However, what makes Mei Jiu Ming happy is that there are many talented students in the school, and there are also some students from very poor family backgrounds who still insist on painting. From them, Mei Jiu Ming seems to see himself back then.

That year, he met his mentor and had no choice but to continue studying painting. The mentor gave him roses, and he also wanted to give the lingering fragrance to others.

Mei Jiuming did not leave school and persisted. He hoped to help students from poor families so that they could continue to paint.

Therefore, even though he was very uncomfortable with the domestic institutional environment, Mei Jiuming persisted and over time, he became somewhat accustomed to it.

And he is fortunate that at least there are no empty and lonely noble ladies from abroad in China, so he will not be harassed.

But he didn't expect that it wasn't that there weren't any in the country, it was just that he had a narrow vision before and couldn't encounter it.

Didn't we just meet him today? .

Mei Jiuming calmed down and smiled slightly: "I have a lot of things to do, so I'm afraid I can't deliver them to your house in person, but don't worry, madam, I will send students to your door. If madam has any questions about painting, you can ask my students, he My painting skills are very strong and I won’t let my wife down.”

Liang Taiqing curled his lips, not too disappointed. A fish that is too easy to get hooked is definitely not delicious.

She enjoyed the fishing process and took her time. She had plenty of time.

"But I would like to ask Mr. Mei, can you come to the gallery to see Mr. Mei? I won't disturb you, right?"

Liang Taijiao's voice was different from usual. It was a little sweeter and cooer. Several ladies who were interested in Mei Jiuming looked aggrieved. They asked this shameless woman to cut off her beard. I don’t dare to argue, I’m so angry.

Mei Jiu Ming couldn't resist anymore and looked at Chu Qiao for help.

"Did Mrs. Liang only buy one painting? What else did you fancy?"

Chu Qiao came over and asked with a smile, naturally blocking in front of Mei Jiu Ming.

Mei Jiu Ming breathed a sigh of relief and took a few steps back. He was soon surrounded by other ladies. He just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again. Mei Jiu Ming secretly smiled bitterly and had to brace himself to deal with it.

Fortunately, these ladies, with a little bit of martial ethics, were not as aggressive as Liang Tai. They only took advantage of each other verbally, but did not do anything serious. Mei Jiuming dealt with them quite easily.

Mrs. Liang talked absentmindedly to Chu Qiao, her eyes glancing towards Mei Jiu Ming from time to time. Sima Zhao's feelings were just not written on her face.

Chu Qiao frowned. She didn't expect that Mrs. Liang would be so explicit. It seems that this woman has not been idle. I don't know how many cuckolds she has made to Boss Liang.

"Mrs. Liang, can you give me those sunflowers? My family is moving into a new house in a few days, and I need a few ornaments."

Mrs. Liu came over to discuss it. She just hesitated for a moment when the sunflower was snatched away by Mrs. Liang. She regretted it to death.

Originally she thought 30,000 yuan was too expensive, but now Mrs. Liu is willing to pay for it even if it costs 50,000 yuan. Moreover, she doesn't care about other paintings and only wants this sunflower.

"I also want to display the paintings at home. Mrs. Liu, you can choose other paintings."

Mrs. Liang didn't give Mrs. Liu face. Even if she was just a mistress who couldn't stand up to the public, she still gave birth to a son for the Liang family. In the inland area, she was a serious Mrs. Liang, and there was no need to look at anyone's face.

Mrs. Liu's face changed slightly, and she felt panicked, but soon she was full of smiles, "Then I'll choose others, Xiao Chu, what paintings do you think are suitable for the new house? They have to be placed in the living room, hallway, bedroom, and me The bedrooms of my three sons, and then the rooms of my parents-in-law. Although they live in the country,

But I often go to the city. Speaking of my parents-in-law, they are nicer to me than my parents. It’s okay for me to have my own room casually. Their room must be well decorated to satisfy them! "

The corner of Chu Qiao's mouth twitched, secretly amused, Mrs. Liu also refused to suffer losses, these words were purely told to Mrs. Liang, just to gain leverage.

Mrs. Liang was not recognized by the Liang family, and her identity was unclear. Her parents-in-law did not exist at all, and her only son was not around. She was not even qualified to raise her herself. If she wanted to see her biological son, she had to apply, and her parents-in-law agreed. We can meet.

Mrs. Liu is the empress of the palace, with three sons by her side, and her parents-in-law also like her. Even if Mr. Liu is out having fun and drinking, and the mistresses are lined up in a row, Mrs. Liu's status is not threatened. This is much better than Mrs. Liang. .

Mrs. Liang intercepted the painting that Mrs. Liu was interested in, and Mrs. Liu used Mrs. Liang's identity as an excuse. This trick was very clever.

Sure enough, Mrs. Liang's face became more and more ugly, she looked at Mrs. Liu gloomily, snorted coldly, turned around to find Mei Jiu Ming, and did not rush back, which was not in line with her usual arrogant and sharp character.

Mrs. Liu smiled proudly. The rumors outside were indeed true. Boss Liang has a new love, a newly selected Hong Kong sister. It is said that she is the most beautiful Hong Kong sister in history. She is only 18 years old, young and beautiful, and can be coquettish and coquettish. , coaxed Boss Liang into a trance and regarded this woman as his heart treasure.

Chu Qiao didn't speak from the beginning to the end. She knew that Mrs. Liu didn't need her to make decisions, she just used her as a cover.

After Mrs. Liang walked away, several ladies came over and said worriedly: "You have offended her, be careful of her blowing the pillow in front of Boss Liang."

"Yes, you should have endured it just now. Who doesn't know who she is, but she is Boss Liang's favorite. It would be bad if she gets in trouble and affects Mr. Liu's business. "The other wife also said.

They all felt that Mrs. Liu was impulsive, and her impatience would ruin her big plans. If it wasn't for the business of the men in the family, why would they bother to please a mistress who was not worthy of being on the stage?

Mrs. Liu sneered and said mockingly: "She wants to blow the wind, so she has to find someone to blow the wind. Boss Liang hasn't been here for half a year. Unless she can blow a Category 18 typhoon and directly cross over to Boss Liang's Xinhuan home. ”

The eyes of several ladies were bright. This was new gossip and they didn’t know it yet.

"Tell me, Mrs. Liu, what new love did Boss Liang find? Where is he from?"

"What do you do? Female star?"

Everyone was asking questions, and Mrs. Liu felt much better. She had just heard the news. No one in Shanghai knew about it yet, so she was the first hand.

Chu Qiao was not surprised. No wonder Mrs. Liang had an endocrine disorder and even flirted with Mei Jiu Ming in public. Her love was not nourished by men.

Mrs. Liu was stunned for a while and then said: "It is said that she is a Hong Kong sister. She is only 18 years old. She is a mixed-race beauty. I saw her poster. She is so beautiful. If I were a man, I would be tempted. I heard that this beauty is not photogenic. I It’s even more beautiful than the one on the poster, and it enchanted all the rich people in Hong Kong City, and in the end, Boss Liang came out on top.”

"Only eighteen? Boss Liang can be her father, huh, these men are not ashamed!" A wife may have thought of her own men, and she spoke with a gun and a stick.

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