Let's go."

Gu Ye jumped up seven or eight stairs in one breath with a smile on his face. This guy finished the two stairs in three times. When he got downstairs, he waved to the top. Chu Qiao, who had a straight face, couldn't help laughing.

She is at least three years older than Dabao, and she has three children.

A week later, it was the date agreed with Mei Jiu Ming. Chu Qiao had made an appointment with Mrs. Liu a long time ago. She also made appointments with several other wives. Even Mrs. Liang was attracted. Mrs. Liang was the benchmark for the group of wives. She bought jewelry and clothes, and it didn't take long for others to follow suit.

Therefore, the number of ladies who went to the gallery suddenly increased to about ten, which exceeded Chu Qiao's expectations. She called Mei Jiu Ming and asked him to prepare.

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements. No matter how many people there are, it won't be a problem." Mei Jiu Ming said calmly. After all, he has seen the world, and such a small battle is no big deal.

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