"Teacher, just tell the truth. Don't worry. It's not like you don't know that I'm stupid."

After waiting for a long time, Miss Qi didn't even wait for Miss Qi to say, Niu Taohua urged impatiently, that brain-intensive work was not suitable for her at all. . .

Miss Seven rolled her eyes in disgust, then looked at Chu Qiao, gesturing for her to express her thoughts.

In fact, this is Miss Seven's intention to train Chu Qiao and Niu Taohua. As rich wives, beauty and talent alone are not enough. What is more needed is the means to deal with the disputes in the back house.

Don't think that only men's world is cruel. Women's world is actually more bloody. There is no poison in a man's heart, but the most poisonous thing is a woman's heart. Miss Qi never feels that this sentence is exaggerated.

Because she had seen the troubles of her grandfather and her father's uncles since she was a child, but there was no smoke, but there was a lot of blood, especially in the era when she was born, the difference between concubines and concubines was not that big, and the status of aunts and wives was also higher, especially They are the aunts and wives who are favored and supported by the master, and their arrogance is even more arrogant than the main wife.

Unlike in ancient times, the status of concubines was only slightly higher than that of slaves, and even lower than that of some servants. As mentioned in playbooks, spoiling concubines and destroying wives was just an act in the play. In real ancient times, concubines were The principal wife's subordinates work cautiously to make ends meet. Even which room the master goes to sleep in at night has to be arranged by the principal wife. The concubine's life is all in the hands of the principal wife.

As long as the head wife who has the power of life and death for the concubine is not a fool, she will not be allowed to show off her power by the concubine. The status of the head wife in ancient times was much higher than that of her time.

Miss Seven sighed softly and picked up the cup to drink coffee. The era she was born in was the transition between the old and the new. Men were clamoring for democracy and abandoning the dross of feudalism. In particular, some literati were shouting for the best. The slogan of democracy is to implement the most unlimited low-level work.

For example, she knew a poet who was a famous romantic and talented man at that time. His family background was also very good, and his wife was a perfect match for him. However, the poet went abroad to study and did not learn serious things. Instead, he learned how to divorce. He never came back, so he wrote in the newspaper He published a divorce statement on the Internet, saying that he wanted to eliminate the feudal dross and oppose arranged marriages.

The poor first wife was still pregnant and was divorced inexplicably. Fortunately, the first wife had an excellent brother who supported her and provided for her to study abroad. Otherwise, the first wife would most likely have died. .

Miss Seven was still very young at that time, and she only knew that many women around her were divorced for no reason. Their parents' families felt that they were embarrassed, and their husband's family couldn't keep them. With no other way out, these real wives had no choice but to die to prove their innocence.

[I'm going too far. The author will be very angry when he thinks about the era of the Republic of China. Although many great writers emerged in the Republic of China and a hundred flowers bloomed, which is a colorful period in the history of literature, when it comes to marriage, there are really many scumbag men in the Republic of China. 】

Although Miss Seven's father has not divorced his wife, his relationship with her mother is as good as ice. The one he loves most is a concubine who was born in an opera. She is so charming and charming that her father is fascinated and obeys the concubine's words. .

This concubine is very ambitious and wants to replace her mother and become the royal wife. Of course, her mother is not a soft persimmon. Although she does not have the favor of her husband, her mother has strong support from her natal family and a generous dowry. Moreover, her mother also has I gave birth to three brothers, all of whom were very promising.

You have a natal family, money, and a son. Even if you don’t have a husband to love you, what do you have to fear?

What's more, her mother had some tricks up her sleeve. The concubine was useless except for seducing men. Within a few rounds, she was completely defeated by her mother.

Miss Seven remembered very clearly that her mother only used a small trick to find a younger, more beautiful and more charming woman to be her father's fourth aunt. Within a few days, her father was taken over by this new fourth aunt. It’s so seductive that I can’t tell the difference between east, west and north. How can I still remember my third aunt who I loved in every possible way before?

The third concubine who lost her favor was worse than an eagle with broken wings. The servants all obeyed her mother and made every possible effort to make things difficult for her in private. The third concubine's life was miserable and she could not even drink hot water. She was only half a year old. , the third concubine, who was more charming than a flower, withered away, her face was haggard, and she was very old. One day, her father remembered his former favorite and went to look for the third concubine with great interest. However, he returned disappointed and never went there again. .

Miss Qi couldn't remember exactly what happened to this third concubine. She only remembered that she never saw this woman again.

Maybe he's dead?

After all, her mother had always been merciless to concubines, especially those charming bitches who tried to replace her mother's position. The end would not be good.

Miss Seven took another sip of coffee and recovered from the past. Everyone in the inland is equal. This kind of back-house method will not be used for the time being, but it does not mean that it will not be needed in the future.

At most, in a few decades, when the economy improves, men will return to their true nature and start spending time, drinking, and hugging each other.

How can a man with money be willing to have only one woman?

There may be good men who stick with you forever, but there are too few.

Miss Seven feels that instead of expecting a man to stay together, it is better to learn how to fight in the house to protect oneself early. Even if a man really falls in love with someone else and ends up having fun outside, a woman must at least learn to keep her property.

As long as the property is in hand, it doesn't matter if a man marries an eighteen-bedroom concubine.

That's why she trained Niu Taohua and Chu Qiao.

The former is to deal with Tang Xuemei, while the latter is to love Wujiwu.

Chu Qiao understood what Miss Seventh meant and thought very seriously. Miss Seven did not rush her and drank her coffee slowly. Niu Taohua did not dare to say anything and sat cautiously.

"I think the best gift would be for Taohua to get pregnant and attend the birthday banquet as the future Mrs. Liang with a big belly. That old witch has never liked Taohua, so it would be fun to slap her in the face like this!"

Chu Qiao spoke slowly, observing the changes in Miss Seven's expression as she spoke. However, Miss Seven's face was calm and there was no sign of movement, which made Chu Qiao feel uneasy and not sure if what she said was right.

"anything else?"

Miss Seven asked calmly.

Chu Qiao swallowed her saliva, and then said: "Pregnancy is mostly a matter of God's will. Taohua's belly may not be able to conceive."

Niu Taohua curled her lips. She didn't like hearing this. She was very ambitious. Anyway, she was more ambitious than Chu Qiao. She was an instant success back then, but she has been lagging behind in the past few years. Unlike Chu Qiao, she was not like Chu Qiao. I haven't even farted so far.

Chu Qiao said the second plan, "If Taohua is not pregnant, she will also have to attend the birthday banquet. Together with Liang Yaozu and her son, the family of three will show up at the old witch's seventieth birthday. They will definitely beat her hard. The face of a witch.”

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