"It's not sour, it's quite delicious."

Chu Qiao finished eating an orange, then peeled another and ate it. Although it was a bit sour, it was just right and very appetizing. It was much more delicious than pickled cucumbers.

Xuan Hongxia's expression became strange and she had a guess. Just when she was about to ask, she saw Chu Qiao took out another pack of spicy ginger from the drawer. This kind of snack is very popular with children. It is made of ginger and dyed. Red, marinated with some salt and sugar, and tastes spicy.

"This is delicious too, do you want it?"

Chu Qiao tore open the plastic bag, picked up a piece of ginger and ate it. It was spicy and very refreshing. She didn't like to eat it before, but she likes it recently.

Xuan Hongxia couldn't help but cover her cheeks. This stuff was so spicy that she couldn't eat the chili peppers and it made her nose choke.

"Xiao Chu, why do you eat such weird things?"

Xuan Hongxia's suspicion was dispelled again. It was sour and spicy. She had never seen anything like this.

"Taste has changed recently. There are a lot of things I didn't like before, but I think they are quite delicious. Maybe I'm older?" Chu Qiao said with a smile and ate another piece of ginger.

"When did you get your period? Is it possible that you had your period?" Xuan Hongxia asked.

Chu Qiao shook her head vigorously, "Impossible, I was here a few days ago..."

She also doubted whether she was pregnant, but since her period had come, there was absolutely no way she was pregnant.

Xuan Hongxia frowned, is she on her period?

But this symptom was obviously unpleasant. Thinking of a possibility, she asked again: "Do you have a heavy period during your period?"

"Not much, what's wrong?"

Xuan Hongxia patted her thigh and affirmed: "It's definitely there. Don't eat it. Let your dad take a pulse. Oh, don't eat it. You heard me right. It's 100% there."

"I'm on my period, how can I be pregnant? Sister Hongxia, you are mistaken."

Chu Qiao sat still and peeled another green orange to eat. It was not like she had never been pregnant. She would never have her period after becoming pregnant. She definitely wasn't.

"Oh, you're not on your period, you're just flushed. Come on, I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup. It's not a good thing to be flushed. Don't eat it!"

Xuan Hongxia slapped the orange out of Chu Qiao's hand and dragged her out.

"I'll take the bag. Sister Hongxia, are you really right?"

Chu Qiao was also a little panicked. Seeing redness was a symptom of threatened abortion. Could it be that she was going to have a miscarriage?

Thinking about the recent laziness and change in taste, her heart couldn't help but feel a little thump. They were very consistent with the appearance of early pregnancy. Chu Qiao was very upset and hoped that this pregnancy would be okay.

"It's definitely not wrong. I saw Hong before when I was pregnant with my third child. I took the fetal medicine and it was fine. Just wait, I'll change my clothes and then go to the workshop to talk."

Xuan Hongxia went home and changed her clothes, then hurried back to the workshop to ask for leave. Chu Qiao hadn't recovered yet. She was a little confused and needed someone to accompany her, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do.

They went to the hospital near the machine tool factory, registered for medical treatment, and did a urine test, all accompanied by Xuan Hongxia, and then sat in the corridor to wait for the test results.

Chu Qiao was restless. After sitting for a while, she got up and walked a few times, sat down again, and got up again. Xuan Hongxia comforted her: "It must be fine. You see that you can eat and sleep now, which means that the child is healthy."

"They all turned red."

Chu Qiao was worried. She thought about the medicine that the old man had given her. She might have been pregnant that night. She didn't know if the medicine would have any effect on the child.

What would she do if she gave birth to a child with deformities or a congenital disability?

The more she thought about it, the more nervous she became. Chu Qiao ordered, stand up and take a breath, and ask the doctor later to see if the medicine has any effect.

"Don't think blindly. When I was young, I also liked to think blindly like you. In fact, nothing happened."

Xuan Hongxia's determined tone comforted Chu Qiao, and she felt more at ease. She sat down and continued to wait. Finally, when the nurse called her name, Chu Qiao's heart suddenly rose to her throat and her nerves became tense.

The doctor was a middle-aged woman with a kind face, who spoke slowly and calmly. She held a test report in her hand. Seeing Chu Qiao's nervous look, she said softly: "You are six weeks pregnant. Don't be nervous. The fetus is in good condition."

Chu Qiao felt half at ease. She was indeed pregnant. If Gu Ye found out when he came back, he would definitely jump to the sky with joy.

But thinking about the medicine, she became anxious again, and wanted to ask the doctor, but Xuan Hongxia was aside. She was embarrassed to ask, so she said: "Sister Hongxia, help me buy some green oranges. I'm greedy. Just now There seems to be some for sale at the entrance of the hospital.”

"Okay, what else do you want to eat?"

"No more, just green oranges."

Chu Qiao took out ten dollars from her bag and gave it to Xuan Hongxia. After she left, she embarrassedly told her about the medicine. Her face turned red and she didn't dare to see a doctor. He would definitely laugh at her. of.

"Doctor, will it affect the fetus? I saw redness a few days ago. Is it because of the medicine? Can my fetus be saved?"

Chu Qiao asked a series of questions. The doctor couldn't help but smile and comforted: "It's common for pregnant women to see redness in the early stages of pregnancy. I'll just prescribe some miscarriage pills to take. Don't be too nervous. I can't tell you about your excitement drug yet." , but it shouldn’t be a big problem. I’ll do a B-ultrasound when I’m a few months older. You must relax and don’t have sex within three months.”

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Chu Qiao couldn't help but nod, feeling relieved. Doctors usually don't say too absolute words. Since they say the problem is not serious, it should be fine. It's a false alarm.

Thinking of having a baby in her belly, she was both looking forward to it and worried. She couldn't relax because she was afraid of an accident.

However, she comforted herself that if she came for regular check-ups and exercised properly, there should be no big problem. God didn't bring her back to life specifically to make it difficult for her to give birth again.

Thinking of this, Chu Qiao was determined again, went to get the medicine, and went out to find Xuan Hongxia. The two met at the door.

Xuan Hongxia was carrying a big bag of green oranges. When she saw her, she smiled and said, "These oranges are very green. You must like to eat them."

Chu Qiao smiled, peeled a green orange and ate it. Xuan Hongxia hid aside in disgust, her teeth dropped when she smelled the sour smell. She said loudly: "Your Section Chief Gu will be very happy when he comes back from a business trip. !”

"He won't be back for another week."

Chu Qiao kept eating oranges, imagining Gu Yele's happy face, and smiled. She must be silly, and she didn't know whether the baby was a boy or a girl?

Thinking of the dream he had last night, Chu Qiao's heart moved. She told Xuan Hongxia about the little golden wolf and asked, "Is this a fetal dream?"

"One hundred percent yes, God has reminded you, but you are still stupid."

Xuan Hongxia frowned and said with a smile: "This baby of yours must be a son. He loves sour food and is a naughty golden wolf. Nine times out of ten, he is a son. Section Chief Gu will be extremely happy."

"He actually wants a daughter. He always says that a daughter is a caring little cotton-padded jacket and is better than a son."

"Huh, that's because Chief Gu is afraid that you will have a heavy mental burden. Let me tell you, all men want to have a son. Your Chief Gu is an only child, so he definitely wants to have a son. But your pregnancy is safe this time. Don't worry."

Chu Qiao smiled and did not argue with her. She could tell whether Gu Ye was sincere or fake. Neither the old man nor Gu Ye had the concept of favoring boys over girls, which was better than many people.

In fact, she also wanted to have a daughter. She already had a baby and a baby at home. If she had one more son, the three boys would probably lift the roof of the family off. It would be good to have a daughter to balance them out.

But the baby's dream was obviously a boy, and Chu Qiao wasn't too disappointed. It could be a boy or a girl, just let nature take its course.

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