"Then give me the whitening cream she uses." Mrs. Liu requested.

"Sister Liu, that's not possible. Everyone's skin is different. You will have skin problems if you use it. In fact, sister Liu, your skin has improved a lot recently. Look how white and tender it is. I remember when I first met Sister Liu, Your face is still a little yellow."

Chu Qiao vaguely reminded Mrs. Liu not to be too pushy. A woman in her forties could only have the skin condition she has now.

You can't become like an eighteen-year-old girl, right?

You have to have a facelift and get injections, but they are only temporary. The butcher's knife of time is ruthless to everyone. It is best to obey the arrangements of time and grow old gracefully.

Liu Taiyu choked and felt a little embarrassed. She was too impulsive just now and took out her anger on Chu Qiao. Now her condition is indeed much better than before. She can clearly feel it when she looks in the mirror. These are all Chu Qiao's. of credit.

Besides, she is almost a grandmother. Compared with Niu Taohua, a woman in her twenties, there is nothing comparable.

Moreover, she also has three sons, whose status is as stable as Mount Tai. Niu Taohua, a shady mistress, has no way to compare with her.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu calmed down instantly and said with a smile: "It's indeed a lot better, and it's all thanks to you, Xiao Chu."

"No, the main thing is that Sister Liu, you have a good foundation. You can look beautiful with a little bit of polish." Chu Qiao complimented, making Mrs. Liu very happy.

Chu Qiao deliberately brought the topic to Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Liu was very good at talking and talked about Mrs. Wang very cooperatively, "She has a good family background. Her maiden name is Yan. Before liberation, she was from a wealthy family in Shanghai. She ran a publishing house. Yes, the largest publishing house in Hong Kong City belongs to her family."

"Hua Lei Publishing House?"

Chu Qiao's heart was beating very fast. She didn't expect Mrs. Wang's family background to be so powerful. .

"This is it. Anyway, it has a pretty big background. Mrs. Wang herself is also very good. She used to be a reporter, but now she is a writer. She is a famous and talented woman in Hong Kong. She has written books and made movies."

Mrs. Liu spoke with great reverence, and she envied Mrs. Wang from the bottom of her heart. She was the real lady of the world, hundreds of times better than that woman Niu Taohua.

A name flashed in Chu Qiao's mind and she blurted out, "Yan Fenghua?"

"Yes, do you know Mrs. Wang?"

Mrs. Liu was surprised. She hadn't mentioned Mrs. Wang's maiden name yet, but she quickly figured out that she must have heard it from Niu Taohua.

"I heard Mrs. Liang mention it once, saying that Yan Fenghua is a famous female writer in Hong Kong City. I guessed it was Mrs. Wang. She is really amazing and has written so many wonderful books."

Chu Qiao blamed Niu Taohua. In fact, she had read Yan Fenghua's books in her previous life. This Yan Fenghua specialized in romance novels about the grievances of wealthy families, and many of them were metaphors for wealthy families in Hong Kong. She revealed many secrets, so her books were very popular.

Common people are very interested in the life of rich families. The books written by Yan Fenghua just satisfy the common people's curiosity and sell very well. Several of them have been made into TV series, and Chu Qiao especially likes to read them.

"How about calling me a talented woman? This is what I call a strong woman. She can hold up half the sky without relying on a man. When she came to Shanghai this time, Mrs. Wang was also invited by a publishing house here. It seems that her book will be published here. Publishing, here to negotiate the contract."

Mrs. Liu sighed with emotion, and then said: "Those wealthy families are the ones who really know how to raise daughters. The children they raise are more successful than ordinary families."

"This family has a family background of several generations. The family background is rich and solid. Of course, ordinary people cannot compare with it. Sister Liu, if you raise your sons and grandsons well, you will also be a wealthy family in the future." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

Sister Liu was very excited, but she still spoke modestly, "A big family doesn't dare to think about it. As long as I am not richer than three generations, I will be satisfied. But I must train my grandson well. My three sons can't study well, so I hope that my grandson can." There’s a future.”

"There must be something promising. We didn't have the conditions before, but now we have the conditions. We invite top students from Tsinghua University and Peking University to be our tutors and give them one-on-one tutoring. Are we still afraid that we won't be famous after our studies?"

"Yes, the top students from Qingdao and Peking University are just like the top picks in the past. With the guidance of top picks, no matter how bad they are, they still have to be top picks, right? Oh, now I am looking forward to my son getting married soon and giving me grandchildren. I must do a good job. Nurture them!”

Mrs. Liu was so excited when she was told that she wished she could have a grandchild now. She hired a teacher to teach every subject, as well as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, fencing and horseback riding. All the young men in Hong Kong City learned this. Her grandson cannot be left behind.

You must be proficient in at least six foreign languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian. You don’t need to bring a translator when you go out to do business, and you won’t be deceived. Mrs. Liu imagined in her heart that her grandson would look like an elite, and she almost Laugh out loud.

Chu Qiao was secretly amused, but she was also quite emotional. As expected, it will become increasingly difficult for poor families to produce noble sons in the future. Rich people are now beginning to seize resources. If children from poor families are not geniuses, it will be really difficult for them to survive with limited resources. The children of wealthy families compete.

Therefore, she must work hard to make money and not let Dabao, Xiaobao, and her children lose because they have no money.

After chatting with Mrs. Liu for a long time, Chu Qiao felt at ease. Mrs. Wang has been very busy in recent days. The local publishing house is very enthusiastic and has arranged many activities. Mrs. Wang is so kind that it is difficult to refuse, and her daily schedule is full. , naturally I couldn’t spare the time to find Chu Qiao.

Chu Qiao was no longer in a hurry and waited patiently for Mrs. Wang's activity to end.

June will soon arrive, and it’s already summer in Shanghai. Mosquitoes and flies are coming out to make trouble. You have to light mosquito coils during the day. Xuan Hongxia grows vegetables downstairs. Although they are lush and beautiful, there are really a lot of mosquitoes.

Fortunately, the windows were screened, which blocked a lot of mosquitoes, but there were always a lot of mosquitoes that slipped through the screen. Chu Qiao hated mosquitoes. If a mosquito buzzed around her house, she would be upset. I couldn't even sleep well, so I simply burned mosquito coils from morning to night to feel safer.

Gu Ye is very busy every day. He leaves early and comes back late. Xu Sanqiang and the others are also very busy. Until now, the four of them still haven't sold a single machine tool. If Gu Ye hadn't always encouraged them, the four of them would have given up.

On this day, Gu Ye called home and asked Chu Qiao to prepare dinner, saying that he wanted to celebrate Xu Sanqiang.

"Old Xu has an idea, Qiaoqiao, please cook more good dishes, and they will all come for dinner tonight." Gu Ye was very happy.

Although he encouraged his brothers every day, he was also worried. He even doubted whether he had asked his brothers to sell machine tools. Was he wrong?

Several months have passed and all the brothers have sold one. Are the four brothers really not suitable for sales?

Fortunately, there is good news now. Gu Ye is happier than Xu Sanqiang. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as there is a good start, things will definitely get better and better in the future.

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