Mrs. Liang bit her lips deeper and deeper, clenched her fists involuntarily, and her heart beat very fast.

Could it be that Boss Chu really has a solution?

Thinking that in the future she could become the real eldest lady of the Liang family and attend the ladies' banquet in Hong Kong City openly and openly, Mrs. Liang's heart beat faster and she looked at Chu Qiao blankly, "Don't show off, just tell the truth. Bar!"

"With all due respect, you are not particularly beautiful. It is difficult to attract Boss Liang with your beauty," Chu Qiao said.

Mrs. Liang snorted, very unhappy.

She knew she wasn't particularly beautiful, but it wasn't okay for others to tell her.

Chu Qiao smiled and said, "But you have the biggest advantage that other women don't have for the time being."


"Have a baby..."

As soon as Chu Qiao finished speaking, Mrs. Liang's face darkened again, her heart sank, and she mocked, "I thought you had some good idea to make me happy in vain."

When she doesn't know this advantage?

In order to have a son over the years, she has tried all kinds of methods, including body position, conception time, Feng Shui timing, etc., but after three years, there is no movement in her belly, and Boss Liang simply refuses to come to her. Here it is.

"You must have tried to have a baby, but you couldn't, right?" Chu Qiao asked.

Mrs. Liang snorted.

Chu Qiao asked again: "Is there anything wrong with your health?"

"Of course not. I'm in good health and have physical examinations twice a year." Liang was too anxious. She was healthier than anyone else. She just had a little insomnia during this period, but having a baby would definitely not affect her.

"Where's Boss Liang?"

"He's fine too."

Mrs. Liang's expression was a little unnatural, and what Chu Qiao said next shocked her.

"Boss Liang's problem is that it's difficult for his sperm to conceive, right?"

"how do you know?"

Mrs. Liang blurted out without even thinking about it. She regretted it after saying it and stared in annoyance.

Chu Qiao smiled and explained: "Our Chu family is a medical family and we know a little about medical science. You should be lucky that Boss Liang has this problem. This is your biggest reliance. Whether you can become Mrs. Liang or not depends entirely on this problem." ”

"Can you please speak more directly? It's so convoluted." Mrs. Liang was annoyed, but her heart was itching.

Is it really possible for her to become the first lady of the Liang family?

If this person named Chu really lets her become the eldest wife of the Liang family, she will definitely treat Chu Qiao as her lifelong friend. She is also a person who repays kindness and will not treat Chu Qiao badly.

Chu Qiao didn't try to be too pretentious and said directly: "Boss Liang's problem is that it is very difficult to have children. In other words, there are very few women who can give him children. You are the lucky one in a million."

Mrs. Liang was very happy, she liked hearing this, but——

"I've been working hard for three years, but nothing has happened."

Mrs. Liang couldn't help but speak her mind.

"There may be something wrong with the procedure, and your mentality is too eager, which will also affect pregnancy, but it doesn't mean you can't give birth. If there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be three. Your belly is your biggest "Reliance, if you want to marry into the Liang family, you have to get pregnant again, so that you can have the confidence to negotiate terms."

Mrs. Liang couldn't help but shake her head, "Don't forget, Lao Liang has a younger brother. He is also married, and he will have a son."

Even if she really has another son, she still has no confidence. The Liang family has a serious daughter-in-law. She has already given birth to a daughter and will have another son in the future.

"Don't worry, the Liang family's son must be born to you."

Chu Qiao sounded determined, because she knew from her previous life that the Liang family only had one grandson, and he was an illegitimate son with an unknown mother. The eldest son Liang would marry a well-matched woman in a few years, but the wife did not give birth and died within a few years. separated.

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Liang only had one son, and it should be Liang Taisheng's.

The second son of the Liang family has two daughters. This second son is an anomaly among rich men. He is not interested in family property, and he and his wife are truly in love. After moving out, they live a life without competing with the world.

When Mrs. Liang gave birth to her second daughter, Mrs. Liang had a difficult delivery and her body was damaged. The second son would not let her have another baby. Even if Mrs. Liang urged her to give birth, the second son would not agree. He simply took his wife and daughter to emigrate abroad, out of sight. Mrs. Liang couldn't do it even if she urged her.

The paparazzi in Hong Kong City especially like to report the gossip of wealthy families. In the previous life, Chu Qiao was very boring. He read these gossips every day and knew something about the Liang family.

Mrs. Liang's eyes lit up and she asked doubtfully: "Can you tell fortunes?"

Otherwise, how would you know that the second wife of the Liang family could not give birth to a son?

Chu Qiao smiled mysteriously, neither admitting nor denying it. Seeing in Mrs. Liang's eyes, she was even more sure that she could tell fortunes, and asked excitedly: "Have you calculated that I will have another son?"

"The secret of heaven must not be leaked. Some things that are destined to happen must be worked hard by oneself, otherwise it will be like a cakewalk." Chu Qiao said ambiguously.

Mrs. Liang nodded vigorously, her eyes shining brightly. She looked at Chu Qiao with reverence in her eyes, and her tone became more respectful, "Then how do you think I should work hard? If Lao Liang doesn't come back now, I won't be able to give birth to anyone." ”

"Don't panic, Boss Liang will come sooner or later. When he comes, he will naturally sleep with you."

There is no way that Boss Liang can just leave such a big business inland. He is the successor of the Liang family.

Mrs. Liang blushed and whispered: "He thinks I'm old and slutty now, so he sleeps in the guest room whenever he comes."

"Don't worry, I have a way to make him want you."

Chu Qiao gave her some reassurance. In fact, she was going to mix some incense, which was harmless to the body and beneficial to the pleasure of the boudoir. It was also a recipe passed down by the ancestor named Chu Changqing. This recipe was a bit tasteless. , but the effect should be good.

Mrs. Liang blushed even more. She didn't expect Chu Qiao to speak out. This was too bold.

"Can we definitely get pregnant if we have sex? What if my stomach doesn't work?" Mrs. Liang still had no idea, fearing that her stomach wouldn't live up to expectations.

Chu Qiao smiled, "For example, you and Boss Liang are like growing vegetables. Boss Liang's seeds are difficult to survive. They can only be planted in your stomach. If you succeed once, you will definitely succeed the second time." This time, as long as you listen to me, it will work."

Mrs. Liang suddenly gained confidence. Although her words were rough, she couldn't understand them.

Isn't she just that piece of fertile land?

"Why do you want to help me?" Mrs. Liang didn't understand. She knew that she was not popular. People like Mrs. Liu flattered her in person, looked down on her behind her back, and said bad things about her. Everyone was waiting to see her jokes.

Chu Qiao didn't hide anything, and said half-truthfully: "First, I am in love with you. Although your words may not be pleasant to listen to, you are outspoken and easy to deal with. Of course, the most important thing is for profit."

She continued: "Boss Liang's business is big, and I want to connect with the Liang family. As long as you become Mrs. Liang, you will naturally help me connect and get to know Boss Liang, right?"

"Of course, you helped me, I won't forget it." Mrs. Liang nodded, feeling a lot more relaxed.

As long as Chu Qiao is doing it for profit, then he can help her with all his heart. As long as she succeeds in becoming a leader, she will definitely repay the favor.

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