"It's important to save people!"

Miss Seven said she understood.

Chu Qiao didn't go to the bank to withdraw money. The beauty salon was busy, so she took a thousand yuan and rushed to the hospital. Xu Sanqiang was waiting for her at the door of the hospital.

"Is Aunt Qian okay? Has she been rescued?"

Chu Qiao was worried all the way, fearing that Aunt Qian couldn't save her, and Liu Jin would be in trouble. There was no surveillance now, and no one saw her on the road. What if Aunt Qian's children were in trouble? What to do with this unfortunate child?

"We are still rescuing him, but I don't know how he is doing."

Chu Qiao frowned. It took such a long time to rescue her. It seemed to be serious. She hoped she would be safe.

Fortunately, shortly after paying the money, the doctor came out and said that Aunt Qian had successfully escaped.

"The patient has a heart disease. It's best not to go out in weather like this. It's easy to get into trouble. You have to control your emotions..."

The doctor gave a lot of instructions. He thought Chu Qiao and the others were the children of the patients.

Aunt Qian went to the ward and was still unconscious. Chu Qiao wanted to ask for her children's contact information, but she had no choice but to give up.

"Let's ask after aunt wakes up. Have you eaten?"

Chu Qiao looked at Xu Sanqiang and Qian Liujin and asked, wondering in her heart. Xu Sanqiang didn't look like he was happy about signing the contract, but rather like he had made a loss-making deal. Could it be that the contract was not signed?

"I didn't have time to eat." Xu Sanqiang said dullly.

He suffered a severe blow in the morning. He sat alone in the park in a daze, and bought some peanuts and Erguotou. He wanted to go back to the dormitory and drink to drown his sorrows. As soon as he ate some peanuts, he received a call from Qian Liujin. How could he Time to eat.

Qian Liujin touched his belly and said, "I had a lunch box of spring rolls. My aunt brought them to me."

But now he is hungry again. That lunch box of spring rolls is not enough to keep him hungry. He can eat three boxes.

He received a slap on the head so hard that his head was buzzing.

Xu Sanqiang took back his hand and cursed: "One box of spring rolls will make you a fortune of a thousand yuan, maybe more than a thousand yuan. Are these spring rolls of yours made of gold?"

This is called losing big due to small things, and suffering big losses due to greed for small advantages. This is what we are talking about.

Qian Liujin bared his teeth, which hurt him to death.

"Anyway, I can't just die without saving you!"

Qian Liujin has no regrets. Even if a stranger doesn't give him spring rolls, he can't ignore them lying on the road. People's hearts are hot, not ice, so how can they stand idly by?

Chu Qiao consoled her: "I don't know what happened now. I only found out after Aunt Qian's children contacted her. No matter what, saving people is a good deed and a good thing."

Qian Liujin grinned and squinted at Xu Sanqiang. Xu Sanqiang snorted and turned his head, not bothering to answer.

Chu Qiao then said: "Liu Jin, you will have to be more discerning in the future. Not all poor people should be saved. Some people deliberately mistreat people and deceive them. Your brother Xu is also worried that you will be deceived."

Xu Sanqiang's face brightened slightly. Chu Qiao's words spoke to his heart. This was not the first time Liu Jin had been deceived. If someone fell into a trap once, he would definitely avoid it next time. However, this idiot fell into the same trap. After falling three times, he was able to jump in again but couldn't pull it away.

"I know."

Qian Liujin nodded. He knew that Brother Xu and his sister-in-law were talking about him for his own good.

But when he saw the poor people, he couldn't help but want to help. He did encounter liars, but he didn't regret it. After all, some of them were really poor people. Five times out of ten, it was true, so it was worth it.

If you stop helping others because you were deceived once, what will the really poor people do?

It was getting dark and Aunt Qian hadn't woken up yet. The doctor said she would not wake up completely until tomorrow and that she would need to be accompanied by her family members. Qian Liujin said that he would be watching over her at the hospital.

Gu Ye also came to the hospital and didn't say anything about what Qian Liujin did. Saving people was a good thing and he couldn't blame him. He was more concerned about Xu Sanqiang's contract. He went to the office to ask, but Xu Sanqiang didn't get the sales back. contract.

They went to a restaurant near the hospital to eat. Dabao and Xiaobao went to Xuan Hongxia's place to eat, but they were not hungry.

After ordering the food, Qian Liujin and Xu Sanqiang started to eat hungrily. Their stomachs were already hungry, but Gu Ye was not in the mood. Halfway through the meal, he asked, "You didn't sign the contract?"

Xu Sanqiang stopped pulling the rice with his chopsticks, his expression turned bitter, he nodded and continued eating, but the braised pork had no taste anymore, it was like chewing wax.

"What's going on? Has it been rescheduled?"

Gu Ye raised his voice, worried for his brother.

Xu Sanqiang felt even more bitter and stopped eating. He put down his bowl and chopsticks and said bitterly: "It's yellow."

"Why is it so bad? Didn't you agree to buy 20 units? Could it be that we can't agree on the price? What price did you offer?"

A series of questions made Xu Sanqiang feel as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis. Chu Qiao could tell something was wrong, and gently poked Gu Ye under the table to tell him not to push him so hastily.

Gu Ye also came back to his senses. He was really too anxious just now, so he lowered his voice and asked: "What is going on? Come and listen, and we can analyze it together."

Xu Sanqiang looked around. The restaurant was full of people and he couldn't open his mouth.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Xu Sanqiang was hesitant. Even if he was beaten to death, he would not talk about this embarrassing matter outside.

Gu Ye's anger surged up again. It wasn't something shameful, so what were you doing?

Chu Qiao stabbed him hard and winked at him. Gu Ye suppressed his anger and listened to his wife and asked this boy again when he went back.

“Don’t talk about work when eating, is the food enough?”

Chu Qiao changed the topic. In fact, she had already guessed that because Xu Sanqiang was so embarrassed to talk about it, it was probably Boss Mao who made unreasonable demands, but Xu Sanqiang didn't agree, so the contract was ruined.

She was absolutely right.


Qian Liujin nodded while eating, and then went to add a large bowl of rice. He pressed it several times with the shovel, and it came out sharp. This was already the third time. The restaurant owner looked over to them frequently, but he hesitated to speak. He looks like he's probably feeling sorry for him.

Additional meals are free, and for six kilograms of food, this table of dishes has paid for itself.

After eating, Qian Liujin went back to the hospital, and Gu Ye and the others went back to the machine tool factory.

"Take this money and go to the restaurant to eat tomorrow morning."

Chu Qiao gave Qian Liujin some money and she would come back tomorrow morning.

Along the way, Xu Sanqiang was silent, not joking like before. Gu Ye also noticed that something was wrong, so he comforted him: "It's normal that the contract was not signed. There will be orders in the future, so don't be discouraged."

Xu Sanqiang let out a long sigh. He was not discouraged now, but he couldn't figure out what he felt in his heart.

Anger, regret, shame, frustration... there are all kinds of feelings, but there is no happiness.

As soon as she got home, Chu Qiao made tea and waited for Xu Sanqiang to tell her. She also sent the big and small babies downstairs to play. Children should not hear this kind of thing.

Xu Sanqiang sighed several times in succession, which made Gu Ye get angry several times, but he held it back, gritting his teeth and holding the teacup, with a constipated expression on his face.

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