Miss Seven smiled and said: "Through this incident, I understand a truth. Life and death are determined by God. You can't control it. Don't worry too much. If you have a disaster in your life, you will die if you don't have children." ”

Chu Qiao was moved in her heart. Could it be that even if she didn't have children in her previous life, she wouldn't be able to survive?

"I'll think about it carefully."

Chu Qiao decided to think about it again. Miss Qi was right, life and death were determined by destiny, and since God allowed her to be reborn, he couldn't let her die giving birth to a child again, right?

Then there would be no point in her rebirth.

"Give birth to a beautiful child and bring him here to play with."

Miss Seven is looking forward to it. It will be a lot more lively to have a child at home, and Chu Qiao is good-looking, so the child she will give birth to will be very beautiful. She likes beautiful and clean children.

Chu Qiao was a little embarrassed. She hadn't made up her mind yet, and giving birth to a baby was not something that happened overnight. Even if she gave birth tonight, she would not be able to give birth until next year.

She was about to say goodbye and go home to discuss having a baby with Gu Ye, when the phone rang.

It was Niu Taohua who called, and you could hear her shouting through the phone.

"Teacher, Lao Liang is holding a banquet at home, and I took the initiative to take over it. I have no idea what to do with this." Niu Taohua was uneasy and excited at the same time.

This time Lao Liang readily agreed and gave her a lot of money to do something decent. Niu Taohua was a little flattered. Lao Liang seemed to be more enthusiastic than before when he came back this time. The fragrance Chu Qiao gave her was indeed It worked very well. Lao Liang didn't go out at night these days. He stayed with her every day and even praised her for being more beautiful than before.

"Why are you panicking? It's just a banquet. What's Liang Yaozu's attitude like? Tell the truth and don't hide it." Miss Seven asked. .

Niu Taohua said shyly, but did not forget to praise Chu Qiao, "That incense is very effective. Lao Liang stays with me at night."

Miss Sheng Qi glanced at Chu Qiao and knew immediately that it was not a serious fragrance.

"This banquet should be a test for you by Liang Yaozu. You must perform well and make no mistakes." Miss Qi encouraged and asked Niu Taohua to come over.

"I'll make a list for you, and you purchase according to the list."

"I'll come over right now."

Niu Taohua hung up the phone happily, put on her clothes and prepared to go out. She also told Sister Yu, "I'm going out for a while. When the husband comes back, just tell me I'll be back before dinner."


Sister Yu's attitude is more respectful than before, and Niu Taohua's change is obvious. I don't know where she got the guidance from an expert. Niu Taohua's temperament has obviously been sublimated, and her movements are vaguely like a lady.

Moreover, the eldest son's attitude towards Niu Taohua has also changed a lot. He has been sleeping at Niu Taohua's place for the past few days and has not missed a day. It seems that Niu Taohua is going to be favored again. If he can live up to his expectations and has a son, his status will definitely be improved. cut.

After weighing the interests, Sister Yu decided to have a good relationship with Niu Taohua. Even if she couldn't return to Hong Kong City, it would be good to stay inland until she retired. When she got old and couldn't work anymore, she would go back to her hometown to take care of herself and adopt her son. The honest and obedient child will be sent to the mountain in the future.

"Stew a few sea cucumbers in the evening to give Lao Liang some nourishment."

Niu Taohua explained again that Lao Liang has been physically exhausted these days and needs to make up for it.


Sister Yu agreed and glanced at Niu Taohua's belly involuntarily. Somehow, she had a feeling that there might be news this time.

As soon as Niu Taohua left, Boss Liang came back. He was of medium height, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, elegant and elegant. He looked like a university teacher, not a playboy at all.

"Where's Taohua?"

Boss Liang asked Sister Yu that he liked the name Niu Taohua very much. Taozhiyaoyao, burning its flowers. Niu Taohua said this poem to him, which surprised Liang Yaozu. He didn't expect that she still had some ink in her stomach. It should be true during this period. learned something.

Although Liang Yaozu is a playboy, he is quite knowledgeable. He graduated from a prestigious foreign school and holds a master's degree. This diploma is real and not bought with money, so Liang Yaozu is really rich.

He also likes knowledgeable women. When he talked to Niu Taohua in the past, he would lose interest after less than three sentences. He would talk about something, and Niu Taohua would answer something else. It was like a chicken talking to a duck, talking nonsense, which was very boring. If it weren't for this woman's ambition, Liang Yaozu would I won't be with such a vulgar woman.

However, after returning from this trip, Niu Taohua's change was remarkable. From time to time, she could still write a few lines of poetry and speak a few words in English. When she danced with him at night, her level was quite good, and her temperament had also improved significantly.

Every change surprised Liang Yaozu and was a little touched. Niu Taohua worked so hard to study and progress because of him.

This kind of Niu Taohua made Liang Yaozu's heart, which had been silent for many years, start to stir again, as if he had returned to his youthful days, which was a bit interesting.

"My wife went to a friend's place and asked me to stew sea cucumbers. She said she would replenish your body at night, sir." Sister Yu replied respectfully.

"Which friend?"

Liang Yaozu asked casually, thinking he was a cuckold again.

"My wife didn't say, but she said she would be back before dinner."

"Well, let's make some of my wife's favorite dishes tonight."

Liang Yaozu confessed and went to work in the study. Now that the situation in the inland is good, he wants to increase investment, but he is still looking for a partner. It is too difficult to find a reliable partner.

Niu Taohua took the scriptures and came back with a smile on her face. Miss Sheng Qi taught her a lot and asked her to call and ask if she didn't understand anything. Now Niu Taohua felt confident.

She will definitely be able to host this banquet well and make Lao Liang look good.

Sister Yu has already laid out the dishes, and there are several dishes that Niu Taohua likes to eat, such as twice-cooked pork and boiled fish. Niu Taohua is a Sichuan girl and loves spicy food, but Liang Yaozu doesn't eat spicy food, so she always accommodates Liang Yaozu.

"Sister Yu, how do you cook spicy food? Get out now!"

Niu Taohua scolded unhappily, Liang Yaozu himself doesn't eat spicy food, and he doesn't like spicy dishes on the dinner table, so every time Liang Yaozu comes over, the dinner table is very light without any chili pepper.

"Young Master asked me to do it." Sister Yu said with a smile.

Just as Liang Yaozu came downstairs, he said calmly: "Don't you like to eat? There's no need to withdraw."

Niu Taohua was very touched, and she was even more surprised. The hard work these days had paid off, and Lao Liang was much better to her than before. If she could have another son, maybe she could really become a serious Mrs. Liang.

"you are so kind to me."

The moved look on Niu Taohua's face made Liang Yaozu laugh and cry, but he was also a little emotional. His latest love, that Hong Kong girl, was pretty, but she was very arrogant and greedy. He bought that woman a mansion and gave her gifts Countless jewelry did not satisfy this woman, and she would ask for money from time to time.

Speaking of which, he dated so many women. Niu Taohua spent the least money, but she contributed the most. At least she gave him a son.

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