80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 556: Turn on the air conditioner and wear the mink

Chu Qiao thought for a moment and then inquired: "Aside from young men, what else does Boss Mao like?"

Xu Sanqiang's face turned red and he replied: "I like to show off. I have to show off when I buy expensive things. I even wear mink when the air conditioner is turned on on a hot day."

Chu Qiao twitched the corner of her mouth and turned on the air conditioner to wear the mink. It was really creative.

Xu Sanqiang added: "This old lady also started from scratch. She endured a lot of hardships when she was young. She stayed in Beidahuang for six years and set up a street stall after returning to the city. She said that she almost died several times before she earned this family business. She also has a factory in the south and has invested in hotels, so she is quite wealthy. "

Although he disliked this old lady for coveting him, Xu Sanqiang still admired it. It was really not easy for a woman to create such a big industry with nothing.

"She's not married?" Chu Qiao asked with interest.

"Married, divorced, had a son, but never married again."

Chu Qiao knew it by heart. A self-made single rich woman with good face and pretty face can all understand, "Fu Nuansi**, after all the hardships, what's wrong with having money and enjoying it?"

Of course, Xu Sanqiang cannot be made to give in, so he will take another path.

"Boss Mao has a good reputation and is easy to handle. I think there is still hope for this business. Brother Xu, if you do this, go to Boss Mao tomorrow and tell her this..."

Chu Qiao told her method. Gu Ye and Xu Sanqiang were both shocked and said in unison: "Is this possible?"

Why do you think it's unreliable?

Writing a book can get that old woman to buy twenty machine tools?

A business worth over one million yuan!

"As long as Boss Mao likes his name, it will work. Let's give it a try. The worst result is that he doesn't agree. It's no different from now, but what if someone agrees!"

Chu Qiao is still a little sure. Many of the rich generation, after becoming successful, like to create a cultural atmosphere. They ask people to write about their legendary and great entrepreneurial deeds, and then use their own pockets to publish them and distribute them in their circle of friends. Everyone has a copy. That kind of achievement. The feeling is much more fulfilling than buying luxury goods.

Many rich people in Hong Kong City do this, because their entrepreneurial process when they were young was somewhat stained with gray. There are a lot of rumors in the public, which are actually harmless, but becoming famous will give you face, which is strange to hear. of.

So these rich people spend a lot of money to hire writers to write their biographies, gilding themselves, and writing about people with noble moral character. Their success is all due to their diligence and hard work. This is quite effective. Over time, those people The bad rumors disappear.

No one has done this in the inland area, but it will become popular in the future. Chu Qiao wanted to use this method to seduce Boss Mao, but if it didn't work, forget it.

Xu Sanqiang thought about it and it was right. There was nothing wrong with trying it. He just felt a little uncomfortable about seeing that old woman again.

Chu Qiao saw what he was thinking and advised: "You will definitely meet people like Boss Mao again in the future. No matter how angry you are, you can't show it. You still have to talk and laugh with others, and then make money from them." Once you have it, this is called sales ability.”

Xu Sanqiang was moved and despised himself a little. How could he be so thin-skinned?

Don’t you have to be thick-skinned to sell things?

Anyway, no matter what the old woman said, he would definitely not agree.

"Okay, I'll talk to her tomorrow, but who will write this book? Will you write it, brother and sister?" Xu Sanqiang made up his mind not to give up on twenty machine tools and work harder.

Chu Qiao shook her head, "I don't know how to write a book. Leave this matter to me and I'll contact the author."

Mei Jiuming knows a lot of writers who are in trouble, so just find any one. As long as the price is right, there will be no problem.

Xu Sanqiang felt relieved, his decadence dissipated, he became a energetic young man again, and he even started to worry about his money.

"Don't meet any scoundrels with this six-pound mallet. It costs a thousand yuan!"

Chu Qiao paid 1,000 yuan for hospital fees, but she still didn't know if it would be enough. Xu Sanqiang was worried that the money would fill a hole.

"Don't think too much. It's good to save a life. You'll find out when you go to the hospital tomorrow." Chu Qiao wasn't too worried. It sounded like Aunt Qian wasn't a scoundrel, and her children shouldn't default on their debts.

Even if you really meet a scoundrel, the one thousand yuan will just be used as aid to the poor, which is nothing.

At night, Gu Ye tossed and turned, worrying about the twenty machine tools for his brother. He was also worried about getting cheaper machine tools from the South, and he was also afraid that his six pounds of money would be extorted. He was so worried that he could not sleep. He rolled around on the bed, angry. Chu Qiao kicked him off the bed.

"Go sleep outside and don't make any noise to me!"

Chu Qiao was so annoyed that every time she started to feel sleepy, she would be woken up by this guy. If he did this again, she would not be able to sleep all night.

Gu Ye rubbed his waist, got up aggrievedly, and went to the living room holding the blanket. If he really couldn't sleep, he might as well sleep on the sofa, so as not to affect his wife's sleep.

Seeing Chu Qiao's peaceful sleeping face, Gu Ye was extremely envious. How could his wife sleep so soundly?

His mind was like that of a racehorse. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would think about this and that. He was not sleepy at all and was more awake than during the day.

Gu Ye was lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, and did not fall asleep until the rooster crowed.

That night, there was another family in Shanghai who was also in a commotion and called the police, but still no one was found. Qian Qingping stayed at the Public Security Bureau until dawn, his eyes were red, and he regretted it.

If there was anything wrong with his mother, he would never forgive himself in this life.

"Mr. Qian, we will continue to look for your mother and let you know if there is any news." the police said.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Qian Qingping felt very uncomfortable. His mother would never run out quietly, but now she didn't come back all night. Something must have happened.

God bless his mother to be safe. As long as her mother is safe this time, he will definitely work less and spend more time with her in the future.

Qian Qingping also figured it out that night. If his mother is gone, what's the point of making more money?

No matter how old you are, you still need a mother!

Qian Qingping cheered up and went back to the factory to handle official duties. He made an appointment with the salesperson of Nanfang Machine Tool Factory yesterday. He planned to purchase ten more machine tools. He was optimistic about Nanfang Machine Tool Factory. We would talk today and sign the contract if there is no problem.

But now there is no news from his mother, and Qian Qingping is not in the mood anymore. When he returned to the factory, he called the salesman and said, "Manager Cai, I have something to do at home today. Let's make an appointment next time."

"Okay, I'll wait for Mr. Qian to call you anytime!"

Manager Cai said it very nicely, but his heart sank to the bottom. He said everything well yesterday, but today it was rescheduled. It must be the bastard named Gu from Xingda Machine Tool Factory who poached the corner.

This Manager Zhong is the gold medal salesman of Southern Machine Tools. The last time he placed a big order, Gu Ye was able to pry him off, and he was also put in a sack. He was beaten so hard that it took him a month to recover.

He placed all of this debt on Gu Ye, so this year, Manager Zhong's focus was basically on Shanghai, where he wanted to pry into Gu Ye's business.

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