Niu Taohua was only on good terms with Teacher Wu on the surface, but she was wary on the inside and was very careful about what she said. She just wanted to learn Teacher Wu's social etiquette and didn't want to be friends.

Now hearing what Miss Qi said, Niu Taohua suddenly started to gossip. Teacher Wu's origin was a mystery in Hong Kong. Many people said that she was a famous lady from a certain country in Southeast Asia. They also said that her father was a rubber king. She is a rich lady who was born with a golden key in her mouth. She stepped on the top of Mount Everest when she was born.

But there are also some rumors saying that Teacher Wu comes from a slum, and his mother is a street girl from Hua Street. His father is unknown, and he was raised by a group of street girls from Hua Street. It is also said that Teacher Wu was a young girl, which is why he is what he is today. The achievement was that she met a noble man who was also her benefactor. He found her sweet and charming and well-behaved, so he spent money to send her to study abroad.

Teacher Wu is also very motivated. It only took her five years to complete a course that took others ten years. She was admitted to a world-class university and received a master's degree. During this period, Teacher Wu kept in touch with this noble man. , willing to be his mistress.

Unfortunately, the noble man was in poor health and passed away within a few years. He also left a lot of property to Teacher Wu. This noble man was regarded as a reborn parent to Teacher Wu.

Later, Teacher Wu met a wealthy young man from Southeast Asia. He fell in love with her at first sight and was obsessed with her. After the two got married, Teacher Wu entered the upper class society and met many celebrities. She was good at dancing, well-rounded, and eloquent. Soon I had my own network of contacts, and my wings became stronger and stronger.

Then Teacher Wu got divorced, dumped the rich man, and returned to Hong Kong alone. At this time, her identity also changed. She came from a famous family in Southeast Asia, graduated from a world-class prestigious school, had a high family background, high education, both talent and appearance, and was good at dancing. Elegant and generous. .

A nearly perfect young and beautiful single woman, she was sought after by many wealthy men in Hong Kong. In less than a year, Teacher Wu became the most famous social butterfly in the upper class of Hong Kong. Almost everyone in Hong Kong Celebrities all have some friendship with her.

These are all gossips in gossip magazines. Teacher Wu said calmly on a TV show that not being jealous is a mediocrity. She is too lazy to pay attention to such boring things and does not have the time to fly.

The implication is that those gossip weekly magazines are talking nonsense, and they also indirectly admit that she is indeed a famous lady in Southeast Asia.

Teacher Wu only said it once on a TV show, and never mentioned it again after that, but the gossip about her has never stopped. There are different opinions and all kinds of gossip, which also makes this woman in Hong Kong City. The popularity remains high.

In the words of later generations, this Teacher Wu is a marketing master who hypes traffic. It is also possible that the gossip in the gossip weekly was written by herself.

Did she deliberately create a topic? Otherwise, if no one talks about it, wouldn’t she be embarrassed?

What other TV show would have her as a guest?

Niu Taohua also read those gossips and was particularly curious about Teacher Wu's background. She felt itchy in her heart. She really hoped that those gossips were true, so that she would feel particularly happy.

Teacher Wu, who was sought after by celebrities, was from a worse background than her.

After all, she is a farmer with an innocent family background. She is not from the flower street, and she has never worked as a young girl to make a living. When she and Boss Liang were together, she was still a serious young girl. Until now, she only has Boss Liang, who is better than Xiao Cong Mix. The tofu is still white.

In fact, Niu Taohua herself didn't understand why she thought this way. She had no grudge against Teacher Wu, and even Teacher Wu was a kinder person to her in that circle. Niu Taohua also felt that it was wrong and too bad to think this way. She couldn't control it, and she hoped every day that someone would come out and prove that what those gossip magazines said were true.

Miss Sheng Qi glanced at Niu Taohua's bright little eyes. What this woman was thinking was all written on her face. It was easy to guess.

She has a simple mind, a pure heart, and she is not very pretty. Maybe fools are lucky. God has given her a golden belly. As long as Niu Taohua seizes the opportunity, she will definitely enjoy all the glory and wealth in her life.

"Do you have a grudge against that socialite?" Miss Seven asked.

"No, I have a pretty good relationship with her."

Niu Taohua shook her head, feeling a little guilty when she said this.

Miss Seven looked at her with a half-smile, which made Niu Taohua feel even more guilty. After a while, she couldn't hold it in anymore and whispered: "The relationship is really good, I just want to know if what those gossip weeklies are writing is true." Really, there’s no other meaning.”

"What did you write?"

Chu Qiao also became interested. In her previous life, she liked to read the gossip weekly in Hong Kong City the most. The paparazzi there were very courageous and dared to write about anything, including sexy news about celebrities, secret histories of wealthy families, etc. The writing style was very good and well written. There are ups and downs, twists and turns, and the degree of authenticity is quite high. Many gossips were later confirmed to be true.

But now the inland area is still somewhat closed, and the gossip weekly news cannot come in, and Chu Qiao cannot see it, which means a lot of fun is lost.

Niu Taohua talked about the gossip about Teacher Wu with great interest, and said regretfully: "I heard many people say that those gossips are true, because Teacher Wu never mentioned her natal family, and her resume before the age of fifteen was all true. It’s blank. It only says that I lived in Southeast Asia and went to the United States to study after I was fifteen. My resume after that was quite rich.”

"Is this Teacher Wu Wu Yuyan?"

Chu Qiao's eyes also lit up. She had heard of this Teacher Wu in her previous life.

"Yes, do you know her?"

Niu Taohua looked surprised.

Chu Qiao smiled slightly and said, "I've heard of it."

Niu Taohua didn't ask much. She thought Chu Qiao heard what Mrs. Liu and the others said. Mrs. Liu and the others often went to Hong Kong City. Wu Yuyan was quite famous, and many rich ladies had friendships with her. Mrs. Liu They should also know each other.

"Listen to what Mrs. Liu and the others say. Mrs. Liu doesn't have much friendship with Wu Yuyan. She's not of a high standard. Wu Yuyan and her are just superficial. If you want to know about Wu Yuyan, you have to ask me. "

Niu Taohua doesn't like Chu Qiao being friends with Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu always talks bad about her behind her back, is a hypocritical and duplicitous villain.

Chu Qiao laughed dumbly, why did it sound like she was trying to compete for favor?

She agreed casually. She and Mrs. Liu would definitely have to deal with each other anyway, and she expected Mr. Liu to bring her man to make money.

Miss Sheng Qi took a sip of coffee and asked casually, "Wu Yuyan's family has never appeared before?"

"No, she said that her mother-in-law's family is in Southeast Asia and she doesn't like to be noticed. She also asked reporters not to disturb her family." Niu Taohua said.

Miss Sheng Qi smiled, "Listening to what you said, those rumors are probably true."

"Really? So Wu Yuyan really did that for a living? Oh, she really knows how to pretend!"

Niu Taohua rubbed her hands excitedly, her eyes shining.

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