In the afternoon, Chu Qiao took a taxi to Niu Taohua's house. It was a huge garden villa with a small bridge and rockery. It was very grand. This house originally belonged to the Liang family.

Although the Liang family is an old-school wealthy family in Hong Kong City, they have always had business in Shanghai. They set up a factory in Shanghai before liberation. The Liang family's ancestral home is Ningcheng, Zhejiang Province. They used to go back to their hometown every year to worship their ancestors, except for those years. , the rest of the time has not stopped.

The fact that Niu Taohua can live in the Liang family's old house shows that she still has a certain status in Boss Liang's heart. Boss Liang does not dare to bring any casual woman into the old house.

"My wife is upstairs." The housekeeper said respectfully.

This housekeeper was also sent by the Liang family. She had an extraordinary bearing and behaved in a well-behaved manner. However, every move of Niu Taohua was probably reported to the Hong Kong City by this housekeeper.

Chu Qiao smiled at the housekeeper and went upstairs to find someone. Niu Taohua was lying lazily on the bed, wearing a nightgown, no makeup, and her hair was disheveled, looking more lazy and charming. .

Her skin has improved a lot and her acne has faded away. She is not very old at all, she is only 27 years old. She is in the prime of her youth. A little maintenance will give excellent results.

Niu Taohua looks much more beautiful now than a while ago. She is still beautiful even without makeup, but she is lazy and has no vitality at all.

Seeing Chu Qiao, Niu Taohua didn't get up and said lazily: "Ask Sister Yu for it. She is in charge of everything at home."

Sister Yu is the housekeeper.

"Why are you listless? Did you stay up late again?" Chu Qiao asked.

"What the heck, I go to bed at nine o'clock these days, but who knows, the more I sleep, the sleepier I get, my brain becomes groggy, and I can't go out to play. I'm bored to death. Please hurry up and find the etiquette teacher."

Niu Taohua yawned loudly, her eyes filled with tears. She couldn't help but want to go out and hang out with those handsome little brothers several times these days. Although she couldn't do anything serious, it was still fun to eat some tofu.

Now she is becoming more plain than a nun every day. If Chu Qiao hadn't cheered her up with the first lady in Hong Kong City from time to time, Niu Taohua would definitely not have been able to persist.

She really wants to be the most famous and famous lady, so that the eyes of those who look down on her will pop out, and that old woman from the Liang family, huh, beg her to have a son in the future.

That was Boss Liang's mother, the old lady who blocked her from entering. She had met Niu Taohua once before, and Niu Taohua would never forget that time. Even if she was not a very smart and sensitive person, she knew that the old lady had met her. Just to humiliate her and let her know how petty and unworthy she is.

During that meal, Niu Taohua only took a sip of the soup, and then acted as the backdrop for the entire meal, listening to the old woman's lectures, with tears swirling in her eyes. From then on, Niu Taohua avoided the Liang family when she saw them, not wanting to get into trouble.

"You sleep too much. Go for a walk in the garden. Don't stay at home all day long. You also need to exercise physically. It's impossible to give birth to a son without a good body." Chu Qiao advised.

"I want to move."

Niu Taohua yawned again. She didn't have any strength, so she just wanted to lie down on the bed and didn't want to eat.

"I heard that if a woman doesn't exercise well, it may be difficult to give birth to a child, and she won't be able to save both the adults and the child," Chu Qiao threatened.

Niu Taohua disagreed, "Giving birth is very easy. My mother gave birth to five sisters, all of whom were born while working. When I gave birth to my son, it was like farting. He was born in less than an hour."

Chu Qiao gritted her teeth, feeling as if she was jealous. Others gave birth as easily as farting, but her life was lost.

Why are people so different?

Chu Qiao, who was envious, became even more jealous when she saw Niu Taohua's lazy look. She couldn't help but said sourly: "That was four years ago. You were young at that time and worked a lot. Of course you were in good health. This For four years you didn’t even hold on to the soy sauce bottle, and you couldn’t even breathe when you walked up three floors. How can you still have a baby as easily as farting?”

Niu Taohua's face changed slightly, and she sat up Huo Di. She was really tired going upstairs now. The house was on three floors. Sometimes she would go up to the rooftop terrace to look at the stars and the moon, but she was too lazy to climb the stairs. She was too tired.

In the past, not to mention climbing stairs, even climbing mountains was very easy, and I still had to chop a bundle of firewood.

"I'll start running tomorrow!"

Niu Taohua made up her mind. She wanted to take good care of her body and strive to have seven or eight sons. It wouldn't matter if the old woman took away one of her sons. If she had another son, huh, let's see who is better!

"No, I'm going to take a walk in the garden now."

Niu Taohua's mobility is still very fast. She does what she says. She jumps out of bed and goes to the bathroom to wash up. She moves very quickly. She is done in a few minutes. She puts on light sportswear and adds a lot of weight. Vitality, looking much younger.

"If you don't go out, don't put on makeup. Let your skin rest. You'll look good without makeup now," Chu Qiao suggested.

"I know, I don't like makeup in the first place, but I heard people say that makeup is a sign of respect for others. It's disrespectful not to wear makeup, so I have to wear makeup."

Niu Taohua curled her lips. In fact, she didn't understand the relationship between makeup and politeness, but the woman who said this was a very powerful socialite in Hong Kong City. Niu Taohua took what this woman said as a wise saying and kept it in her heart. Carry it out carefully.

"Being neat and clean is the greatest courtesy. You look good without makeup. Why do you have to abuse your skin? Just listen to these words and don't take them too seriously." Chu Qiao reflexively got angry when she heard this. answer.

Why is wearing makeup a courtesy to others, and wearing high heels is a duty for women in the workplace. If you don’t wear high heels or makeup, you won’t be able to do your job well?

Women should have freedom in dressing up. As long as they are tidy and clean and do not affect the company's image, it is OK. There is no need to wear torturous high heels.

Furthermore, high heels were originally invented for men to wear. I don’t know when they became a necessity to torture women.

Niu Taohua still put on lipstick. Her lips were light in color and she looked more energetic with lipstick. She went downstairs with Chu Qiao. The surprise in Sister Yu's eyes flashed and she said respectfully: "Madam, what do you want to have for afternoon tea?"

"If you don't want to eat, you can sort out the coffee beans at home and give them to my friends."

Niu Taohua thought for a while and asked, "Do you want a coffee machine?"

She remembered that she still had a coffee machine at home, which she bought from abroad and had never been used.


Chu Qiao was not polite. The ones Niu Taohua bought must be good. This woman always only buys expensive ones.

"Where did you hang the sunflower?"

While Sister Yu was packing her things, Chu Qiao asked about the painting.

"In the guest room."

Niu Taohua pursed her lips. She originally wanted to hang the sunflower in the living room, but Sister Yu did not agree because there were many landscape paintings hanging in the living room. Hanging a Western painting would be out of place. Niu Taohua did not insist and hung it in her guest room. .

Chu Qiao smiled. He paid 30,000 yuan for a painting and let this woman get a guest room. Boss Liang was really generous. If she left this man, Niu Taohua might not be able to survive.

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