Chu Qiao didn't think that Xiaobao would turn into a sissy if he liked beautiful things. Although Xiaobao in his previous life was not a mighty man, he was not a sissy either, and his physical attributes were perfectly fine.

Of course, Han Shizhong's concerns are correct. After all, at this time, there are not so many parenting books. The basic principles for ordinary people to raise children are -

A stick produces a filial son!

On the basis of filial piety, men must be masculine and responsible, while women must manage the household well, be gentle and virtuous. . .

This is the simple child-rearing concept of the Chinese people now. There is no concept of being poor and being rich. They just raise their children based on the principle of eating a lot, drinking a lot, and having a lot of sticks. Then, a man cannot become a sissy, like putting on red lips. Drawing eyebrows and applying powder on the face. If these things appeared on boys today, they would definitely be beaten to disability by the elders in the family.

I would rather cripple this child than let him go out and embarrass his ancestors.

The same goes for girls. If they smoke, drink, fight, curse, slam the table, are lazy and don't know how to do anything, and have a big temper, they will be slapped hard by their elders.

In the previous life, Chu Qiao met many girls. Of course they were good-looking, but they were not as beautiful as they were beautiful, and their academic qualifications were passable. After all, nine out of ten people on the street will go to universities.

The family background is average, the ability is even more average, and the salary is only three to four thousand, or even two to three thousand, but the girls are not petty, shouting every day, "This girl is responsible for being beautiful and beautiful, and the man is responsible for making money to support the family", which means getting married. After that, women no longer did anything, and men not only had to make money, but also take care of the housework, and they also had to coax the wives who were in a bad mood at any time.

As for having children, it also depends on the mood of the woman. She keeps saying that she is a feminist. In order to improve the status of women, Chu Qiao feels that it is just nonsense. Women who say such things have really lost all their rights as women. Face.

Equality between men and women is not achieved by temper, but by ability. If a man can do it, a woman can do it with hard work. A man can be the president, and a woman can be the head of state. A man can be the richest man, and the same goes for women. If you can be an astronaut, a woman can go to heaven.

This is true feminism.

[Again, I’m going too far. The main reason is that there are too many negative energy about female boxing on the Internet. The author is a woman, but I am disgusted by some women who say, I have married you and given birth to your child, and you have to make money to support me. Housework is what should be done. It is indeed hard for women to have children and deserves everyone's respect. Men should pity women's difficulty in giving birth, but this is not a reason for women to put on airs. After forming a family, men and women share the responsibility of raising children and housework. , repay the mortgage together, discuss problems together, when one is sick, the other takes good care of him, respecting each other, understanding each other, and being considerate to each other is the true equality between men and women. This is the author’s understanding, please don’t criticize]

Chu Qiao feels that although the current parenting philosophy is simple, it is very practical. At least it is more pleasing to the eyes than the group of young girls on TV who paint their eyebrows and lips, cannot distinguish their gender, and scream "mum da".

However, some ideas are also wrong. For example, Xiaobao likes dolls, and Han Shizhong and others thought wrong. As long as parents guide them correctly, there is no problem for Xiaobao to play with dolls.

When Han Shizhong and others heard that it was researched by foreign scientists, they believed it a little more. After all, foreigners were still very high-ranking in the hearts of the Chinese people at this time. As long as a product has English letters, it can be sold for a lot more money.

"Is this really what the foreign scientists said?"

Chu Qiao nodded and said solemnly: "Of course, boys are allowed to play with dolls over there. Why can't Xiaobao play with them?"

"Won't you become a second chair (sissy)?"

Xu Sanqiang was still a little worried, and Han Shizhong and the others had the same idea.

Chu Qiao smiled and comforted: "Of course not. The environment in which a child grows up is the most important. Xiaobao plays with you every day, so he must be influenced by you. You and Gu Ye are both handsome and masculine. How could Xiaobao possibly It’s absolutely impossible to become a sissy.”

Gu Ye, Xu Sanqiang and the others straightened their backs involuntarily, with a hint of pride in their expressions, completely dispelling their doubts. This was absolutely correct. Playing with these mighty and majestic men every day would definitely not make them second-rate.

"The younger siblings are still highly educated and knowledgeable. I will also buy toy guns for the two girls to play with in the future. The little girls can't be too soft-tempered." Han Shizhong was moved by what he said.

The younger daughter is okay, courageous and cheerful, but the eldest daughter has become introverted and timid after her ear piercing accident. Han Shizhong is worried that the eldest daughter will be bullied when she grows up, so he wants to try to follow foreign methods. Can you exercise the courage of the eldest daughter?

Even if you don't get married in the future, living in a girl's family must be bold and not afraid of trouble, otherwise you will be bullied to death.

Chu Qiao agreed very much and suggested: "When things stabilize here, we can take over my sister-in-law and the two children and let the children go to school in Shanghai. You can also let the girl practice some boxing and kicking kung fu. There are many bad people in the society now, so the girl's family should practice martial arts." Can protect itself.”

She heard from Gu Ye what happened to Han Shizhong's eldest daughter. She was a very pitiful little girl who was fine when she was born. She was injured by a quack doctor and she didn't know if she could be cured.

She pointed at Dabao and said, "You can practice with Dabao in the future. Dabao's master is pretty good."

Gu Ye found a martial arts master for Dabao. He practiced Sanda and won many awards internationally. His surname was Jiang, he was in his forties, single, had a daughter, and was a teacher at a sports school. He had several apprentices privately, and his personality was very good. Very generous.

He is also very attentive in teaching his children. Dabao has been learning from Master Jiang for almost a month. He is very energetic. He doesn’t have to worry about wild barking every morning. He gets up at 5:30 to practice martial arts. He doesn’t stay in bed on weekends because Master Jiang said that people who practice martial arts , you must never sleep in, you must practice basic skills day after day.

Han Shizhong was even more excited. If the eldest daughter knew kung fu, he would feel relieved even if he closed his eyes. She would definitely not be bullied.

"This is a good idea. When I make money, I will take over the three of them."

After Han Shizhong finished speaking, his expression became gloomy. So far, he has not sold a single machine tool, and he still doesn't know how much money he can make in the year of the monkey.

Gu Ye immediately said: "Lao Xu has made a good start and will definitely get smoother in the future. I think the three of you will be close to it. I am a man of words and I will never make a mistake."

"Haha, I'm borrowing your good words, let's go!"

Han Shizhong quickly cheered up and could not be discouraged. He also felt that good times were coming soon.

He was the oldest, with average abilities, and even less eloquence, but he could endure hardship. Factory after factory came to sell him door to door, but he couldn't believe that no one would buy it. Han Shizhong decided to use a stupid method to sell machine tools.

Everyone clinked glasses and shared what they had encountered recently when selling machine tools. Baofushan was the least talkative and always listened to what others said. He only said a few words when asked, "I'm conducting an investigation. After I find out the situation, there should be no problem." ”

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