Gu Ye in the office received a call from the old man, "I'm going to your place for dinner tonight. I caught a big grass carp and asked your wife to cook it. Your mother can't do it well."

"Did you catch it?"

Gu Ye was very suspicious. His old man's fishing skills were worse than rotten eggs. He had only been fishing for half a year and had never caught a big fish.

"Of course I caught it. Stop talking nonsense and tell your wife that if you eat fish at night, add more spicy food. Your mother makes fish without spicy food and it has no taste at all."

The old man was very confident. He actually snatched the fish from Old Liu, but he occupied that den first. However, he felt it was not good and there might be no fish, so he gave it to Old Liu and went to another den he liked. .

As a result, Old Liu had a great harvest and caught several big fish, but he didn't even have any small fry. Last night, the old man was so angry that he didn't even eat. He woke up hungry in the middle of the night and got up to eat rice dumplings.

"only you?"

"Do you miss your mother?"

The old man was very happy. It would be great for his son to reconcile with his wife. It was not a problem for mother and son to be so stiff.

"You come here alone, there are not enough chairs at home to sit down..."

Gu Ye hung up the phone. He didn't miss his mother. He didn't say anything when they met. The knot that had been in his heart since he was a child was not easy to untie. It was good like this now. It was impossible for him and his mother to be like each other. Other mothers and children are so close, but he will take care of him until he grows old. This is his obligation.

The old man listened to the beeping sound from the phone and sighed, "The brat is so stubborn, I don't know who he looks like."

Gu Ye got off work early and told Chu Qiao that the old man was coming over for dinner.

"That fish must have been amenable to others. With his level, it's surprising that he was able to catch it."

Gu Ye was too lazy to expose the old man's lies and give his father some face.

Once, he went fishing with the old man. They went to a wild pond in the suburbs. It was quite big and had many aquatic plants. There were also about ten other old men in the compound.

Gu Ye's fishing skills were average, but he found that the old man's skills were worse, and he had no luck.

Wherever there are fish, the old man can definitely avoid them perfectly. After that, Gu Ye mastered the rules and specially picked the dens that the old man didn't like, and he really caught a lot.

Chu Qiao smiled. She had also heard from Gu Ye that the old man's luck was really bad. However, the old man was still very interested. As long as the weather was good, he would definitely go fishing.

In the evening, the old man came carrying a grass carp weighing five or six kilograms. It was still alive and kicking, as if he had caught it himself.

"Grandpa, did you catch a big fish?" Xiaobao shouted in surprise, his face full of admiration, which greatly satisfied the old man's vanity.

"Yes, I caught it yesterday and will eat the fish tonight."

The old man proudly gave the fish to Chu Qiao and said, "Put in more spicy food."

"Okay, how about I make a pickled fish and fish head tofu?" Chu Qiao asked with a smile.

"It's up to you."

The old man is very satisfied. His daughter-in-law’s cooking skills are good and she can definitely make delicious fish. Lin Yulan’s cooking skills are also good, but the taste is too bland and the old man can’t get used to it.

"Grandpa, can you take me fishing on Sunday? And bring black beans." Dabao begged eagerly, he also wanted to fish.

In the past, when he was in his hometown, he made his own fishing rods, and when he went fishing in the pond, he could catch a few fish. However, his cooking skills were not good and he had no seasoning, so the fish soup he made was very fishy and not as good as the one made by his aunt. eat.

"Okay, let's go together on Sunday. Xiaobao will go too."

The old man is very happy. As a boy, you have to go out and walk around more. What is it like to be locked in a house every day?

Chu Qiao was in the kitchen, watching the old man chatting with the two children. She was very pleased. Although the old man was confused in life, he was very sensible. If it were another old man, he might not be so kind to children who are not related by blood. The old man was very kind to Dabao. Xiaobao is really sincere and treats him like his own grandson.

She cut the fish open and ate it two, the fish head and tail, and the fish bones stewed in soup. There happened to be tofu in the refrigerator. The fish head and tofu soup was very delicious and suitable for all ages.

The fish body was cut into fillets, marinated with seasonings, egg whites, and starch. Chu Qiao went to the jar and took out the sauerkraut she had made. She cut it into pieces and stir-fried it in hot oil. After it became fragrant, add water. Bring to a boil, then add the fish fillets and boil for three minutes.

In order to take care of the old man's taste, Chu Qiao deliberately added more spicy pepper. The spicy smell filled the air and stung his nose.

The old man took a deep breath and said with satisfaction: "This is the taste, Xiao Chu, please cook more rice!"

He wants to eat three big bowls.

"I've cooked a big pot full of it."

Chu Qiao came out with a large pot of pickled fish and put it on the table. It was steaming hot and fragrant. Dabao and Xiaobao were also greedy. They looked at the food eagerly, while Heidou kept wagging his tail and whining, It wants to eat too.

The old man glanced at his son next to him and put his hand into his pocket. It was the elixir he bought at a high price. He would have to find an opportunity to put it in for the bastard soon.

The fish head and tofu soup was ready, and it was also a big bowl full. Chu Qiao fried water spinach with garlic paste and started the meal.

“It smells so good!”

Gu Ye took a breath, gave Chu Qiao a thumbs up, and happily went to the kitchen to get bowls and chopsticks, while the old man was looking for wine. Such a good dish deserves a drink.

"White or beer?"

When the old man was not found, Gu Ye went to the storage room to get wine.

"What's wrong with the beer? The white one, you drink it with me."


Gu Ye agreed, took out a bottle of Wuliangye, poured a glass for the old man, filled it himself, touched it with the old man first, and took a sip.

The old man picked up a piece of fish fillet with chopsticks, put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and then swallowed it. He praised: "This is spicy enough and delicious!"

"Dad, eat more and I will cook it for you next time you catch a big fish." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

The old man couldn't help but feel guilty. He still snatched this big fish from Old Liu, but he couldn't lose his momentum and responded loudly, "Okay, let's catch it next time!"

He also added, "The bigger one is at least ten pounds!"

Gu Ye sneered, bragging doesn't cost anything, the old man's bullshit will go to heaven.

"Grandpa, let's fish together on Sunday. I dig up red earthworms. The fish like to eat them the most." Dabao shouted.

He is also experienced in fishing. There is a kind of thin red earthworm that fish like to eat and they will take the bait quickly.

"Okay, dig more."

The old man was also very happy. He took another sip of wine and ate some peanuts. The food was so delicious that even the gods would not change it, but the medicine in his pocket was a bit hot to the touch.

Halfway through the meal, the old man had an idea and handed the empty rice bowl to Gu Ye, "Put another bowl of rice in."

Gu Ye did not doubt that he was there, and went to the kitchen to fill the meal with the empty bowl. The old man glanced at Chu Qiao, who was lowering his head to eat, and then at Dabao and Xiaobao, both of whom were concentrating on eating.

Now or never.

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