Chu Qiao wanted to leave, but when she heard these words, her heart skipped a beat. She also thought of Gu Ye's abnormality a few days ago, so she stopped and wanted to hear what was going on.

"Something is indeed wrong. Ah Hu's eyes are all red. He didn't look down on Hei Niu and Ah Hua before. Why isn't he picky about food today?"

"You must have eaten something. Old Liu, what did you give Ahu to eat?"

After the play was over, everyone began to analyze the case. It was very obvious that something was wrong with Ahu, even a fool could see it.

Ahu was exhausted and paralyzed. He lay on the ground and stuck out his tongue. The medicine had worn off. At this moment, he was very upset because he had done those things with the ugly monsters and he was no longer clean.

Hei Niu, Ah Hua and the others went to lick Ah Hu, but Ah Hu glared away fiercely. This was just this one time, and it would never happen again.

"I haven't eaten anything. I just stewed the bones and haven't eaten them yet."

Old Liu also couldn't understand why he went crazy when he was so good.

However, Mr. Gu's heart skipped a beat as he thought of one thing. Does Ahu's behavior look similar to that of Bunny the other day?

But Ahu didn't have the chance to take the elixir, so it was probably just a coincidence.

There was another noise in the distance, and several aunts ran over and shouted: "It's terrible, those wild cats have gone crazy, screaming like ghosts on the roof, and doing shameful things."

"What's going on?"

The old men immediately became interested, leaving Ahu, Ahua and the others to watch cat movies.

Chu Qiao thought for a while and followed. The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong and she needed to figure it out.

Soon we arrived at the crime scene, which was the roof of Lao Liu's house. Lao Liu was very fond of small animals. In addition to the Ahu and a big raccoon cat raised at home, he also often fed stray cats and dogs, so those stray cats I always like to lie on the roof of Old Liu’s house to bask in the sun, it’s very relaxing.

At this moment, the stray cats that should have been basking in the sun leisurely became a mess, screaming heart-breakingly, and the cat's claws turned into phantoms, making it difficult to see clearly.

The cat hair was also flying in the sky, which made Lao Liu feel distressed. If the beating continued like this, the cat would probably die.

"Stop fighting, hey, what are you doing? Didn't we still love each other yesterday?"

Lao Liu loudly tried to stop the fight. Based on his decades of experience in raising pets, he determined that these cats were fighting for their mates. There were too many males and too few females. There were too many monks and too little food, so the war started. .

"Hurry up and find some female cats. If the trouble continues, something will happen."

Lao Liu hurriedly went to find the female cat, and others also helped to find a solution. These stray cats were fed by the elderly in the compound. In fact, they were just like domesticated cats. They would feel distressed if something happened to them.

It didn't take long for the female cats to come. Although the female cats were not very happy, they couldn't stand the menacing attacks of the male cats. Soon the war subsided and everyone quietly looked up and watched cat movies.

Chu Qiao felt even more weird. She was very sure that these cats, as well as Ahu, had definitely taken the wrong medicine.

"Something's wrong. This cat and Ahu look like they've taken medicine? Last time my Xiaoye..."

Mr. Gu couldn't help but complain to Lao Liu. The two were biting their ears, but they didn't realize that their daughter-in-law was standing behind them and heard all the whispers of the two old men.

"Xiaoye took that medicine last time, and he was just like Ahu. Oh, the monkey was very anxious. Old Liu, did you give that medicine to Ahu?" the old man asked in a low voice.

Old Liu said angrily: "That medicine costs five yuan a piece, which is more expensive than a big bone. Is it enough for me to eat enough?"

The old man is right when he thinks about it. Old Liu is so stingy that he will definitely be reluctant to let go.

The two of them chatted obliviously, unaware that Chu Qiao's face behind them was getting more and more ugly.

If it weren't for the old father-in-law in front of him, Chu Qiao would have really wanted to slap him in the face. He was so dishonest that he wouldn't be embarrassed if he even told people outside about what happened in his son's room.

Chu Qiao didn't scare the snake. She couldn't afford to lose face, so she left with a sullen face. The matter was not over yet.

Lin Yulan was still watching TV. When she saw her daughter-in-law's face looking ugly, her heart skipped a beat. She thought the young couple had quarreled, so she asked with an apologetic smile: "Qiaoqiao fried the twists."

"Well, bring it here for you and dad to eat."

Chu Qiao forced a smile, and she didn't know if Lin Yulan knew about this.

"Mom, Dad just told people outside that he got some medicine for Gu Ye to take. Do you know about this?" Chu Qiao asked calmly, simply asking directly, there is no need to hold it back.

Lin Yulan's face changed greatly, and she secretly scolded the old man for being dishonest. The whole world knew about this idea of ​​medicine, and even her daughter-in-law heard it.

"Is this happening? I...I don't know. Maybe your dad wants to get some tonic."

Lin Yulan was not good at lying, she stammered, and did not dare to look at Chu Qiao, her eyes flickering.

Chu Qiao sneered and said it bluntly, "Mom, dad gave Gu Ye medicine, how could he do such a thing? What if something goes wrong with the medicine? Even if the medicine is fine, how can he, an old man, be so kind to everyone? He is not shy about talking about what happened in his son’s room, but I still want to be embarrassed!”

"No, Qiaoqiao, your dad is not this kind of person."

Lin Yulan cursed the old man in her stomach and had to say good things for her husband.

"I heard everything just now. I couldn't even say what Dad and Uncle Liu said."

Chu Qiao was angry and ashamed. In fact, she was even more angry because the old man gave Gu Ye medicines indiscriminately. Who knew what the medicines outside were made of? Who would be responsible if something goes wrong after taking them?

Even if the old man wants to have a grandson, this is going too far and disrespecting her and Gu Ye at all. What is the difference between this and breeding pigs for a production team?

"Mom, I'm really angry. You must know those medicines. Where did Dad put them?"

Lin Yulan was even more panicked. Her daughter-in-law was usually very talkative, but today she lost her temper for the first time. But Chu Qiao was not to blame for this, it was indeed the old man who went too far.

"Qiaoqiao, don't be angry. I have already scolded your father. I have also replaced those medicines with tangerine peel pills. Look, they are all here."

Lin Yulan opened the drawer and showed Chu Qiao her masterpiece. The small paper bag was full of dark tangerine peel pills. Chu Qiao took one and tasted it. It was sour and sweet, and it was indeed tangerine peel pills.

"Where are the medicines?"

"Throw it all away."

Lin Yulan pointed out the window.

Chu Qiao went to the back to look for medicine. This was evidence of crime. She wanted to use it to testify against the old man, but after searching for a long time, she didn't see a single medicine. Lin Yulan said to herself in confusion, "Hey, where have they all gone? I obviously Throw it here."

"When did you throw it away?"

Chu Qiao's mind moved and she thought of a possibility.

"It's only an hour. I just watched an episode of TV. I threw it away and watched it. It can only be an hour at most." Lin Yulan said with certainty.

Chu Qiao's mouth twitched as she solved the case.

Ahu and those stray cats are crazy because they took these pills.

The old man's song rang out in the yard, "Get up, those who don't want to be slaves..."

Lin Yulan's face darkened. This old guy still had the nerve to come back and make his daughter-in-law angry.

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