"How's the purchase of your paintings going?" Chu Qiao asked.

The other wives happily reported their achievements. Almost everyone bought them. Almost all the paintings hanging in the gallery were sold out, and many were booked from Mei Jiuming.

This is how women buy things. The buying emotion is contagious. As long as a few girlfriends go shopping together and one of them starts buying, the others will lose control and start buying like crazy, and then buy a bunch of useless things. Home.

I was upset for an hour and secretly vowed not to buy things randomly again, but next time I go out with my best friend, I still can’t control myself. Otherwise, why is it so easy for women to earn money?

The ladies were very happy because they bought elegant Western paintings, and at least within a month, they would have something to show off.

Mei Jiuming was also very happy. All the paintings were sold, and he earned tens of thousands. He also booked many paintings, and the gallery suddenly came back to life.

He is now very lucky to have met Chu Qiao, who is the noble person in his life. .

As for the minor harassment from Mrs. Liang and the other ladies, Mei Jiuming didn't take it seriously. Compared with those open and enthusiastic ladies abroad, Mrs. Liang and the others were just childish.

Moreover, those wives stopped pestering him after seeing that he did not respond. They were quite easy to deal with. Mei Jiuming felt deeply in his heart that it was better to be a compatriot.

Mrs. Liu and the others returned home with a full load, and Mei Jiu Ming would send someone to deliver the paintings they bought to their homes.

Chu Qiao didn't leave, she still had something to talk to Mei Jiu Ming.

"What's the gross profit today?"

After Mrs. Liu and the others left, Chu Qiao couldn't help but ask, feeling very excited, "She holds half of the shares in this gallery."

"I'll do the math, wait a minute."

Mei Jiuming took out the abacus from the drawer, then took out the account book, and began to calculate the accounts. The beads on the abacus were clicking loudly, and it looked pretty decent.

Chu Qiao's mouth twitched, "This is more powerful than some accountants in the village. They must have been practiced."

"The gross profit is 80,9600, and there are still 20,200 paintings scheduled for delivery next month."

Mei Jiu Ming calculated the abacus quickly and reported the total amount in a short while. As Chu Qiao expected, there was also a slight surprise.

Chu Qiao also took the abacus and was no slower than Mei Jiu Ming. She had also practiced.

"The students take 30%, we take 70%...we get 62,700."

Chu Qiao quickly figured it out, thought for a moment, and took away Mei Jiuming's painting, "Your painting doesn't count for thirty thousand, your seven gallery three...that's fifty thousand, seven hundred and two."

Mei Jiu Ming felt a little embarrassed and muttered: "I'll settle for 30%."

He felt bad that there were so many more students than him.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes and educated her: "How can you be the same as those students? You are a master with a certain reputation in the world. How famous are those students? You don't even know them. Giving them three achievements is a good price. "It costs money to deal with those ladies. Dining, shopping, and playing mahjong are all not cheap. Don't feel wronged for those students. I can give them a platform to make money, so they should be grateful."

Don't call her a blood-sucking capitalist, she is just doing business.

She is not a charity person. Some gallery owners charge 90%, but she only charges 70%. It is indeed a very conscientious price.

Of course, for a master of Mei Jiuming's level, the commissions cannot be the same. Differential treatment is a must.

If everyone is treated equally and there is no healthy competition, how can society progress?

After saying this, Mei Jiu Ming couldn't help but nod, feeling very ashamed.

He originally thought that 70% was too dark, but Chu Qiao was right. When she dated those ladies, she must have invested money. These were real money relationships, and Chu Qiao couldn't just see Chu Qiao taking 70%. , you still have to see the money invested by others.

However, Chu Qiao only gave him 30%, and Mei Jiu Ming was still very happy. This shows that Chu Qiao affirmed his current achievements and status.

"Our gallery needs to find an accountant. The business will definitely get bigger and bigger in the future. We have to pay taxes honestly and the accounts must be clear." Chu Qiao thought of something important.

Tax evasion is definitely not allowed. If the old man finds out, he will definitely scold her to death.

Mei Jiu Ming immediately said: "Chen Wei worked as an accountant."

"She didn't study painting? Why is she still working as an accountant?"

Chu Qiao was a little surprised. In her previous life, she had read gossip reports about Chen Wei's rise to power. She seemed to be Ouyang Lin's student, and she fell in love with him over time.

Mei Jiu Ming smiled, "Her major is accounting. She worked as an accountant in a factory for two years, then resigned to become a model."

Chu Qiao immediately understood that it was true that problems were most likely to occur between models and painters, especially young and beautiful models, who would have problems while painting.

"Will she come?"

"I'll tell her, it should be fine." Mei Jiuming said confidently.

Chu Qiao thought for a moment, thinking of the familiarity between Chen Wei and this guy, and couldn't help but remind her: "Don't forget the contract between us. The first clause is not to be too close to a married woman. Personality determines Can’t collapse!”

She always felt that there was something wrong between this guy and Chen Wei, but she didn't want to create the unparalleled love between a master's wife and a student.

Mei Jiuming was stunned for a moment and didn't react, but he soon realized it. His face turned red and he couldn't explain whether he was crying or laughing: "Chen Wei and I are from the same hometown. Her hometown is a village away from mine. We also have the same experience. So the relationship is better, where do you want to go?”

Chen Wei is his master's wife now. No matter how hungry he is, nothing will happen to her.

This Chu Qiao's idea is really hard to explain in words.

"As long as it's okay, I'm just going to vaccinate you. Then let Chen Wei come to work in the gallery. The salary is only five hundred a month. After all, she is your teacher's wife."

Five hundred yuan is three times the market price. Chu Qiao just wants to have a good relationship with Chen Wei and get Ouyang Lin by the way. This is also a big cornucopia.

"Okay, I'll talk to her later." Mei Jiuming was quite satisfied with the salary.

He knew that Chen Wei was short of money now, and that Ouyang Lin was just superficial and didn't have much cash in his hands. His daughter was in charge of Ouyang Lin's finances before. After Chen Wei married, Ouyang Lin's daughter did not let go and kept a tight grip on her. Due to her father's financial power, Chen Wei's life was difficult.

Chu Qiao looked at her watch and saw that it was almost four o'clock. She kept the story short and asked, "Do you know any experts in etiquette?"

"What etiquette?" Mei Jiuming didn't understand.

"It's the way girls from wealthy families used to behave, dress, and so on. Let's put it this way, I have a friend who comes from a low background. She wants to study hard and become a lady with extraordinary bearing. Do you have a teacher in this field?"

When Chu Qiao said this, Mei Jiuming understood. He thought for a moment and said, "I don't know the teacher who specializes in this training, but we have a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts who used to be a young lady from a wealthy family. He knows everything about music, chess, calligraphy and painting. , the temperament is quite extraordinary, if your friend wants to learn, you can ask this old lady to teach you, but I don’t know if she will agree."

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